
How to: Create Sales Line Discounts for All Customers

This is relevant if you want to give a general discount percentage based on sales of large quantities, or if you want to reduce the price of a specific item in a certain period.

To create a sales line discount for all customers

  1. In the Search box, enter Customers, and then choose the related link.

  2. Open any Customer card. On the Navigate tab, in the Sales group, choose Line Discount. The Sales Line Discount window opens.

  3. In the Sales Type field, select All Customers.

  4. Fill in the Type, Code, and Unit of Measure fields, and the agreed Line Discount %. Fill in the Variant Code if there are several variants.

  5. If the customers have to purchase a certain quantity in order to gain the discount percentage, fill in the Minimum Quantity field.

  6. If required, enter the Starting Date and Ending Date of the discount agreement.

Repeat these steps for every item for which you want to create a sales line discount.

See Also


How to: Create Sales Line Discounts for Groups of Customers


Best Price

Other Resources

Sales Line Discounts