
Accepted Field, Cartera Doc. Table

This field shows the Acceptance status required for a bill.

There are three options for this field: Yes, No and Unnecessary.

Unnecessary: means that acceptance by the customer is not required before it is forwarded for collection.

Yes: means that acceptance by the customer is required and he has accepted it.

No: means that acceptance by the customer is required but he has not yet accepted it.

If a bill has the acceptance status No, it cannot be included in a bill group.

This field is filled in according to the value entered in the Submit for Acceptance field.

If you have activated this field, the bills created will have the value No in this field. Subsequently, when they are accepted, this must be changed manually to the value Yes. If you leave this field blank, the bills created will have the value Unnecessary in this field.


For more information on how to work with fields and columns, see Work with Data. For assistance in finding specific pages, see Search.

Parent Tables

Table Location
Cartera Doc. Table Spain Local Functionality
Cartera Doc. Table Spain Local Functionality