
(RUS) Settle tax liabilities


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Tax liability is the unpaid amount of tax the employees owe to the tax authority. This tax is paid by the legal entity on behalf of the employee. Use the NDFL payment settlement form to filter tax payments and tax liabilities, and to settle the tax liabilities. Tax liabilities can be settled for different kinds of pay-sheets using the Deducted NDFL on interim pay-sheets form. You can also reverse settlements that are made for tax liabilities.


The following table shows the prerequisites that must be in place before you start.




Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 Payroll for Russia Feature Pack


The primary address for the legal entity must be in the following countries/regions: Russia

Related setup tasks

Settle tax liabilities

Before you can settle tax liabilities, you must specify criteria in the Open transaction update form to identify the tax payments and liabilities for settlement. When these criteria are applied, an entry that consists of the list of unsettled tax liabilities is displayed and is ready for settlement in the NDFL payment settlement form. To settle liabilities, use one of the following methods:

  • Automatic: Use the Periodic settlement form to automatically settle the tax liabilities.

  • Manual: Use the Settle open transactions form to mark and settle the tax liabilities.


The settled liabilities are listed in the Closed transaction editing form.

You can also settle tax liabilities for interim pay-sheets. To view the details of the tax liabilities that are to be paid for interim pay-sheets, use the Deducted NDFL on interim pay-sheets form (Click Payroll (Russia) > Settlements with tax authorities > Deducted NDFL on interim pay-sheets.). For more information on how to set up the interim payrolls, see “Create an interim pay-sheet” in the (RUS) Issue payments to workers topic.

To identify the tax payments and tax liabilities, follow these steps:

  1. Click Payroll (Russia) > Settlements with tax authorities > NDFL payment settlement. Click Settlement > Open transaction update.

  2. In the Payments field group, in the Date interval code field, select a code from the date interval directory. The date interval code indicates the interval for which the tax payment is made to the authority. The starting and ending dates of the date interval are updated automatically.


    Enter the starting and ending dates of the date intervals if the date interval code has not been selected.

  3. In the Tax authority field, select a tax authority to which the payment is made. If the Tax authority field is blank, payments that are made to all tax authorities are filtered.

  4. Optional: In the Shared field group, select a code to filter the tax payments and liabilities that pertain to the budget revenue code.

  5. In the Liabilities field group, in the Taxation period field, enter the fiscal year for which the taxes are paid from the employee salary, and for which the liability is settled.

  6. In the Selection type field, select a criterion to filter the liabilities.

    Select from the following options:

    • All — Filter employee liabilities for all branches.

    • Only main company — Filter employee liabilities for the head office.

    • By query — Filter liabilities for a particular branch. Click Select to open the Inquiry form, and specify the criteria for the Separate division ID field.

  7. Click OK. A transaction line to be settled is created in the NDFL payment settlement form.

To settle the tax liabilities automatically, follow these steps:

  1. In the NDFL payment settlement form, click Settlement > Periodic settlement.

  2. In the Considered date field, select a date until which the taxes are calculated for the fiscal year entered in the Taxation period field.

  3. Click OK to settle the liabilities automatically. You can verify whether the transactions are settled in the Closed transaction editing form according to the filter criteria.

To settle the tax liabilities manually, follow these steps:

  1. Click Payroll (Russia) > Settlements with tax authorities > NDFL payment settlement. Click Functions > Settle open transactions.

  2. Select Mark > Mark all to select all of the transactions, or select the Mark check box for a specific transaction.

  3. Click Update to settle the selected tax liabilities. The Amount settled field displays the settled liability or payment amount. Click Close.


    You can verify whether transactions are settled in the Closed transaction editing form according to the filter criteria.

  4. Optional: Click Delete to delete the settlement transaction line. You can delete the transaction line only after you delete the open transactions in the Settle open transactions form.

Optional: Reverse the settlement of a tax liability

You can reverse the settlement of a tax liability when the legal entity has entered incorrect selection criteria in the Periodic settlement or Open transaction update forms.

To reverse the settlement of a tax liability, follow these steps:

  1. Click Payroll (Russia) > Settlements with tax authorities > NDFL payment settlement. Click Functions >Closed transaction editing.

  2. Select Mark > Mark all to select all of the transactions, or select the Mark check box for a specific transaction.

  3. Click Reverse to reverse the selected tax liabilities. Click Close.

  4. To verify the reversed tax liabilities, click Functions > Settle open transactions. The Amount settled field displays zero, which indicates that the transactions are reversed.

Generate and print the payment settlement reports

You can generate reports that contain details about settled tax liabilities. The reports can be generated either in printable or electronic formats and transferred to the tax authority.


Your tax authority might require you to generate the settled payments and their tax details electronically when the number of employees in your legal entity exceeds a specific number.

To generate the settled payments and their tax details, follow these steps:

  1. Click Payroll (Russia) > Settlements with tax authorities > Income data register.

  2. Click New to create a new record.

  3. Specify the details for the period for which the settlement is done.

  4. Click Create register and specify the selection criteria to create an income data register that contains tax details about employees.

  5. Click Create a file to generate an XML file that contains the tax details for the employees from the created income data register.


    Click Print > Natural persons' income data register to print a summary of the tax details and yearly income statements for all employees of the selected income data register.


    Use the Form 1 - NDFL and Form 2 - NDFL to generate and print reports that contain details about the personal income tax that is levied for an employee. For more information, see (RUS) Taxation, contributions, and compensation reports.

(RUS) Configure standard deductions calculation

(RUS) Payroll accounting reports

Technical information for system administrators

If you don't have access to the pages that are used to complete this task, contact your system administrator and provide the information that is shown in the following table.



Configuration keys

Click System administration > Setup > Licensing > License configuration. Select the CIS Payroll and CIS Staff administration configuration keys.

Security roles and duties

To perform this task, you must have the following role:

  • Payroll administrator

To settle the tax liabilities, you must be a member of a security role that includes the following duty:

  • Enable tax settlement(RPayTaxSettlementEnable)

Security roles and privileges

To settle the tax liabilities, you must be a member of a security role that includes the privileges that are described in the following table.




Maintain tax settlement


Settle tax liabilities.

View tax settlement


Generate and print the payment settlement reports.