
PublishXmlRequest.ParameterXml 屬性

Gets or sets the XML that defines which solution components to publish in this request. Required.

命名空間: Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages
組件: Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Proxy (在 Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Proxy.dll 中)


Public Property ParameterXml As String
public string ParameterXml { get; set; }


Type: 字串
the XML that defines which solution components to publish in this request. Required.


Use the Publish Request Schema to compose the correct XML to pass for this parameter.

You can publish the following solution components:


Use the logical name of the entity. The following example publishes just the account entity including any attributes, ribbons or forms associated with it.



Publishes the Application Ribbon. You do not need to specify any value. The application ribbon will be published as long as the <ribbon> node is present.



Publishes the SystemForm (dashboard) for the ID value passed.


Option Sets

Publishes an optionset using the optionset unique name.


Site Map

Publishes the SiteMap. Since there is only one sitemap it is not necessary to pass a value.


Web Resources

Publishes a Web resource using the web resource id value.


The following example publishes the account and contact entity together with two Web resources.



此類型的任何公用靜態 (Visual Basic 中的 Shared) 成員都具備執行緒安全。任何執行個體成員都不保證具備執行緒安全。


Development Platforms

The .NET Framework does not support all versions of every platform. For a list of the supported versions, see System Requirements.

Target Platforms

Windows Server 2008、Windows Server 2012、Windows 7

Change History



PublishXmlRequest 類別
PublishXmlRequest 成員
Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages 命名空間

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