Web API 條件式作業範例 (用戶端 JavaScript)
發行︰ 2017年1月
適用於: Dynamics 365 (online)、Dynamics 365 (on-premises)、Dynamics CRM 2016、Dynamics CRM Online
此範例示範如何使用 Dynamics 365 Web API 透過用戶端 JavaScript 執行條件式作業。
此範例實作 Web API 條件式作業範例中詳述的作業,並使用 Web API 範例 (用戶端 JavaScript)中所述的一般用戶端 JavaScript 結構。
Dynamics 365 線上或內部部署 8.0 或更新版本的存取權。
具有匯入解決方案和執行 CRUD 作業權限的使用者帳戶,通常是系統管理員或系統自訂員資訊安全角色。
若要執行此範例,請前往 Microsoft CRM Web API 條件式作業範例 (用戶端 JavaScript) 並下載 Microsoft CRM Web API Conditional Operations Sample (Client-side JavaScript).zip 範例檔案。 解壓縮內容並尋找 WebAPIConditionalOperations_1_0_0_0_managed.zip 受管理的解決方案。 匯入受管理的解決方案至您的 Dynamics 365 組織,並檢視解決方案組態頁面以執行範例。 如需如何匯入範例解決方案的指示,請參閱 Web API 範例 (用戶端 JavaScript)。
此範例包括兩個 Web 資源:
WebAPIConditionalOperations.html Web 資源提供 JavaScript 程式碼執行所在的內容。
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Microsoft CRM Web API Conditional Operations Example</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<script src="../ClientGlobalContext.js.aspx" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="scripts/es6promise.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/WebAPIConditionalOperations.js"></script>
<style type="text/css">
body {
font-family: 'Segoe UI', Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif;
<h1>Microsoft CRM Web API Conditional Operations Example</h1>
<p>This page demonstrates the CRM Web API's Conditional Operations using JavaScript.</p>
Choose your preferences and run the JavaScript code.
Use your browser's developer tools to view the output written to the console (e.g.: in IE11 or Edge,
press F12 to load the Developer Tools).
<form id="preferences">
<p>This sample deletes the single record it creates.</p>
<input type="button" name="start_samples" value="Start Sample" onclick="Sdk.startSample()" />
WebAPIConditionalOperations.js Web 資源是 JavaScript 程式庫,會定義此範例執行的作業。
"use strict";
var Sdk = window.Sdk || {};
* @function getClientUrl
* @description Get the client URL.
* @return {string} The client URL.
Sdk.getClientUrl = function () {
var context;
// GetGlobalContext defined by including reference to
// ClientGlobalContext.js.aspx in the HTML page.
if (typeof GetGlobalContext != "undefined")
{ context = GetGlobalContext(); }
if (typeof Xrm != "undefined") {
// Xrm.Page.context defined within the Xrm.Page object model for form scripts.
context = Xrm.Page.context;
else { throw new Error("Context is not available."); }
return context.getClientUrl();
// Global variables.
var clientUrl = Sdk.getClientUrl(); // e.g.: https://org.crm.dynamics.com
var webAPIPath = "/api/data/v8.1"; // Path to the web API.
var account1Uri; // e.g.: Contoso Ltd (sample)
var initialAcctETagVal; // The initial ETag value of the account created
var updatedAcctETagVal; // The ETag value of the account after it is updated
// Entity properties to select in a request.
var contactProperties = ["fullname", "jobtitle", "annualincome"];
var accountProperties = ["name"];
var taskProperties = ["subject", "description"];
* @function request
* @description Generic helper function to handle basic XMLHttpRequest calls.
* @param {string} action - The request action. String is case-sensitive.
* @param {string} uri - An absolute or relative URI. Relative URI starts with a "/".
* @param {object} data - An object representing an entity. Required for create and update actions.
* @param {object} addHeader - An object with header and value properties to add to the request
* @returns {Promise} - A Promise that returns either the request object or an error object.
Sdk.request = function (action, uri, data, addHeader) {
if (!RegExp(action, "g").test("POST PATCH PUT GET DELETE")) { // Expected action verbs.
throw new Error("Sdk.request: action parameter must be one of the following: " +
if (!typeof uri === "string") {
throw new Error("Sdk.request: uri parameter must be a string.");
if ((RegExp(action, "g").test("POST PATCH PUT")) && (!data)) {
throw new Error("Sdk.request: data parameter must not be null for operations that create or modify data.");
if (addHeader) {
if (typeof addHeader.header != "string" || typeof addHeader.value != "string") {
throw new Error("Sdk.request: addHeader parameter must have header and value properties that are strings.");
// Construct a fully qualified URI if a relative URI is passed in.
if (uri.charAt(0) === "/") {
uri = clientUrl + webAPIPath + uri;
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.open(action, encodeURI(uri), true);
request.setRequestHeader("OData-MaxVersion", "4.0");
request.setRequestHeader("OData-Version", "4.0");
request.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
if (addHeader) {
request.setRequestHeader(addHeader.header, addHeader.value);
request.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (this.readyState === 4) {
request.onreadystatechange = null;
switch (this.status) {
case 200: // Success with content returned in response body.
case 204: // Success with no content returned in response body.
case 304: // Success with Not Modified.
default: // All other statuses are error cases.
var error;
try {
error = JSON.parse(request.response).error;
} catch (e) {
error = new Error("Unexpected Error");
* @function startSample
* @description Runs the sample.
* This sample demonstrates conditional operations using CRM Web API.
* Results are sent to the debugger's console window.
Sdk.startSample = function () {
// Initializing...
console.log("-- Sample started --");
// Create the CRM account instance.
var account = {
name: "Contoso, Ltd",
telephone1: "555-0000",// Phone number value will increment with each update attempt.
revenue: 5000000,
description: "Parent company of Contoso Pharmaceuticals, etc."
var uri = "/accounts"; // A relative URi to the account entity.
Sdk.request("POST", uri, account)
.then( function (request) {
console.log("Account entity created.");
// Assign the Uri to the created account to a global variable.
account1Uri = request.getResponseHeader("OData-EntityId");
// Retrieve the created account entity.
return Sdk.request("GET", account1Uri + "?$select=name,revenue,telephone1,description");
.then( function (request) {
// Show the current entity properties.
var account = JSON.parse(request.response);
console.log(JSON.stringify(account, null, 2));
initialAcctETagVal = account["@odata.etag"]; // Save the current ETag value.
// Conditional Get START.
// Attempt to retrieve using conditional GET with current ETag value.
// Expecting nothing in the response because entity was not modified.
console.log("-- Conditional GET section started --");
var ifNoneMatchETag = { header: "If-None-Match", value: initialAcctETagVal };
return Sdk.request("GET", account1Uri + "?$select=name,revenue,telephone1,description", null, ifNoneMatchETag);
.then( function (request) {
console.log("Instance retrieved using ETag: %s", initialAcctETagVal);
if (request.status == 304) {
console.log("\tEntity was not modified so nothing was returned.")
console.log(request.response); //Nothing
else {
//Not Expected:
console.log(JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(request.response), null, 2));
// Modify the account instance by updating telephone1.
// This request operation will also update the ETag value.
return Sdk.request("PUT", account1Uri + "/telephone1", { value: "555-0001" })
} )
.then( function (request) {
console.log("Account telephone number updated.");
// Re-attempt conditional GET with original ETag value.
var ifNoneMatchETag = { header: "If-None-Match", value: initialAcctETagVal };
return Sdk.request("GET", account1Uri + "?$select=name,revenue,telephone1,description", null, ifNoneMatchETag);
} )
.then( function (request) {
if (request.status == 200) {
// Expected.
console.log("Instance retrieved using ETag: %s", initialAcctETagVal);
var account = JSON.parse(request.response);
updatedAcctETagVal = account["@odata.etag"]; //Capture updated ETag.
console.log(JSON.stringify(account, null, 2));
else {
// Not Expected.
console.log("Unexpected status: %s", request.status)
// Conditional Get END.
// Optimistic concurrency on delete and update START.
console.log("-- Optimistic concurrency section started --");
// Attempt to delete original account (only if matches original ETag value).
var ifMatchETag = { header: "If-Match", value: initialAcctETagVal };
return Sdk.request("DELETE", account1Uri, null, ifMatchETag);
} )
.then( function (request) {
// Success not expected.
console.log("Unexpected status: %s", request.status)
// Catch error.
function (error) {
// DELETE: Precondition failed error expected.
console.log("Expected Error: %s", error.message);
console.log("\tAccount not deleted using ETag '%s', status code: '%s'.", initialAcctETagVal, 412)
// Attempt to update account (if matches original ETag value).
var accountUpdate = {
telephone1: "555-0002",
revenue: 6000000
var ifMatchETag = { header: "If-Match", value: initialAcctETagVal };
return Sdk.request("PATCH", account1Uri, accountUpdate, ifMatchETag);
.then( function (request) {
// Success not expected.
console.log("Unexpected status: %s", request.status);
// Catch error.
function (error) {
// UPDATE: Precondition failed error expected.
console.log("Expected Error: %s", error.message);
console.log("\tAccount not updated using ETag '%s', status code: '%s'.", initialAcctETagVal, 412)
// Re-attempt update if matches current ETag value.
var accountUpdate = {
telephone1: "555-0003",
revenue: 6000000
var ifMatchETag = { header: "If-Match", value: updatedAcctETagVal };
return Sdk.request("PATCH", account1Uri, accountUpdate, ifMatchETag);
} )
.then( function (request) {
if (request.status == 204) //No Content
// Expected.
console.log("Account successfully updated using ETag '%s', status code: '%s'.",
else {
// Not Expected.
console.log("Unexpected status: %s", request.status)
// Retrieve and output current account state.
return Sdk.request("GET", account1Uri + "?$select=name,revenue,telephone1,description");
} )
.then( function (request) {
var account = JSON.parse(request.response);
updatedAcctETagVal = account["@odata.etag"]; // Capture updated ETag.
console.log(JSON.stringify(account, null, 2));
// Optimistic concurrency on delete and update END.
// Controlling upsert operations START.
console.log("-- Controlling upsert operations section started --");
// Attempt to insert (without update) some properties for this account.
var accountUpsert = {
telephone1: "555-0004",
revenue: 7500000
var ifNoneMatchResource = { header: "If-None-Match", value: "*" };
return Sdk.request("PATCH", account1Uri, accountUpsert, ifNoneMatchResource);
} )
.then( function (request) {
// Success not expected.
console.log("Unexpected status: %s", request.status);
// Catch error.
function (error) {
// Precondition failed error expected.
console.log("Expected Error: %s", error.message);
console.log("\tAccount not updated using ETag '%s', status code: '%s'.", initialAcctETagVal, 412)
// Attempt to perform same update without creation.
var accountUpsert = {
telephone1: "555-0005",
revenue: 7500000
// Perform operation only if matching resource exists.
var ifMatchResource = { header: "If-Match", value: "*" };
return Sdk.request("PATCH", account1Uri, accountUpsert, ifMatchResource);
} )
.then( function (request) {
if (request.status == 204) // No Content.
// Expected.
console.log("Account updated using If-Match '*'")
else {
// Not Expected.
console.log("Unexpected status: %s", request.status)
// Retrieve and output current account state.
return Sdk.request("GET", account1Uri + "?$select=name,revenue,telephone1,description");
.then( function (request) {
var account = JSON.parse(request.response);
updatedAcctETagVal = account["@odata.etag"]; // Capture updated ETag.
console.log(JSON.stringify(account, null, 2));
// Controlling upsert operations END.
// Prevent update of deleted entity START.
// Delete the account.
return Sdk.request("DELETE", account1Uri);
function (request) {
if (request.status == 204) {
console.log("Account was deleted");
// Attempt to update it.
var accountUpsert = {
telephone1: "555-0005",
revenue: 7500000
// Perform operation only if matching resource exists.
var ifMatchResource = { header: "If-Match", value: "*" };
return Sdk.request("PATCH", account1Uri, accountUpsert, ifMatchResource);
} )
.then( function (request) {
// Success not expected.
// Without the If-Match header while using PATCH a new entity would have been created with the
// same ID as the deleted entity.
console.log("Unexpected status: %s", request.status);
// Catch error.
function (error) {
// Not found error expected.
console.log("Expected Error: %s", error.message);
console.log("\tAccount not updated because it doesn't exist.");
.catch(function (error) {
使用 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Web API
使用 Web API 執行條件運算
Web API 範例
Web API 條件式作業範例
Web API 條件式作業範例 (C#)
Web API 範例 (用戶端 JavaScript)
Web API 基本作業範例 (用戶端 JavaScript)
Web API 查詢資料範例 (用戶端 JavaScript)
Web API 函數和動作範例 (用戶端 JavaScript)
Microsoft Dynamics 365
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