
How to: Post Preliminary Invoices by Using Inward Registration

Use an inward registration to post a preliminary purchase invoice, which you overwrite later when you post the invoice normally. For more information, see Inward Registration.

To post a preliminary invoice

  1. In the Search box, enter Purchase Invoices, and then choose the related link.

  2. Select an invoice, or create a new invoice.

  3. On the Navigate tab, in the Invoice group, choose Inward Registration.

  4. Choose New, enter a vendor invoice number on the header of the Inward Registration window, and then fill in the lines as described in the following table.

    Field Description

    VAT Prod. Posting Group

    Enter a VAT posting group. This code is used in conjunction with the VAT business posting group to retrieve the VAT percentage and the VAT calculation type.

    Gen. Prod. Posting Group

    Enter a general posting group.

  5. Choose Post to post the preliminary invoice.

  6. Choose Yes to confirm that you want to post the inward registration.

An inward registration is now created to represent the preliminary invoice posting until you overwrite it with the final invoice posting later. You can see the resulting positive entry in the Inward Reg. Entries window.

If you want to cancel the inward registration before the final invoice posting, then you must reverse the inward registration manually. For more information, see How to: Reverse Preliminary Invoices by Using Inward Registration

See Also


How to: Reverse Preliminary Invoices by Using Inward Registration


Inward Registration
Inward Reg. Entries
Inward Reg. Line


Sweden Local Functionality

Other Resources

Record Purchase Invoices
How to: Record VAT