
Form XML reference

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013, Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online

Use the Form editor to manipulate the XML that defines forms. Use the information in this section when you edit the Form XML.

The root element is <FormXml> (FormXml).

In This Section

  • <Ancestor> (FormXml)
    Contains the ID of the updated user experience form that this form was created from.
  • <AltText> (FormXml)
    A parameter for Web resource controls. The value of this element specifies alternative text for image Web resources.
  • <AutoExpand> (FormXml)
    Specifies whether a sub-grid automatically expands to use available space in the form tab.
  • <Border> (FormXml)
    A parameter for IFrame or web resource controls. The value of this element specifies whether to display a border around the control.
  • <cell> (FormXml)
    A form layout element. A cell contains the labels and the control to display.
  • <EntityLogicalName> (FormXml)
    Specifies the entity logical name of the quick create form to open. This parameter is used by lookups to determine the type of record to be created when the New button is clicked.
  • <forms> (FormXml)
    Contains all the system form definitions for a specific type of form.
  • <Height> (FormXml)
    Provides the height value, when a Web resource for an image uses the Specific parameter.
  • <InlineViewIds> (FormXml)
    Specifies the GUIDs of the views that are used for inline lookup. These views contain the columns that are displayed in the search results.
  • <IsPassword> (FormXml)
    Formats a string attribute field so that the password is hidden when data is typed in the field.
  • <NavBar> (FormXml)
    Represents a container for items added to the navigation pane in a detail form window.
  • <NavBarItem> (FormXml)
    Specifies a navigation item to display in a form. Use this element when the navigation item is not associated with an entity relationship.
  • <PassParameters> (FormXml)
    A parameter for IFrame and Web Resource controls that specifies that a set of context parameters will be passed in a query string to the URL of the control.
  • <Privilege> (FormXml)
    Specifies a permission that a user must possess in order for the parent navigation item to be displayed in the form.
  • <Privileges> (FormXml)
    Contains the set of rights that a user needs in order for the navigation item to display in the form.
  • <Role> (FormXml)
    Specifies a security role that a user must be associated with to view a form.
  • <Scrolling> (FormXml)
    Specifies the scrolling behavior of the IFrame. This is a parameter for IFrame, Web resource, and report controls.
  • <Security> (FormXml)
    Indicates whether cross-site scripting restrictions are applied. This is a parameter for IFrame controls.
  • <ShowInROF> (FormXml)
    (Deprecated) Indicated whether this web resource would be displayed in a read-optimized form.
  • <ToolTip> (FormXml)
    Specifies the text to display for a tooltip in a navigation item for a form.
  • <Url> (FormXml)
    A parameter for IFrame and Web resource controls that specifies the location of the page or HTML Web resource to open.
  • <Width> (FormXml)
    A parameter for web resource controls. When a web resource for an image uses the Specific parameter, this parameter provides the width value.

Customize entity forms

Form XML schema

Edit the customizations XML file with schema validation

When to edit the customizations file

Customization XML reference

Ribbon XML reference

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online
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