
FA Posting Groups Window

Specifies the accounts to which transactions are posted for fixed assets for each posting group. After you have set up the posting groups, you assign them to the relevant fixed assets.

In the following situations, the program will then use the information represented by the code to post to the accounts you specified:

  • Posting of purchase orders, invoices or credit memos

  • Posting of fixed asset transactions using journals

  • Posting journals with the help of the Calculate Depreciation batch job

  • Posting journals with the help of the Index Fixed Assets batch job

Posting groups also let you group fixed assets for statistical purposes.


For more information on how to navigate in the user interface, see Work with Microsoft Dynamics NAV. For assistance in finding specific pages, see Search.

See Also


FA Posting Group

Other Resources

How to: Insert Default Balancing Accounts on Fixed Asset General Ledger Journals
How to: Post Write-Down Transactions from Fixed Asset General Ledger Journals
About Posting Groups
How to: Set Up Fixed Asset Posting Groups