巡覽 DataTable (ADO.NET)
DataTableReader 會以一或多個唯讀、順向結果集的形式,取得一或多個 DataTable 物件的內容。
如果 DataTableReader 是使用 CreateDataReader 方法而建立,則可能包含多個結果集。 有多個結果集時,NextResult 方法會將游標移到下一個結果集。 這是順向的處理序。 且不可能返回前一個結果集。
在下列範例中,TestConstructor 方法會建立兩個 DataTable 執行個體。 為了示範 DataTableReader 類別 (Class) 的這個建構函式 (Constructor),此範例會根據內含兩個 DataTables 的陣列建立新的 DataTableReader,並執行簡單的作業,將前幾行資料行的內容列印到主控台視窗。
Private Sub TestConstructor()
' Create two data adapters, one for each of the two
' DataTables to be filled.
Dim customerDataTable As DataTable = GetCustomers()
Dim productDataTable As DataTable = GetProducts()
' Create the new DataTableReader.
Using reader As New DataTableReader( _
New DataTable() {customerDataTable, productDataTable})
' Print the contents of each of the result sets.
Loop While reader.NextResult()
End Using
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to finish.")
End Sub
Private Function GetCustomers() As DataTable
' Create sample Customers table, in order
' to demonstrate the behavior of the DataTableReader.
Dim table As New DataTable
' Create two columns, ID and Name.
Dim idColumn As DataColumn = table.Columns.Add("ID", GetType(Integer))
table.Columns.Add("Name", GetType(String))
' Set the ID column as the primary key column.
table.PrimaryKey = New DataColumn() {idColumn}
table.Rows.Add(New Object() {1, "Mary"})
table.Rows.Add(New Object() {2, "Andy"})
table.Rows.Add(New Object() {3, "Peter"})
table.Rows.Add(New Object() {4, "Russ"})
Return table
End Function
Private Function GetProducts() As DataTable
' Create sample Products table, in order
' to demonstrate the behavior of the DataTableReader.
Dim table As New DataTable
' Create two columns, ID and Name.
Dim idColumn As DataColumn = table.Columns.Add("ID", GetType(Integer))
table.Columns.Add("Name", GetType(String))
' Set the ID column as the primary key column.
table.PrimaryKey = New DataColumn() {idColumn}
table.Rows.Add(New Object() {1, "Wireless Network Card"})
table.Rows.Add(New Object() {2, "Hard Drive"})
table.Rows.Add(New Object() {3, "Monitor"})
table.Rows.Add(New Object() {4, "CPU"})
Return table
End Function
Private Sub PrintColumns( _
ByVal reader As DataTableReader)
' Loop through all the rows in the DataTableReader.
Do While reader.Read()
For i As Integer = 0 To reader.FieldCount - 1
Console.Write(reader(i).ToString() & " ")
End Sub
private static void TestConstructor()
// Create two data adapters, one for each of the two
// DataTables to be filled.
DataTable customerDataTable = GetCustomers();
DataTable productDataTable = GetProducts();
// Create the new DataTableReader.
using (DataTableReader reader = new DataTableReader(
new DataTable[] { customerDataTable, productDataTable }))
// Print the contents of each of the result sets.
} while (reader.NextResult());
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to finish.");
private static DataTable GetCustomers()
// Create sample Customers table, in order
// to demonstrate the behavior of the DataTableReader.
DataTable table = new DataTable();
// Create two columns, ID and Name.
DataColumn idColumn = table.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(int));
table.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(String[]));
// Set the ID column as the primary key column.
table.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { idColumn };
table.Rows.Add(new object[] { 1, "Mary" });
table.Rows.Add(new object[] { 2, "Andy" });
table.Rows.Add(new object[] { 3, "Peter" });
table.Rows.Add(new object[] { 4, "Russ" });
return table;
private static DataTable GetProducts()
// Create sample Products table, in order
// to demonstrate the behavior of the DataTableReader.
DataTable table = new DataTable();
// Create two columns, ID and Name.
DataColumn idColumn = table.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(int));
table.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(String[]));
// Set the ID column as the primary key column.
table.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { idColumn };
table.Rows.Add(new object[] { 1, "Wireless Network Card" });
table.Rows.Add(new object[] { 2, "Hard Drive" });
table.Rows.Add(new object[] { 3, "Monitor" });
table.Rows.Add(new object[] { 4, "CPU" });
return table;
private static void PrintColumns(DataTableReader reader)
// Loop through all the rows in the DataTableReader
while (reader.Read())
for (int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++)
Console.Write(reader[i] + " ");