
How to: Limit the Posting Period

In Microsoft Dynamics NAV, you can limit the period by which posting is permitted on three different levels: by company, by user, and by template.

Limiting posting periods can be useful when a company closes its sales journal at the end of each month. This keeps salespeople from registering sales documents from the previous month. At the same time, the purchase journal may stay open to register incoming purchase invoices from the previous month.

When you post in the General Journal Templates window, the contents of the Allow Posting From field and Allow Posting To field are checked for a date interval. The date interval indicates when you can post to a journal template. If the field is blank, the User Setup window is checked for a date interval for the current user. If the User Setup window does not contain an interval, the Allow Posting From field and the Allow Posting To field in the General Ledger Setup window is checked for a date interval at the company level.

To limit the posting periods by company

  1. In the Search box, enter General Ledger Setup, and then choose the related link.

  2. Select the General tab.

  3. To specify the start of the period, choose the Allow Posting From field, and then enter the earliest date on which posting to the company is enabled.

  4. To specify the end of the period, choose the Allow Posting To field, and then enter the last date on which posting to the company is enabled.

To limit the posting periods by user

  1. In the Search box, enter User Setup, and then choose the related link.

  2. To specify the start of the period, choose the Allow Posting From field, and then enter the earliest date on which the user can post to the company.

  3. To specify the end of the period, choose the Allow Posting To field, and then enter the last date the user will be able to post to the company.

To limit the posting periods by template

  1. In the Search box, enter General Journal Templates, and then choose the related link.

  2. To specify the start of the period, choose the Allow Posting From field, and then enter the earliest date on which the user can post to the company.

  3. To specify the end of the period, choose the Allow Posting To field, and then enter the last date the user will be able to post to the company.

See Also


Belgium Local Functionality

Other Resources

General Ledger Setup
Gen. Journal Template
How to: Specify Posting Periods