
Qty. (Phys. Inventory) Field, Item Journal Line Table

Specifies the quantity on hand of the item as determined from a physical count.

The field is used if you use the feature Physical Inventory to compare the quantity on hand of the item as recorded in the program to the actual quantity on hand as determined by the physical count.

The program automatically inserts the quantity from the Qty. (Calculated) field into this field.

You only need to enter a quantity in this field if a physical count determines that the actual quantity on hand is different from the quantity on hand recorded in the program. If you enter a quantity in this field, the program will then calculate the difference between this field and the Qty.(Calculated) field and insert this quantity into the Quantity field.


For more information on how to work with fields and columns, see Work with Data. For assistance in finding specific pages, see Search.

Parent Tables

Table Location
Document Line No. Field, Item Journal Line Table Inventory
Item Journal Line Table Inventory
Item Journal Line Table Inventory

See Also


Item Journal