
Contract Serv. Hours Exist Field, Service Header Table

Specifies if the current service order was created from a certain service contract. A check mark in the field indicates that there are specific service hours attached to the service contract, and the hours will apply to the current service order.

As soon as you enter the Contract No. on the service header, the program will check from the Service Hour table whether the contract has specific service hours assigned. In case it does, a check mark will be placed in the Contract Serv. Hour Exist field on the service header.

You cannot change the contents of the field manually.


For more information on how to work with fields and columns, see Work with Data. For assistance in finding specific pages, see Search.

Parent Tables

Table Location
Name 2 Field, Service Header Table Service Management
Service Header Table Service Management
Service Header Table Service Management

See Also


Service Item Line
Service Lines