
Purchase Line Discount Table

You may be eligible for a line discount if you buy items from the vendor in large quantities. The program uses the Purch. Line Disc. table to manage this.

A purchase line discount is calculated from information about minimum quantity and discount percentage, which you set up in the Purch. Line Disc. window. The item number functions as a code for each set of discount terms. When the terms have been set up, the program will automatically calculate the purchase line discount when you order the item.

List of Fields in the Table

Field Location
Variant Code Field, Purchase Line Discount Table Purchases and Payables
Starting Date Field, Purchase Line Discount Table Purchases and Payables
Item No. Field, Purchase Line Discount Table Purchases and Payables
Vendor No. Field, Purchase Line Discount Table Purchases and Payables
Unit of Measure Code Field, Purchase Line Discount Table Purchases and Payables
Line Discount % Field, Purchase Line Discount Table Purchases and Payables
Minimum Quantity Field, Purchase Line Discount Table Purchases and Payables
Ending Date Field, Purchase Line Discount Table Purchases and Payables
Currency Code Field, Purchase Line Discount Table Purchases and Payables

See Also

Other Resources

How to: Define Purchase Line Discounts