
Bin Content Window

Specifies the parameters that define the bin content of the bin.

A bin can hold several different items. Each item that has been fixed to the bin, placed in the bin, or for which the bin is the default bin appears in this window as a separate line. Some of the fields on the lines contain information about the bin for which you are creating bin content, for example, the bin ranking, and you cannot change these values.

The parameters for the bin content, including those copied from the bin, are those that the program first refers to when it performs bin replenishment and when it puts items away and picks them.

If you are using bins, then you can use the Default field to assign the bin as the default bin for the item.

Among the fields you can choose to fill in if your location is using directed put-away and pick are the minimum and maximum quantities, and the Fixed field, which fixes the item to the bin, not the bin to the item.


For more information on how to navigate in the user interface, see Work with Microsoft Dynamics NAV. For assistance in finding specific pages, see Search.

See Also



Other Resources

How to: Set Up Bin Contents
How to: Modify Bin Content
How to: Set Up Warehouses for Bins