
Lead Service sample files

The Web Service for Microsoft Dynamics GP SDK includes several files and Visual Studio projects you use to build and install the Lead Service. There are also applications for adding security and policy metadata for the Lead Service. The sample also includes several test projects that create applications you use to test and debug specific Lead Service components. The Lead Service sample includes the following files and folders.


File or folder name


Metadata install


A Visual Studio C# project that creates the application and configuration file that add policy metadata for leads. A second project named Sample.PolicyResources creates an assembly that contains the string resources used by the Dynamics Security Service Console to display policy information.


A Visual Studio C# project that creates the application and configuration file that add security metadata for the Lead Service.

eConnect components


Includes the SQL stored procedures and scripts that enable the WCF service to retrieve, create, update, and delete leads. A second Visual Studio C# project named TestLeadBusObjects creates an application you can use to test the SQL stored procedures for leads and the Transaction Requester update for leads.

WCF service components


A Visual Studio C# project that produces the document type assembly for leads. The document type assembly defines the lead document type, the lead summary, and the lead criteria for the Lead Service.


A Visual Studio C# WCFService Library project. The project produces an assembly that creates a WCF service interface and the methods that provide access to leads.


A collection of XSLT files that the Microsoft Dynamics GP Service framework uses to transform XML documents. The service framework uses the XSLT to transform XML data documents for eConnect. A second project named XsltTest creates an application that produces an XML file that contains a serialized lead object. The XML file can be used with the Visual Studio XSLT debugger to debug the XSLT files.

WCF service testing



A collection of Visual Studio C# projects that test each of the Lead Service methods.

Several of the Visual Studio C# projects include references to Microsoft Dynamics GP assemblies that require the .NET Framework 4. To build the projects, you must use Visual Studio 2010 or later and change the Target framework setting for each project to .NET Framework 4.