
Key tasks: Workers


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Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

This information describes common tasks that are associated with maintaining worker records.

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Create a worker record

Modify a worker’s position assignment

View a worker in the position hierarchy

View a worker’s employment history

View a worker’s absence history

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About workers

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Create a worker record

You can create a worker record in one of these ways:

  • Hire an applicant – When you hire an applicant, the applicant’s information is used to create a worker record. For information, see Hire an applicant.

  • Hire multiple people – You can create a mass-hire project to hire multiple people for the same job. For information, see Key tasks: Mass hire projects.

  • Hire a person – You can manually create a worker record for a person who isn’t an applicant and who wasn’t part of a mass-hire project. See the following procedures for more information.

Hire a person for an open position

  1. Click Human resources > Common > Organization > Positions > Open positions.

  2. Select the open position to fill.

  3. On the Action Pane, click Hire.

  4. Enter the first, middle, and last name of the person you’re hiring to fill the position.

  5. Select the legal entity to associate to the worker. The default legal entity is the legal entity that you’re currently logged on to.

  6. Enter a personnel number for the worker.

    If a number sequence code is specified for the personnel number reference in the Number sequence area of the Human resources shared parameters form, you can’t change the information in this field.

  7. The remaining fields in the form contain default information. This information was specified when the position was created. You can accept the default information or change it.

    If a personnel action type is required, your organization has personnel action types enabled. For more information, see Personnel actions.

  8. Click Hire new worker to open the Worker form, where you can enter more information about the worker.

Hire a person without assigning them to a position

  1. Click Human resources > Common > Workers > Workers.

  2. On the Action Pane, on the Worker tab, in the New group, click Hire new worker.

  3. Enter the first, middle, and last name of the person you’re hiring to fill the position.

  4. Select the legal entity to associate to the worker. The default legal entity is the legal entity that you’re currently logged on to.

  5. Enter a personnel number for the worker.

    If a number sequence code is specified for the personnel number reference in the Number sequence area of the Human resources shared parameters form, you can’t change the information in this field.

  6. Select the worker type.

  7. Enter the date and time when the worker will start their employment.

  8. If the worker is a contractor whose affiliation with the company, organization, or legal entity is limited in time, enter the date when the worker’s affiliation will end.

    If a personnel action type is required, your organization has personnel action types enabled. For more information, see Personnel actions.

  9. Click Hire new worker to open the Worker form, where you can enter more information about the worker.

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Modify a worker’s position assignment

To change a position assignment for a worker, add a position assignment to a new worker, transfer a worker from one position to another position, or end a worker’s position assignment, complete one of these procedures.


  • As of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Cumulative Update 8, worker positions include a work cycle. If a worker has multiple positions, all positions must have the same work cycle. For more information, see Work cycle and work period tasks.

  • If you use the Applications list page or a mass-hire project to hire a worker, a position is already assigned to the worker.

  • You can’t assign a retired or filled position to a worker.

Add or modify a position assignment for a worker

  1. Click Human resources > Common > Workers > Workers.

  2. Select the worker to assign to a position.

  3. On the Action Pane, on the Worker tab, in the Position assignment group, click Worker position assignments.

  4. To create a position assignment for the worker, click Add assignment.

    To change an existing position assignment for the worker, select the position assignment to change, and then click Edit assignment. Go to step 6.

  5. Select the position to assign to the worker.

  6. Enter the starting and ending dates and times for the position assignment.

  7. Select a reason code that indicates why you’re changing or adding a position assignment for the worker. For example, if the worker is being assigned to a different position because of low performance, you could select a reason code that indicates that.

  8. If the position assignment is the worker’s primary position assignment, select the Make primary check box.

  9. Click Create position assignment or Update worker assignment.

Transfer a worker to another position

  1. Click Human resources > Common > Workers > Workers.

  2. Select the worker to transfer.

  3. On the Action Pane, on the Worker tab, in the Personnel actions group, click Transfer worker.

  4. Enter the ending date and time for the worker’s current position assignment.

  5. Select a reason code that indicates why you’re transferring the worker from their current position.

  6. If the worker’s current position should be retired, select the Retire position check box. However, if another worker will fill the position that the current worker is transferring from, don’t select the check box.

  7. Select the job and position to transfer the worker to.

  8. Select the Primary check box for the new position assignment if the position is the worker’s primary position.

  9. Enter or accept the default employment factor for the new position assignment. To indicate that the position assignment for the worker is part-time, enter a number that is less than 1.

  10. Enter the starting date and time for the new position assignment.

  11. If the worker is a contractor whose affiliation with the company, organization, or legal entity is limited in time, enter the date when the worker’s position assignment will end.

  12. Select the reason code that indicates why you’re transferring the worker to the new position.

  13. Click Transfer worker.

End a position assignment for a worker

  1. Click Human resources > Common > Workers > Workers.

  2. Select a worker.

  3. On the Action Pane, on the Worker tab, in the Position assignment group, click Worker position assignments.

  4. Click End.

  5. Enter the ending date and time of the position assignment.

  6. Select the reason code that indicates why you’re ending the position assignment.

  7. Click Retire worker assignment.


    When you end a position assignment for a worker, you don’t terminate the worker’s employment. To terminate a worker’s employment, see Terminate employment.

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View a worker in the position hierarchy

If a worker is assigned to a position, you can use the Position hierarchy form to view the worker’s location in an organizational hierarchy.

  1. Click Human resources > Common > Workers > Workers.

  2. Select the worker to view in the hierarchy.

  3. On the Action Pane, on the Worker tab, in the Related information group, click View in hierarchy.

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View a worker’s employment history

Complete these steps to display the Employment history form, where you can view a worker’s employment history or add employment information for a worker. For more information about worker employment, see About employment affiliations.

  1. Click Human resources > Common > Workers > Workers.

  2. Select a worker.

  3. On the Action Pane, on the Worker tab, in the Versions group, click Employment history.

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View a worker’s absence history

Complete these steps to display the Absence history form, where you can view the absence journals and the absence transactions in each journal for a worker.

  1. Click Human resources > Common > Workers > Workers.

  2. Select a worker.

  3. On the Action Pane, on the Worker tab, in the Related information group, click Absence > Absence history.

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Worker (form)

Position assignments (form)

Transfer worker (form)

Organization hierarchies (form)

Employment history (form)

Absence history (form)

Approve or reject absences

(USA) Key tasks: Form I-9 verification

Key tasks: Compensation plans

(USA) Grant or deny an accommodation request

Loan an item to a worker, contact, or applicant

Terminate employment