Accounting Period Table
Specifies accounting periods and which period is the start of a new fiscal year based on fiscal years in this table. You can use the periods as a time reference in various places in the program, for example, when you are getting an overview of posted entries in a Balance/Budget window. You specify the length of the accounting period, such as one month or one quarter.
The shortest possible accounting period is one day. You must set up at least one accounting period for each fiscal year.
To set up fiscal years and accounting periods, click Actions, Create Year in the Accounting Periods window and then enter the starting date, number of periods and period length in the window that appears. After this, the program will automatically enter the periods in the Accounting Period table and also indicate when the fiscal year begins.
To close a fiscal year, click Actions, Close Year and then run the Close Income Statement batch job. When you post G/L entries to a closed fiscal year, the program will mark the Prior-Year Entry field for those entries in the G/L Entry table. When you post to a closed fiscal year, you must always remember to run the Close Income Statement batch job to get the correct balances on the G/L accounts. Repeat the batch job each time you make a prior-year entry.
List of Fields in the Table
The following table lists the fields in this table.
See Also
Prior-Year Entry
Accounting Periods
Other Resources
Close Income Statement
Close Years and Periods
How to: Complete Period-End Processes