
How to: Export or Import Profiles

You can export a profile, for example to reuse UI configurations in other Microsoft Dynamics NAV databases.

You can quickly implement UI configurations for a profile by importing an XML file that holds the configured profile.


You cannot import a profile that already exists in the database, even though the XML file is named differently or has different content. You must delete the existing profile before you can import the new profile.

To export a profile

  1. In the Search box, enter Export Profiles, and then choose the related link.

  2. In the Export Profiles window, on the Profile FastTab, set a filter for the profile ID that you want to export, and then choose OK.

  3. Name and save the XML file for the profile.

To import a profile

  1. In the Search box, enter Import Profiles, and then choose the related link.

  2. In the Import from XML File window, select the profile that you want to import.

    If you are importing a profile that already exists in the database, then you must first delete that profile. For more information, see Manage Profiles.

  3. Choose the OK button to import the new profile.

See Also


Administration in the Clients
Configure the User Interface