HOW TO:取得唯讀 Freezable 的可寫入複本
本範例說明如何使用 Clone 方法建立唯讀 Freezable 的可寫入複本。
Freezable 物件標示為唯讀 (「凍結」) 後就無法修改。 不過,您可以使用 Clone 方法,建立凍結物件的可修改複本。
下列範例會建立凍結 SolidColorBrush 物件的可修改複本。
Dim myButton As New Button()
Dim myBrush As New SolidColorBrush(Colors.Yellow)
' Freezing a Freezable before it provides
' performance improvements if you don't
' intend on modifying it.
If myBrush.CanFreeze Then
' Makes the brush unmodifiable.
End If
myButton.Background = myBrush
' If you need to modify a frozen brush,
' the Clone method can be used to
' create a modifiable copy.
Dim myBrushClone As SolidColorBrush = myBrush.Clone()
' Changing myBrushClone does not change
' the color of myButton, because its
' background is still set by myBrush.
myBrushClone.Color = Colors.Red
' Replacing myBrush with myBrushClone
' makes the button change to red.
myButton.Background = myBrushClone
Button myButton = new Button();
SolidColorBrush myBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Yellow);
// Freezing a Freezable before it provides
// performance improvements if you don't
// intend on modifying it.
if (myBrush.CanFreeze)
// Makes the brush unmodifiable.
myButton.Background = myBrush;
// If you need to modify a frozen brush,
// the Clone method can be used to
// create a modifiable copy.
SolidColorBrush myBrushClone = myBrush.Clone();
// Changing myBrushClone does not change
// the color of myButton, because its
// background is still set by myBrush.
myBrushClone.Color = Colors.Red;
// Replacing myBrush with myBrushClone
// makes the button change to red.
myButton.Background = myBrushClone;
如需 Freezable 物件的詳細資訊,請參閱 Freezable 物件概觀。