Cost Journal Batch Table
Specifies the cost journal templates that have been set up.
You can set up several cost journal batches under each cost journal template. That is, the same window can be used to display several different journals, each with its own name. This can be practical if you have several users and every user wants his or her own journal.
For more information about journal templates, journal batches and journal lines, see Gen. Journal Batch .
List of Fields in the Table
Name Field, Cost Journal Batch Table
General Ledger
Description Field, Cost Journal Batch Table
General Ledger
Reason Code Field, Cost Journal Batch Table
General Ledger
Journal Template Name Field, Cost Journal Batch Table
General Ledger
Bal. Cost Center Code Field, Cost Journal Batch Table
General Ledger
Bal. Cost Object Code Field, Cost Journal Batch Table
General Ledger
Delete after Posting Field, Cost Journal Batch Table
General Ledger
Bal. Cost Type No. Field, Cost Journal Batch Table
General Ledger
Name Field, Cost Journal Batch Table
General Ledger
Description Field, Cost Journal Batch Table
General Ledger
Reason Code Field, Cost Journal Batch Table
General Ledger
Journal Template Name Field, Cost Journal Batch Table
General Ledger
Bal. Cost Center Code Field, Cost Journal Batch Table
General Ledger
Bal. Cost Object Code Field, Cost Journal Batch Table
General Ledger
Delete after Posting Field, Cost Journal Batch Table
General Ledger
Bal. Cost Type No. Field, Cost Journal Batch Table
General Ledger
Name Field, Cost Journal Batch Table
General Ledger
Description Field, Cost Journal Batch Table
General Ledger
Reason Code Field, Cost Journal Batch Table
General Ledger
Journal Template Name Field, Cost Journal Batch Table
General Ledger
Bal. Cost Center Code Field, Cost Journal Batch Table
General Ledger
Bal. Cost Object Code Field, Cost Journal Batch Table
General Ledger
Delete after Posting Field, Cost Journal Batch Table
General Ledger
Bal. Cost Type No. Field, Cost Journal Batch Table
General Ledger
Name Field, Cost Journal Batch Table
General Ledger
Description Field, Cost Journal Batch Table
General Ledger
Reason Code Field, Cost Journal Batch Table
General Ledger
Journal Template Name Field, Cost Journal Batch Table
General Ledger
Bal. Cost Center Code Field, Cost Journal Batch Table
General Ledger
Bal. Cost Object Code Field, Cost Journal Batch Table
General Ledger
Delete after Posting Field, Cost Journal Batch Table
General Ledger
Bal. Cost Type No. Field, Cost Journal Batch Table
General Ledger
See Also
Gen. Journal Template
Gen. Journal Line