
Document No. Field, Res. Journal Line Table

Specifies a document number for the journal line.

If the Posting No. Series field on the journal line contains a number series code, it is used to assign a document number to the posted ledger entry. If the Posting No. Series field is blank, the contents of this field are used as the document number on the posted entry.

If the No. Series field on the journal batch is filled in, the next number is automatically entered in the series in this field.

You can manually enter a document number if the No. Series field on the journal batch is blank.

If the journal is a recurring journal and the Posting No. Series field on the line is blank, you can enter a formula here that is used to create a document number for each posted entry. The document number is updated automatically every time the journal is posted. You can also choose to enter a fixed text that is used every time the journal is updated.

The following table shows the codes that you can use to create a document number formula.

Code Result:


Current day, such as Monday


Current week, such as 52


Current month number, such as 1


Current month name, such as January


Current accounting period name, such as January


If the entry's document number is "H (hours) + current month" enter H%3 in the field. The document number for January will be H1.

If there is more than one line in the journal, the same number is automatically retained on subsequent lines until the balance for the journal is 0. The next consecutive number is then be entered on the next line.


For more information on how to work with fields and columns, see Work with Data. For assistance in finding specific pages, see Search.

Parent Tables

Table Location
Res. Journal Line Table Resources
Res. Journal Line Table Resources

See Also


Resource Journal