
Warehouse and Transportation management configuration key (WHSandTMS)


This content is archived and is not being updated. For the latest documentation, see Microsoft Dynamics 365 product documentation. For the latest release plans, see Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform release plans.

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2


Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 includes new Warehouse and Transportation management modules that are enabled by a single configuration key, along with the previously released Warehouse management II module. Users should enable the configuration key for ONLY ONE of these modules, but not both, in a single-instance, single-partition deployment. Although technically feasible, enabling the configuration keys for both of these modules in a single-instance, single-partition deployment is not supported by Microsoft. 

The Warehouse and Transportation management configuration key controls access to forms and functions that are used in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Warehouse management and Transportation management.

You can enable or disable this key in the License configuration form.

Forms enabled by the configuration key

The following forms are available when the configuration key is enabled.

Warehouse management forms


Vendor invoice journals

Number sequence

Default item status

Adjustment types

Allowed warehouses

Add ASN Items

Create case

Change user

Container closing profiles

Cluster profiles

Set up cluster

Container attributes

Container close

Close container

Container groups


Mixing Logic Breaks

Containerization history

Container build template

Container structure


Container type

Cycle count plans

Cycle count scheduling

Cycle count thresholds

Disposition codes

Dock management profiles

Document routing

Document routing layouts


Generally available items

Filter groups


Harmonized Tariff Schedule

View historical load data

Load history

Fixed locations

Transaction reservations

Physical on-hand inventory

Inventory status

Reservation hierarchy

Item load mapping

Journal load details

Wave details

Edit kanban wave

All kanban waves

Open waves

Pending waves

Label print configuration

Labor standards

License plates

License plate labels

Pick up

Load lines

Location change

All loads

Active loads

In packing loads

Picking loads

Loads ready to ship

Open loads

Waved loads

Load planning workbench

Load posting methods

Load details

Load template

Load template assignment

Load types

Location setup wizard

Location formats

Location stocking limits

Location profiles

Location types

Location directive failures

Directive codes

Location directives

Location Directive Unit

Reverse license plate

Load planning workbench filters

LTL class

Mobile device activity log

Create inventory movement work

Movement types

NMFC code

On hand by location


Package class

Packing structure

Packing profiles

Pack size categories

Create pallets

Warehouse management parameters

Physical dimension groups

Posting errors

Wave process methods

Production scrap

Production scrap history

Edit production wave

All production waves

Closed waves

Related orders

Release to warehouse

Replenishment templates

Replenishment work

Request types


Reservation removal history

Reset password

Cancel work

Work confirmation setup

Mobile device text colors

Default data

Mobile device menu

Mobile device menu items

System-directed work

Release to warehouse

Seal transactions

Shipment consolidation

Shipment details

Shipment modification log

All shipments

Active shipments

In packing shipments

Picking shipments

Shipments ready to ship

Open shipments

Waved shipments

Status Lookup

STCC codes

Status change details

Temporary work history

Reduce picked quantity

Unit sequence groups

Warehouse status change

Wave attributes

Wave totals

Wave processing history log

Wave filters


Wave progress

Create wave

Edit wave

All waves

Wave templates

Wave work data

Work audit data capture

Work audit template

Work classes

Work clusters

Complete work

Work creation history log

Work dimensions


Work exceptions

Work exceptions log


Work inventory transactions

Custom data

Cycle counting

Work pools

Work details

All work

Closed replenishment work

Closed cycle count work

Closed purchase work

Closed sales work

In process cycle count work

In process purchase work

In process replenishment work

In process sales work

Open cycle count work

Open purchase work

Open replenishment work

Open sales work

Cycle count work pending review

Work template grouping

Work template line status change codes

Work templates

Work transactions

Custom work type

Work status change codes

Work user mobile device display settings

Work user sessions


Zone groups

Transportation management forms


Accessorial assignments

Accessorial master

Add route

Add to an existing route

Appointment scheduling

Appointment history

Audit exception

Audit master

Billing group

Break master

Appointment types

Shipping carrier

Carrier accessorial charges

Carrier code lookup

Carrier fuel index

Carrier group

Carrier transportation status

Appointment change reasons

Override charges


Driver check-in details

Change location

Appointment check-out

Driver check-in and check-out details

Driver check-in and check-out

Engine parameter


Transportation system error log

Freight bill detail reconcile

Freight bill details

Match freight bills and invoices

Select freight bill detail

Unmatched freight bills

Freight bill type

Freight bill type assignments

Reconciliation reasons

Fuel indexes

Fuel index regions

Generic engine

Hub accessorial charges

Hub master

Hub type

Schedule instant appointments

Detail line reconciliation

Freight invoice details

Reason for late shipping

Load seal

Transportation method

Mileage engine

Mileage engine field

Miscellaneous charges


Override destination

Transportation management parameters

Rate base type

Rate engine

Rate master

Rate base

Rate route workbench

Rating profile

Reconcile invoice

Reject Invoice Line

Route rate detail

Route plan

Routing guide

Edit hubs

Create spot rates

Create route schedule


Shipment accessorial charges


Transit time engine

Transit time field

Transportation status

Transportation status master

Transportation template

Transportation tenders

Zone engine

Zone master

Zone master field

Additional information about this configuration key

The following table provides information about how this configuration key relates to other configuration keys and license codes.



Parent key


For more information about how license codes and configuration keys work together, see About license codes and configuration keys.