name 函式
傳回一個含有 QName 的字串,其代表節點集引數中位居文件順序首位之節點的展開名稱。
string name(node-set?)
QName 必須根據節點中的生效命名空間來表示展開名稱。如果節點上生效的命名空間宣告,將多個前置詞與相同的命名空間產生關聯,則不需要執行上述動作。如果節點集引數是空的,或第一個節點沒有展開名稱,則傳回空字串。如果忽略引數,則會將其預設為節點集,而唯一成員為內容節點。
XML 檔 (bcat.xml)
XSLT 檔 (sample.xsl)
輔助 XSLT 檔 (book-schema.xml)
name() Function
b:catalog =
b:book =
b:author = Gambardella, Matthew
b:title = XML Developer's Guide
b:genre = Computer
b:price = 44.95
b:publish_date = 2000-10-01
b:description = An in-depth look at creating applications with XML.
b:book =
b:author = Ralls, Kim
b:title = Midnight Rain
b:genre = Fantasy
b:price = 5.95
b:publish_date = 2000-12-16
b:description = A former architect battles corporate zombies, an evil sorceress, and
her own childhood to become queen of the world.
<h3>name() Function</h3>b:catalog = <br>b:book = <br>b:author = Gambardella, Matthew<br>b:title = XML Developer's Guide<br>b:genre = Computer<br>b:price = 44.95<br>b:publish_date = 2000-10-01<br>b:description = An in-depth look at creating applications with XML.<br>b:book = <br>b:author = Ralls, Kim<br>b:title = Midnight Rain<br>b:genre = Fantasy<br>b:price = 5.95<br>b:publish_date = 2000-12-16<br>b:description = A former architect battles corporate zombies, an evil sorceress, and her own childhood to become queen of the world.<br></body>