
SIE Export Batch Job

The SIE export batch job exports data from Microsoft Dynamics NAV into a file - according to the Swedish SIE standard. The level of details of the data in the file depends on the chosen (SIE) File Type.


File Type: Specify the type of SIE file you wish to create.

File Name: Enter the name of the file to which you are exporting data.

Contact: Enter the name of your contact.

Comments: A free text field for comments relating to the file content.

Dimensions: In this field you can specify or edit the dimensions covered by the export process by checking or unchecking the Selected boxes.

Fiscal Year: Enter the tax year to which the export process refers.


For more information on how to work with batch jobs, see How to: Run Batch Jobs and How to: Set Filters. For assistance in finding specific pages, see Search.