opportunity EntityType
Description: Potential revenue-generating event, or sale to an account, which needs to be tracked through a sales process to completion.
Entity Set path: [organization URI]/api/data/v8.0/opportunities
Base Type: crmbaseentity EntityType
Display Name: Opportunity
Primary Key: opportunityid
Primary Name Attribute: name
Single-valued navigation properties
Collection-valued navigation properties
Operations bound to opportunity
Operations using the opportunity entity type.
Properties represent fields of data stored in the entity. Some properties are not writable.
Name | Type | Details |
_accountid_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Unique identifier of the account with which the opportunity is associated. Computed property Read-only property |
_campaignid_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Shows the campaign that the opportunity was created from. The ID is used for tracking the success of the campaign. Computed property Read-only property |
_contactid_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Unique identifier of the contact associated with the opportunity. Computed property Read-only property |
_createdby_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Shows who created the record. Computed property Read-only property |
_createdonbehalfby_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Shows who created the record on behalf of another user. Computed property Read-only property |
_customerid_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Select the customer account or contact to provide a quick link to additional customer details, such as address, phone number, activities, and orders. |
_modifiedby_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Shows who last updated the record. Computed property Read-only property |
_modifiedonbehalfby_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Shows who last updated the record on behalf of another user. Computed property Read-only property |
_originatingleadid_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Choose the lead that the opportunity was created from for reporting and analytics. The field is read-only after the opportunity is created and defaults to the correct lead when an opportunity is created from a converted lead. Computed property Read-only property |
_ownerid_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Enter the user or team who is assigned to manage the record. This field is updated every time the record is assigned to a different user. |
_owningbusinessunit_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the opportunity. Computed property Read-only property |
_owningteam_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Unique identifier of the team who owns the opportunity. Computed property Read-only property |
_owninguser_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Unique identifier of the user who owns the opportunity. Computed property Read-only property |
_parentaccountid_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Choose an account to connect this opportunity to, so that the relationship is visible in reports and analytics, and to provide a quick link to additional details, such as financial information and activities. Computed property Read-only property |
_parentcontactid_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Choose a contact to connect this opportunity to, so that the relationship is visible in reports and analytics. Computed property Read-only property |
_pricelevelid_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Choose the price list associated with this record to make sure the products associated with the campaign are offered at the correct prices. Computed property Read-only property |
_transactioncurrencyid_value |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Choose the local currency for the record to make sure budgets are reported in the correct currency. Computed property Read-only property |
actualclosedate |
Edm.Date |
Description: Shows the date and time when the opportunity was closed or canceled. Display Name: Actual Close Date |
actualvalue |
Edm.Decimal |
Description: Type the actual revenue amount for the opportunity for reporting and analysis of estimated versus actual sales. Field defaults to the Est. Revenue value when an opportunity is won. Display Name: Actual Revenue |
actualvalue_base |
Edm.Decimal |
Description: Shows the Actual Revenue field converted to the system's default base currency for reporting purposes. The calculation uses the exchange rate specified in the Currencies area. Display Name: Actual Revenue (Base) Read-only property |
budgetamount |
Edm.Decimal |
Description: Type a value between 0 and 1,000,000,000,000 to indicate the lead's potential available budget. Display Name: Budget Amount |
budgetamount_base |
Edm.Decimal |
Description: Shows the budget amount converted to the system's base currency. Display Name: Budget Amount (Base) Read-only property |
budgetstatus |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Select the likely budget status for the lead's company. This may help determine the lead rating or your sales approach. Default Options: 0 : No Committed Budget Display Name: Budget |
captureproposalfeedback |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Choose whether the proposal feedback has been captured for the opportunity. Default Options: 1 : No Display Name: Proposal Feedback Captured |
closeprobability |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Type a number from 0 to 100 that represents the likelihood of closing the opportunity. This can aid the sales team in their efforts to convert the opportunity in a sale. Display Name: Probability |
completefinalproposal |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Select whether a final proposal has been completed for the opportunity. Default Options: 1 : completed Display Name: Final Proposal Ready |
completeinternalreview |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Select whether an internal review has been completed for this opportunity. Default Options: 1 : completed Display Name: Complete Internal Review |
confirminterest |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Select whether the lead confirmed interest in your offerings. This helps in determining the lead quality and the probability of it turning into an opportunity. Default Options: 1 : No Display Name: Confirm Interest |
createdon |
Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Description: Shows the date and time when the record was created. The date and time are displayed in the time zone selected in Microsoft Dynamics CRM options. Display Name: Created On Read-only property |
currentsituation |
Edm.String |
Description: Type notes about the company or organization associated with the opportunity. Display Name: Current Situation |
customerneed |
Edm.String |
Description: Type some notes about the customer's requirements, to help the sales team identify products and services that could meet their requirements. Display Name: Customer Need |
customerpainpoints |
Edm.String |
Description: Type notes about the customer's pain points to help the sales team identify products and services that could address these pain points. Display Name: Customer Pain Points |
decisionmaker |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Select whether your notes include information about who makes the purchase decisions at the lead's company. Default Options: 1 : completed Display Name: Decision Maker? |
description |
Edm.String |
Description: Type additional information to describe the opportunity, such as possible products to sell or past purchases from the customer. Display Name: Description |
developproposal |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Select whether a proposal has been developed for the opportunity. Default Options: 1 : completed Display Name: Develop Proposal |
discountamount |
Edm.Decimal |
Description: Type the discount amount for the opportunity if the customer is eligible for special savings. Display Name: Opportunity Discount Amount |
discountamount_base |
Edm.Decimal |
Description: Shows the Opportunity Discount Amount field converted to the system's default base currency for reporting purposes. The calculation uses the exchange rate specified in the Currencies area. Display Name: Opportunity Discount Amount (Base) Read-only property |
discountpercentage |
Edm.Decimal |
Description: Type the discount rate that should be applied to the Product Totals field to include additional savings for the customer in the opportunity. Display Name: Opportunity Discount (%) |
estimatedclosedate |
Edm.Date |
Description: Enter the expected closing date of the opportunity to help make accurate revenue forecasts. Display Name: Est. Close Date |
estimatedvalue |
Edm.Decimal |
Description: Type the estimated revenue amount to indicate the potential sale or value of the opportunity for revenue forecasting. This field can be either system-populated or editable based on the selection in the Revenue field. Display Name: Est. Revenue |
estimatedvalue_base |
Edm.Decimal |
Description: Shows the Actual Revenue field converted to the system's default base currency for reporting purposes. The calculation uses the exchange rate specified in the Currencies area. Display Name: Est. Revenue (Base) Read-only property |
evaluatefit |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Select whether the fit between the lead's requirements and your offerings was evaluated. Default Options: 1 : No Display Name: Evaluate Fit |
exchangerate |
Edm.Decimal |
Description: Shows the conversion rate of the record's currency. The exchange rate is used to convert all money fields in the record from the local currency to the system's default currency. Display Name: Exchange Rate Read-only property |
filedebrief |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Choose whether the sales team has recorded detailed notes on the proposals and the account's responses. Default Options: 1 : completed Display Name: File Debrief |
finaldecisiondate |
Edm.Date |
Description: Enter the date and time when the final decision of the opportunity was made. Display Name: Final Decision Date |
freightamount |
Edm.Decimal |
Description: Type the cost of freight or shipping for the products included in the opportunity for use in calculating the Total Amount field. Display Name: Freight Amount |
freightamount_base |
Edm.Decimal |
Description: Shows the Freight Amount field converted to the system's default base currency for reporting purposes. The calculation uses the exchange rate specified in the Currencies area. Display Name: Freight Amount (Base) Read-only property |
identifycompetitors |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Select whether information about competitors is included. Default Options: 1 : completed Display Name: Identify Competitors |
identifycustomercontacts |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Select whether the customer contacts for this opportunity have been identified. Default Options: 1 : completed Display Name: Identify Customer Contacts |
identifypursuitteam |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Choose whether you have recorded who will pursue the opportunity. Default Options: 1 : completed Display Name: Identify Sales Team |
importsequencenumber |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. Display Name: Import Sequence Number |
initialcommunication |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Choose whether someone from the sales team contacted this lead earlier. Default Options: 0 : Contacted Display Name: Initial Communication |
isrevenuesystemcalculated |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Select whether the estimated revenue for the opportunity is calculated automatically based on the products entered or entered manually by a user. Default Options: 1 : System Calculated Display Name: Revenue |
modifiedon |
Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Description: Shows the date and time when the record was last updated. The date and time are displayed in the time zone selected in Microsoft Dynamics CRM options. Display Name: Modified On Read-only property |
name |
Edm.String |
Description: Type a subject or descriptive name, such as the expected order or company name, for the opportunity. Display Name: Topic |
need |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Choose how high the level of need is for the lead's company. Default Options: 0 : Must have Display Name: Need |
opportunityid |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Unique identifier of the opportunity. Display Name: Opportunity |
opportunityratingcode |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Select the expected value or priority of the opportunity based on revenue, customer status, or closing probability. Default Options: 1 : Hot Display Name: Rating |
overriddencreatedon |
Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Description: Date and time that the record was migrated. Display Name: Record Created On |
participatesinworkflow |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Information about whether the opportunity participates in workflow rules. Default Options: 1 : Yes Display Name: Participates in Workflow |
presentfinalproposal |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Select whether the final proposal has been presented to the account. Default Options: 1 : completed Display Name: Present Final Proposal |
presentproposal |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Select whether a proposal for the opportunity has been presented to the account. Default Options: 1 : completed Display Name: Presented Proposal |
pricingerrorcode |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Pricing error for the opportunity. Default Options: 0 : None Display Name: Pricing Error |
prioritycode |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Select the priority so that preferred customers or critical issues are handled quickly. Default Options: 1 : Default Value Display Name: Priority |
processid |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Shows the ID of the process. Display Name: Process |
proposedsolution |
Edm.String |
Description: Type notes about the proposed solution for the opportunity. Display Name: Proposed Solution |
purchaseprocess |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Choose whether an individual or a committee will be involved in the purchase process for the lead. Default Options: 0 : Individual Display Name: Purchase Process |
purchasetimeframe |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Choose how long the lead will likely take to make the purchase. Default Options: 0 : Immediate Display Name: Purchase Timeframe |
pursuitdecision |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Select whether the decision about pursuing the opportunity has been made. Default Options: 1 : No Display Name: Decide Go/No-Go |
qualificationcomments |
Edm.String |
Description: Type comments about the qualification or scoring of the lead. Display Name: Qualification Comments |
quotecomments |
Edm.String |
Description: Type comments about the quotes associated with the opportunity. Display Name: Quote Comments |
resolvefeedback |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Choose whether the proposal feedback has been captured and resolved for the opportunity. Default Options: 1 : No Display Name: Feedback Resolved |
salesstage |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Select the sales stage of this opportunity to aid the sales team in their efforts to win this opportunity. Default Options: 0 : Qualify Display Name: Sales Stage |
salesstagecode |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Select the sales process stage for the opportunity to indicate the probability of closing the opportunity. Default Options: 1 : Default Value Display Name: Process Code |
schedulefollowup_prospect |
Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Description: Enter the date and time of the prospecting follow-up meeting with the lead. Display Name: Scheduled Follow up (Prospect) |
schedulefollowup_qualify |
Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Description: Enter the date and time of the qualifying follow-up meeting with the lead. Display Name: Scheduled Follow up (Qualify) |
scheduleproposalmeeting |
Edm.DateTimeOffset |
Description: Enter the date and time of the proposal meeting for the opportunity. Display Name: Schedule Proposal Meeting |
sendthankyounote |
Edm.Boolean |
Description: Select whether a thank you note has been sent to the account for considering the proposal. Default Options: 1 : completed Display Name: Send Thank You Note |
stageid |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Shows the ID of the stage. Display Name: Process Stage |
statecode |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Shows whether the opportunity is open, won, or lost. Won and lost opportunities are read-only and can't be edited until they are reactivated. Default Options: 0 : Open Display Name: Status |
statuscode |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Select the opportunity's status. Default Options: 1 : In Progress Display Name: Status Reason |
stepid |
Edm.Guid |
Description: Shows the ID of the workflow step. Display Name: Step |
stepname |
Edm.String |
Description: Shows the current phase in the sales pipeline for the opportunity. This is updated by a workflow. Display Name: Pipeline Phase |
timeline |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Select when the opportunity is likely to be closed. Default Options: 0 : Immediate Display Name: Timeline |
timezoneruleversionnumber |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: For internal use only. Display Name: Time Zone Rule Version Number |
totalamount |
Edm.Decimal |
Description: Shows the total amount due, calculated as the sum of the products, discounts, freight, and taxes for the opportunity. Display Name: Total Amount |
totalamount_base |
Edm.Decimal |
Description: Shows the Total Amount field converted to the system's default base currency for reporting purposes. The calculation uses the exchange rate specified in the Currencies area. Display Name: Total Amount (Base) Read-only property |
totalamountlessfreight |
Edm.Decimal |
Description: Shows the total product amount for the opportunity, minus any discounts. This value is added to freight and tax amounts in the calculation for the total amount of the opportunity. Display Name: Total Pre-Freight Amount |
totalamountlessfreight_base |
Edm.Decimal |
Description: Shows the Total Pre-Freight Amount field converted to the system's default base currency for reporting purposes. The calculation uses the exchange rate specified in the Currencies area. Display Name: Total Pre-Freight Amount (Base) Read-only property |
totaldiscountamount |
Edm.Decimal |
Description: Shows the total discount amount, based on the discount price and rate entered on the opportunity. Display Name: Total Discount Amount |
totaldiscountamount_base |
Edm.Decimal |
Description: Shows the Total Discount Amount field converted to the system's default base currency for reporting purposes. The calculation uses the exchange rate specified in the Currencies area. Display Name: Total Discount Amount (Base) Read-only property |
totallineitemamount |
Edm.Decimal |
Description: Shows the sum of all existing and write-in products included on the opportunity, based on the specified price list and quantities. Display Name: Total Detail Amount |
totallineitemamount_base |
Edm.Decimal |
Description: Shows the Total Detail Amount field converted to the system's default base currency for reporting purposes. The calculation uses the exchange rate specified in the Currencies area. Display Name: Total Detail Amount (Base) Read-only property |
totallineitemdiscountamount |
Edm.Decimal |
Description: Shows the total of the Manual Discount amounts specified on all products included in the opportunity. This value is reflected in the Total Detail Amount field on the opportunity and is added to any discount amount or rate specified on the opportunity. Display Name: Total Line Item Discount Amount |
totallineitemdiscountamount_base |
Edm.Decimal |
Description: Shows the Total Line Item Discount Amount field to the system's default base currency for reporting purposes. The calculation uses the exchange rate specified in the Currencies area. Display Name: Total Line Item Discount Amount (Base) Read-only property |
totaltax |
Edm.Decimal |
Description: Shows the total of the Tax amounts specified on all products included in the opportunity, included in the Total Amount field calculation for the opportunity. Display Name: Total Tax |
totaltax_base |
Edm.Decimal |
Description: Shows the Total Tax field converted to the system's default base currency for reporting purposes. The calculation uses the exchange rate specified in the Currencies area. Display Name: Total Tax (Base) Read-only property |
traversedpath |
Edm.String |
Description: For internal use only. Display Name: Traversed Path |
utcconversiontimezonecode |
Edm.Int32 |
Description: Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. Display Name: UTC Conversion Time Zone Code |
versionnumber |
Edm.Int64 |
Description: Version number of the opportunity. Display Name: Version Number Read-only property |
Single-valued navigation properties
Single-valued navigation properties represent lookup fields where a single entity can be referenced.
Name | Type | Partner |
campaignid |
campaign_opportunities |
createdby |
lk_opportunitybase_createdby |
createdonbehalfby |
lk_opportunity_createdonbehalfby |
customerid_account |
opportunity_customer_accounts |
customerid_contact |
opportunity_customer_contacts |
modifiedby |
lk_opportunitybase_modifiedby |
modifiedonbehalfby |
lk_opportunity_modifiedonbehalfby |
originatingleadid |
opportunity_originating_lead |
ownerid |
owner_opportunitys |
owningbusinessunit |
business_unit_opportunities |
owningteam |
team_opportunities |
owninguser |
opportunity_owning_user |
parentaccountid |
opportunity_parent_account |
parentcontactid |
opportunity_parent_contact |
pricelevelid |
price_level_opportunties |
transactioncurrencyid |
transactioncurrency_opportunity |
Collection-valued navigation properties
Collection-valued navigation properties represent collections of entities which may represent either a one-to-many (1:N) or many-to-many (N:N) relationship between the entities.
Name | Type | Partner |
CreatedOpportunity_BulkOperationLogs |
createdobjectid_opportunity |
lead_qualifying_opportunity |
qualifyingopportunityid |
opportunity_activity_parties |
partyid_opportunity |
Opportunity_ActivityPointers |
regardingobjectid_opportunity |
Opportunity_Annotation |
objectid_opportunity |
Opportunity_Appointments |
regardingobjectid_opportunity_appointment |
Opportunity_AsyncOperations |
regardingobjectid_opportunity |
Opportunity_BulkDeleteFailures |
regardingobjectid_opportunity |
opportunity_connections1 |
record1id_opportunity |
opportunity_connections2 |
record2id_opportunity |
Opportunity_DuplicateBaseRecord |
baserecordid_opportunity |
Opportunity_DuplicateMatchingRecord |
duplicaterecordid_opportunity |
Opportunity_Emails |
regardingobjectid_opportunity_email |
Opportunity_Faxes |
regardingobjectid_opportunity_fax |
opportunity_invoices |
opportunityid |
Opportunity_Letters |
regardingobjectid_opportunity_letter |
Opportunity_OpportunityClose |
opportunityid |
Opportunity_Phonecalls |
regardingobjectid_opportunity_phonecall |
opportunity_PostFollows |
regardingobjectid_opportunity |
opportunity_PostRegardings |
regardingobjectid_opportunity |
opportunity_quotes |
opportunityid |
Opportunity_RecurringAppointmentMasters |
regardingobjectid_opportunity_recurringappointmentmaster |
opportunity_sales_orders |
opportunityid |
Opportunity_ServiceAppointments |
regardingobjectid_opportunity_serviceappointment |
Opportunity_SharepointDocumentLocation |
regardingobjectid_opportunity |
Opportunity_SocialActivities |
regardingobjectid_opportunity_socialactivity |
Opportunity_Tasks |
regardingobjectid_opportunity_task |
opportunity_Teams |
regardingobjectid_opportunity |
opportunitycompetitors_association |
opportunitycompetitors_association |
product_opportunities |
opportunityid |
Operations bound to opportunity
The following operations are bound to the opportunity entity type.
Name | Bound to |
Entity |
Operations using the opportunity entity type.
The following operations use the opportunity entity type in a parameter or return type.
Name | How used | Description |
entity Parameter |
Calculates the value of an opportunity that is in the "Won" state. |
Opportunity Parameter |
Retrieves the products from an opportunity and copy them to the invoice. |
Opportunity Parameter |
Retrieves the products from an opportunity and copy them to the quote. |
Opportunity Parameter |
Retrieves the products from an opportunity and copy them to the sales order. |
Web API Action Reference
Web API Function Reference
Web API Query Function Reference
Web API EnumType Reference
Web API ComplexType Reference
Web API Metadata EntityType Reference
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online
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