
How to: Apply and Unapply General Ledger Entries

Applying temporary general ledger entries allows companies to work with temporary and transfer accounts in the general ledger. Temporary and transfer accounts are used to store temporary ledger entries that are waiting for further processing into the general ledger.

You can use temporary accounts for:

  • Money transfers from one bank account to another.

  • Financial transaction transfers from one system to another in which part of the information temporarily resides on the original system.

  • Transactions for which you have issued a sales invoice to a customer but have not yet received the corresponding purchase invoice from the vendor.

When the ledger entries have been processed, you can use the apply entries function to update the posted ledger entries and the posting account type.

You can unapply the applied general ledger entries and then open the closed entries to make changes.

To apply general ledger entries

  1. In the Search box, enter G/L Registers, and then choose the related link.

  2. Select a general ledger register, and then, on the Home tab, in the Process group, choose General Ledger.

  3. In the General Ledger Entries window, on the Home tab, in the Functions group, choose Apply Entries.

    All open ledger entries for the general ledger account are displayed in the Apply General Ledger Entries window.


    By default, the Include Entries field is set to Open. You can change the value of the Include Entries field to All or Closed. You can only apply general ledger entries that are Open.

  4. Select the relevant general ledger entry, and then, on the Navigate tab, in the Application group, choose Set Applies-to ID.

    The Applies-to ID field is updated with the user ID. The remaining amount is displayed in the Balance field in the Apply General Ledger Entries window.

  5. On the Navigate tab, in the Application group, choose Post Application.

    You can post the application even if the balance amount is equal to 0. When posted, the Remaining Amount field is affected as follows:

    • If the Balance is equal to 0, then the Remaining Amount field on all ledger entries is set to 0.

    • If the Balance is not equal to 0, then the amount in the Balance field is transferred to the Remaining Amount field for the general ledger entry that was selected when you posted the application.

    • For all other general ledger entries, the Remaining Amount field is set to 0 and the Open, Closed by Entry No., Closed by Amount, and Closed at Date fields are updated.


    When posted, the general ledger entries which update the Applies-to ID field are deleted.

  6. Choose the OK button.

To view the applied general ledger entries

  1. In the Search box, enter G/L Registers, and then choose the related link.

  2. Select a general ledger register, and then, on the Home tab, in the Process group, choose General Ledger.

  3. Select the relevant general ledger entry, and then, on the Navigate tab, in the Application group, choose Applied Entries.

    You can view all the applied general ledger entries.

  4. Choose the OK button.

To unapply general ledger entries

  1. In the Search box, enter G/L Registers, and then choose the related link.

  2. Select a general ledger register, and then, on the Home tab, in the Process group, choose General Ledger.

  3. Select the general ledger entry that you want to unapply, and then, on the Navigate tab, in the Application group, choose Undo Application.

    The applied general ledger entries are unapplied.


    If an entry is applied to more than one application entry, you must unapply the latest application entry first. By default, the latest entry is displayed.

  4. Choose the OK button.

See Also

Other Resources

G/L Account
G/L Entry
General Ledger Entries