
How to: Print VAT Audit Reports

All vendors must export the data required for auditing in a Content Separated Value (CSV) file format. The following reports comply with this requirement:

  • VAT Audit report – This report is used for VAT auditing.

  • VAT Entry Exception report - This report details the differences between the calculated VAT and the changes that occur because of rounding, VAT tolerance percentage, and discounts. It also displays the difference in VAT amounts for the tax authorities.

To print the VAT audit report

  1. In the Search box, enter VAT Audit, and then choose the related link.

  2. In the VAT Audit window, on the Options FastTab, fill in the fields as described in the following table.

    Field Description

    Export Customers

    Select to export the file to the Customer table.

    Export Open Payments

    Select to export the open credit entries.

    Export Late Invoicing

    Select to export customer entries that took longer to invoice than the number of days specified in the Late Invoice Delay (Days) field.

    Late Invoice Delay (Days)

    Enter the number of days between the invoice issue date and the payment received date. If the Export Late Invoicing field is selected, entries exceeding this limit will be exported.

    Export Vendors

    Select to export the file to the Vendor table.

    Export VAT Entries

    Select to export the entries in the VAT Entry table.


    You must select at least one check box in this window.

  3. To export the file, choose the OK button.

    The VAT audit information is exported. You can save the data to a file, or open the file in the appropriate program.

To print the VAT entry exception report

  1. In the Search box, enter VAT Entry Exception Report, and then choose the related link.

  2. In the VAT Entry Exception Report window, on the Options FastTab, fll in the fields as described in the following table.

    Field Description

    VAT Base Discount

    Select if you want to enter a value in the VAT Base Discount % field.

    Manual VAT Difference

    Select if you want to enter a value in the Manual VAT Difference field.

    VAT Calculation Types

    Select to determine the VAT calculation type.

    VAT Rate

    Select to determine the VAT rate for a particular journal line.

    VAT Base Discount %

    Enter a value in this field if you have selected the VAT Base Discount field.

    Manual VAT Difference

    Enter a value in this field if you have selected the Manual VAT Difference field.

    VAT Rate % Difference

    Specify the maximum VAT rate difference.


    You must select at least one check box in this window.

  3. Choose the Print button to print the report or choose the Preview button to view it on the screen.

See Also


VAT Audit
VAT Entry Exception Report


United Kingdom Local Functionality

Other Resources

VAT Exceptions