RetrieveMultipleRequest 類別
Contains the data that is needed to retrieve a collection of records that satisfy the specified query criteria.
命名空間: Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Messages
組件: Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk (在 Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.dll 中)
<DataContractAttribute(Namespace:="")> _
Public NotInheritable Class RetrieveMultipleRequest
Inherits OrganizationRequest
public sealed class RetrieveMultipleRequest : OrganizationRequest
The following example shows how to use this message. For this sample to work correctly, you must be connected to the server to get an IOrganizationService interface. For the complete sample, see the link later in this topic.
#region Retrieve records from an intersect table via QueryExpression
//Create Query Expression.
QueryExpression query = new QueryExpression()
EntityName = "role",
ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("name"),
LinkEntities =
new LinkEntity
LinkFromEntityName = Role.EntityLogicalName,
LinkFromAttributeName = "roleid",
LinkToEntityName = SystemUserRoles.EntityLogicalName,
LinkToAttributeName = "roleid",
LinkCriteria = new FilterExpression
FilterOperator = LogicalOperator.And,
Conditions =
new ConditionExpression
AttributeName = "systemuserid",
Operator = ConditionOperator.Equal,
Values = { _userId }
// Obtain results from the query expression.
EntityCollection ec = _serviceProxy.RetrieveMultiple(query);
// Display results.
for (int i = 0; i < ec.Entities.Count; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Query Expression Retrieved: {0}", ((Role)ec.Entities[i]).Name);
Message Availability
不論呼叫端是連線至伺服器還是離線狀態,此訊息都會正常運作。 However, a few entities of this message class are exceptions to that availability. To determine which entities have a more restricted availability, see Supported Entities later in this topic.
Pass an instance of this class to the Execute method, which returns an instance of the RetrieveMultipleResponse class.
Privileges and Access Rights
To perform this action, the caller must have privileges on the specified entities in the Query property and read access rights on the records that are returned from the query. For a list of the required privileges, see RetrieveMultiple Privileges.
Notes for Callers
This message supports queries that use Query Expression and FetchXML. For more information, see Creating Queries to Retrieve Data. You can also use the RetrieveMultiple method.
The collection of returned records from this message contains only the records for which the caller has read access. The returned records contain values for specified properties in the ColumnSet parameter that are valid for retrieval and for which the calling user has access rights. Any other property values are not returned. For more information about field security, see How Field Security Can Be Used to Control Access to Field Values In CRM.
Supported Entities
You can use this method to retrieve any records for entities that support the RetrieveMultiple message, including custom entities.
下表顯示支援此訊息的預設實體。對於此訊息的列示實體,如果呼叫端必須連線至伺服器,Availability 資料行會顯示 Server,如果呼叫端可以連線至伺服器或中斷伺服器連線,則會顯示 Both。
Entity | Availability |
Account |
2 (Both) |
AccountLeads |
2 (Both) |
ActivityMimeAttachment |
2 (Both) |
ActivityParty |
2 (Both) |
ActivityPointer |
2 (Both) |
Annotation |
2 (Both) |
AnnualFiscalCalendar |
2 (Both) |
Appointment |
2 (Both) |
AsyncOperation |
2 (Both) |
AttributeMap |
2 (Both) |
Audit |
2 (Both) |
BulkDeleteFailure |
2 (Both) |
BulkDeleteOperation |
2 (Both) |
BulkOperation |
2 (Both) |
BulkOperationLog |
2 (Both) |
BusinessUnit |
2 (Both) |
BusinessUnitNewsArticle |
2 (Both) |
Calendar |
2 (Both) |
Campaign |
2 (Both) |
CampaignActivity |
2 (Both) |
CampaignActivityItem |
2 (Both) |
CampaignItem |
2 (Both) |
CampaignResponse |
2 (Both) |
ColumnMapping |
2 (Both) |
Competitor |
2 (Both) |
CompetitorProduct |
2 (Both) |
CompetitorSalesLiterature |
2 (Both) |
Connection |
2 (Both) |
ConnectionRole |
2 (Both) |
ConnectionRoleAssociation |
2 (Both) |
ConnectionRoleObjectTypeCode |
2 (Both) |
ConstraintBasedGroup |
2 (Both) |
Contact |
2 (Both) |
ContactInvoices |
2 (Both) |
ContactLeads |
2 (Both) |
ContactOrders |
2 (Both) |
ContactQuotes |
2 (Both) |
Contract |
2 (Both) |
ContractDetail |
2 (Both) |
ContractTemplate |
2 (Both) |
ConvertRule |
2 (Both) |
ConvertRuleItem |
2 (Both) |
CustomerAddress |
2 (Both) |
CustomerOpportunityRole |
2 (Both) |
CustomerRelationship |
2 (Both) |
Dependency |
2 (Both) |
Discount |
2 (Both) |
DiscountType |
2 (Both) |
DisplayString |
2 (Both) |
DuplicateRecord |
2 (Both) |
DuplicateRule |
2 (Both) |
DuplicateRuleCondition |
2 (Both) |
DynamicProperty |
2 (Both) |
DynamicPropertyAssociation |
2 (Both) |
DynamicPropertyInstance |
2 (Both) |
DynamicPropertyOptionSetItem |
2 (Both) |
2 (Both) |
EmailServerProfile |
2 (Both) |
Entitlement |
2 (Both) |
EntitlementChannel |
2 (Both) |
EntitlementContacts |
2 (Both) |
EntitlementProducts |
2 (Both) |
EntitlementTemplate |
2 (Both) |
EntitlementTemplateChannel |
2 (Both) |
EntitlementTemplateProducts |
2 (Both) |
EntityMap |
2 (Both) |
Equipment |
2 (Both) |
ExchangeSyncIdMapping |
2 (Both) |
Fax |
2 (Both) |
FieldPermission |
2 (Both) |
FieldSecurityProfile |
2 (Both) |
FixedMonthlyFiscalCalendar |
2 (Both) |
Goal |
2 (Both) |
GoalRollupQuery |
2 (Both) |
HierarchyRule |
2 (Both) |
HierarchySecurityConfiguration |
2 (Both) |
Import |
2 (Both) |
ImportEntityMapping |
2 (Both) |
ImportFile |
2 (Both) |
ImportJob |
2 (Both) |
ImportLog |
2 (Both) |
ImportMap |
2 (Both) |
Incident |
2 (Both) |
IncidentResolution |
2 (Both) |
InvalidDependency |
2 (Both) |
Invoice |
2 (Both) |
InvoiceDetail |
2 (Both) |
IsvConfig |
2 (Both) |
KbArticle |
2 (Both) |
KbArticleComment |
2 (Both) |
KbArticleTemplate |
2 (Both) |
Lead |
2 (Both) |
LeadAddress |
2 (Both) |
LeadCompetitors |
2 (Both) |
LeadProduct |
2 (Both) |
Letter |
2 (Both) |
License |
2 (Both) |
List |
2 (Both) |
ListMember |
2 (Both) |
LookUpMapping |
2 (Both) |
Mailbox |
2 (Both) |
MailMergeTemplate |
2 (Both) |
Metric |
2 (Both) |
MonthlyFiscalCalendar |
2 (Both) |
msdyn_PostAlbum |
2 (Both) |
msdyn_PostConfig |
2 (Both) |
msdyn_PostRuleConfig |
2 (Both) |
msdyn_wallsavedquery |
2 (Both) |
msdyn_wallsavedqueryusersettings |
2 (Both) |
Opportunity |
2 (Both) |
OpportunityClose |
2 (Both) |
OpportunityCompetitors |
2 (Both) |
OpportunityProduct |
2 (Both) |
OrderClose |
2 (Both) |
Organization |
2 (Both) |
OrganizationUI |
2 (Both) |
OwnerMapping |
2 (Both) |
PhoneCall |
2 (Both) |
PickListMapping |
2 (Both) |
PluginAssembly |
2 (Both) |
PluginType |
2 (Both) |
PluginTypeStatistic |
2 (Both) |
Position |
2 (Both) |
Post |
2 (Both) |
PostComment |
2 (Both) |
PostFollow |
2 (Both) |
PostLike |
2 (Both) |
PriceLevel |
2 (Both) |
PrincipalObjectAttributeAccess |
2 (Both) |
Privilege |
2 (Both) |
ProcessSession |
2 (Both) |
ProcessStage |
2 (Both) |
ProcessTrigger |
2 (Both) |
Product |
2 (Both) |
ProductAssociation |
2 (Both) |
ProductPriceLevel |
2 (Both) |
ProductSalesLiterature |
2 (Both) |
ProductSubstitute |
2 (Both) |
Publisher |
2 (Both) |
PublisherAddress |
2 (Both) |
QuarterlyFiscalCalendar |
2 (Both) |
Queue |
2 (Both) |
QueueItem |
2 (Both) |
QueueMembership |
2 (Both) |
Quote |
2 (Both) |
QuoteClose |
2 (Both) |
QuoteDetail |
2 (Both) |
RecurrenceRule |
2 (Both) |
RecurringAppointmentMaster |
2 (Both) |
RelationshipRole |
2 (Both) |
RelationshipRoleMap |
2 (Both) |
Report |
2 (Both) |
ReportCategory |
2 (Both) |
ReportEntity |
2 (Both) |
ReportLink |
2 (Both) |
ReportVisibility |
2 (Both) |
Resource |
2 (Both) |
ResourceGroup |
2 (Both) |
ResourceSpec |
2 (Both) |
Role |
2 (Both) |
RolePrivileges |
2 (Both) |
RollupField |
2 (Both) |
RoutingRule |
2 (Both) |
RoutingRuleItem |
2 (Both) |
SalesLiterature |
2 (Both) |
SalesLiteratureItem |
2 (Both) |
SalesOrder |
2 (Both) |
SalesOrderDetail |
2 (Both) |
SavedQuery |
2 (Both) |
SavedQueryVisualization |
2 (Both) |
SdkMessage |
2 (Both) |
SdkMessageFilter |
2 (Both) |
SdkMessagePair |
2 (Both) |
SdkMessageProcessingStep |
2 (Both) |
SdkMessageProcessingStepImage |
2 (Both) |
SdkMessageProcessingStepSecureConfig |
2 (Both) |
SdkMessageRequest |
2 (Both) |
SdkMessageRequestField |
2 (Both) |
SdkMessageResponse |
2 (Both) |
SdkMessageResponseField |
2 (Both) |
SemiAnnualFiscalCalendar |
2 (Both) |
Service |
2 (Both) |
ServiceAppointment |
2 (Both) |
ServiceContractContacts |
2 (Both) |
ServiceEndpoint |
2 (Both) |
SharePointData |
2 (Both) |
SharePointDocument |
2 (Both) |
SharePointDocumentLocation |
2 (Both) |
SharePointSite |
2 (Both) |
Site |
2 (Both) |
SiteMap |
2 (Both) |
2 (Both) |
SLAItem |
2 (Both) |
SLAKPIInstance |
2 (Both) |
SocialActivity |
2 (Both) |
SocialInsightsConfiguration |
2 (Both) |
SocialProfile |
2 (Both) |
Solution |
2 (Both) |
SolutionComponent |
2 (Both) |
Subject |
2 (Both) |
SubscriptionTrackingDeletedObject |
2 (Both) |
SystemForm |
2 (Both) |
SystemUser |
2 (Both) |
SystemUserLicenses |
2 (Both) |
SystemUserProfiles |
2 (Both) |
SystemUserRoles |
2 (Both) |
Task |
2 (Both) |
Team |
2 (Both) |
TeamMembership |
2 (Both) |
TeamProfiles |
2 (Both) |
TeamRoles |
2 (Both) |
TeamTemplate |
2 (Both) |
Template |
2 (Both) |
Territory |
2 (Both) |
TimeZoneDefinition |
2 (Both) |
TimeZoneLocalizedName |
2 (Both) |
TimeZoneRule |
2 (Both) |
TraceLog |
2 (Both) |
TransactionCurrency |
2 (Both) |
TransformationMapping |
2 (Both) |
TransformationParameterMapping |
2 (Both) |
UoM |
2 (Both) |
UoMSchedule |
2 (Both) |
UserEntityInstanceData |
2 (Both) |
UserEntityUISettings |
2 (Both) |
UserForm |
2 (Both) |
UserQuery |
2 (Both) |
UserQueryVisualization |
2 (Both) |
UserSettings |
2 (Both) |
WebResource |
2 (Both) |
Workflow |
2 (Both) |
WorkflowDependency |
2 (Both) |
WorkflowLog |
2 (Both) |
此類型的任何公用靜態 (Visual Basic 中的 Shared) 成員都具備執行緒安全。任何執行個體成員都不保證具備執行緒安全。
Development Platforms
The .NET Framework does not support all versions of every platform. For a list of the supported versions, see System Requirements.
Target Platforms
Windows Server 2008、Windows Server 2012、Windows 7
Change History
RetrieveMultipleRequest 成員
Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Messages 命名空間
Create Queries to Retrieve Data
Build Queries with QueryExpression
Build Queries with FetchXML
Retrieve Records for Many-To-Many Relationships using Intersect Entities
Sample: Retrieve Records from an Intersect Table
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