使用 AsyncWaitHandle 封鎖應用程式執行
無法在等候非同步作業 (Asynchronous Operation) 結果時,繼續進行其他工作的應用程式,必須在作業完成之前維持封鎖。 請使用下列其中一個選項,在等候非同步作業完成時,封鎖您應用程式的主執行緒:
使用非同步作業的 BeginOperationName 方法所傳回之 IAsyncResult 的 AsyncWaitHandle 屬性。 此主題中會示範這個方法。
呼叫非同步作業的 EndOperationName 方法。 如需進行這個方法的範例,請參閱以結束非同步作業的方式封鎖應用程式執行。
在非同步作業完成之前,使用一或多個 WaitHandle 物件來封鎖的應用程式,通常都會呼叫 BeginOperationName 方法,來執行不需要作業結果即可完成的工作,然後在非同步作業完成之前維持封鎖。 只要使用 AsyncWaitHandle 呼叫其中一個 WaitOne 方法,應用程式即可封鎖單一作業。 若要在等候一組非同步作業完成的同時封鎖,請將關聯的 AsyncWaitHandle 物件儲存到陣列中,並呼叫其中一個 WaitAll 方法。 若要在等候任何一組非同步作業完成的同時封鎖,請將關聯的 AsyncWaitHandle 物件儲存到陣例中,並呼叫其中一個 WaitAny 方法。
下列程式碼範例會示範在 DNS 類別中使用非同步方法,以擷取使用者所指定之電腦的網域名稱系統資訊。 且會示範使用與非同步作業關聯的 WaitHandle 來進行封鎖。 請注意,由於在使用此處理方法時不需要 BeginGetHostByName requestCallback 和 stateObject 參數,對於這兩個參數都會傳遞 null (Visual Basic 中的 Nothing)。
' The following example demonstrates using asynchronous methods to
' get Domain Name System information for the specified host computer.
Imports System
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.Threading
namespace Examples.AdvancedProgramming.AsynchronousOperations
Public Class WaitUntilOperationCompletes
Public Shared Sub Main(args() as String)
' Make sure the caller supplied a host name.
If(args.Length = 0)
' Print a message and exit.
Console.WriteLine("You must specify the name of a host computer.")
End If
' Start the asynchronous request for DNS information.
Dim result as IAsyncResult= Dns.BeginGetHostEntry(args(0), Nothing, Nothing)
Console.WriteLine("Processing request for information...")
' Wait until the operation completes.
' The operation completed. Process the results.
' Get the results.
Dim host as IPHostEntry = Dns.EndGetHostEntry(result)
Dim aliases() as String = host.Aliases
Dim addresses() as IPAddress= host.AddressList
Dim i as Integer
If aliases.Length > 0
For i = 0 To aliases.Length -1
Console.WriteLine("{0}", aliases(i))
Next i
End If
If addresses.Length > 0
For i = 0 To addresses.Length -1
Console.WriteLine("{0}", addresses(i).ToString())
Next i
End If
Catch e as SocketException
Console.WriteLine("An exception occurred while processing the request: {0}" _
, e.Message)
End Try
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
The following example demonstrates using asynchronous methods to
get Domain Name System information for the specified host computer.
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Threading;
namespace Examples.AdvancedProgramming.AsynchronousOperations
public class WaitUntilOperationCompletes
public static void Main(string[] args)
// Make sure the caller supplied a host name.
if (args.Length == 0 || args[0].Length == 0)
// Print a message and exit.
Console.WriteLine("You must specify the name of a host computer.");
// Start the asynchronous request for DNS information.
IAsyncResult result = Dns.BeginGetHostEntry(args[0], null, null);
Console.WriteLine("Processing request for information...");
// Wait until the operation completes.
// The operation completed. Process the results.
// Get the results.
IPHostEntry host = Dns.EndGetHostEntry(result);
string[] aliases = host.Aliases;
IPAddress[] addresses = host.AddressList;
if (aliases.Length > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < aliases.Length; i++)
Console.WriteLine("{0}", aliases[i]);
if (addresses.Length > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < addresses.Length; i++)
catch (SocketException e)
Console.WriteLine("Exception occurred while processing the request: {0}",