從查詢中建立 DataTable (LINQ to DataSet)
資料繫結 (Data Binding) 是 DataTable 物件的常見用法。 CopyToDataTable 方法會採用查詢的結果並將資料複製到 DataTable 中,然後此物件便可用於資料繫結。 執行了資料作業之後,新的 DataTable 就會合併回來源 DataTable 中。
CopyToDataTable 方法會使用下列程序,從查詢中建立 DataTable:
CopyToDataTable 方法會從來源資料表 (實作 IQueryable<T> 介面的 DataTable 物件) 中複製 (Clone) DataTable。 IEnumerable 來源通常源自於 LINQ to DataSet 運算式或方法查詢。
複製的 DataTable 結構描述是根據來源資料表中第一個列舉 DataRow 物件的資料行所建立,而且複製之資料表的名稱就是來源資料表的名稱並附加上 "query" 一字。
若為來源資料表中的每個資料列,資料列的內容會複製到新的 DataRow 物件中,然後該物件便插入複製的資料表中。 在複製作業中,RowState 和 RowError 屬性會保留下來。 如果來源中的 DataRow 物件來自於不同的資料表,系統就會擲回 ArgumentException。
在輸入可查詢資料表中的所有 DataRow 物件都已經複製之後,就會傳回複製的 DataTable。 如果來源序列 (Sequence) 沒有包含任何 DataRow 物件,此方法就會傳回空的 DataTable。
請注意,呼叫 CopyToDataTable 方法將導致系統執行繫結至來源資料表的查詢。
當 CopyToDataTable 方法在來源資料表的資料列中遇到 Null 參考或可為 Null 的實值型別 (Value Type) 時,它會將此值取代成 Value。 如此一來,傳回之 DataTable 中的 Null 值都會經過正確處理。
注意:CopyToDataTable 方法會接受可從多個 DataTable 或 DataSet 物件傳回資料列的查詢當做輸入。 CopyToDataTable 方法會將資料 (但不包含屬性) 從來源 DataTable 或 DataSet 物件複製到傳回的 DataTable。 您必須針對傳回的 DataTable 明確設定屬性,例如 Locale 和 TableName。
下列範例將在 SalesOrderHeader 資料表中查詢是否有 2001 年 8 月 8 日之後的訂單,然後使用 CopyToDataTable 方法,從該查詢中建立 DataTable。 接著,DataTable 便繫結至 BindingSource,而它會當做 DataGridView 的 Proxy。
' Bind the System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView object
' to the System.Windows.Forms.BindingSource object.
dataGridView.DataSource = bindingSource
' Fill the DataSet.
Dim ds As New DataSet()
ds.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
' See the FillDataSet method in the Loading Data Into a DataSet topic.
Dim orders As DataTable = ds.Tables("SalesOrderHeader")
' Query the SalesOrderHeader table for orders placed
' after August 8, 2001.
Dim query = _
From order In orders.AsEnumerable() _
Where order.Field(Of DateTime)("OrderDate") > New DateTime(2001, 8, 1) _
Select order
' Create a table from the query.
Dim boundTable As DataTable = query.CopyToDataTable()
' Bind the table to a System.Windows.Forms.BindingSource object,
' which acts as a proxy for a System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView object.
bindingSource.DataSource = boundTable
// Bind the System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView object
// to the System.Windows.Forms.BindingSource object.
dataGridView.DataSource = bindingSource;
// Fill the DataSet.
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
ds.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
DataTable orders = ds.Tables["SalesOrderHeader"];
// Query the SalesOrderHeader table for orders placed
// after August 8, 2001.
IEnumerable<DataRow> query =
from order in orders.AsEnumerable()
where order.Field<DateTime>("OrderDate") > new DateTime(2001, 8, 1)
select order;
// Create a table from the query.
DataTable boundTable = query.CopyToDataTable<DataRow>();
// Bind the table to a System.Windows.Forms.BindingSource object,
// which acts as a proxy for a System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView object.
bindingSource.DataSource = boundTable;
建立自訂 CopyToDataTable<T> 方法
現有的 CopyToDataTable 方法只能在通用參數 T 為 DataRow 型別的IEnumerable<T> 來源上運作。 雖然這樣非常有用,但是資料表卻無法從一序列的純量型別、傳回匿名型別的查詢或執行資料表聯結的查詢建立。 如需如何實作從一序列的純量型別或匿名型別載入資料表的兩個自訂 CopyToDataTable 方法的範例,請參閱 HOW TO:實作通用型別 T 不是 DataRow 的 CopyToDataTable<T>。
Public Class Item
Private _Id As Int32
Private _Price As Double
Private _Genre As String
Public Property Id() As Int32
Return Id
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Int32)
_Id = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Price() As Double
Return _Price
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Double)
_Price = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Genre() As String
Return _Genre
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_Genre = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
Public Class Book
Inherits Item
Private _Author As String
Public Property Author() As String
Return _Author
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_Author = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
Public Class Movie
Inherits Item
Private _Director As String
Public Property Director() As String
Return _Director
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
_Director = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
public class Item
public int Id { get; set; }
public double Price { get; set; }
public string Genre { get; set; }
public class Book : Item
public string Author { get; set; }
public class Movie : Item
public string Director { get; set; }
此範例會執行 SalesOrderHeader 和 SalesOrderDetail 資料表的聯結,以取得八月的線上訂單資訊並根據此查詢建立資料表。
' Fill the DataSet.
Dim ds As New DataSet()
ds.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
' See the FillDataSet method in the Loading Data Into a DataSet topic.
Dim orders As DataTable = ds.Tables("SalesOrderHeader")
Dim details As DataTable = ds.Tables("SalesOrderDetail")
Dim query = _
From order In orders.AsEnumerable() _
Join detail In details.AsEnumerable() _
On order.Field(Of Integer)("SalesOrderID") Equals _
detail.Field(Of Integer)("SalesOrderID") _
Where order.Field(Of Boolean)("OnlineOrderFlag") = True And _
order.Field(Of DateTime)("OrderDate").Month = 8 _
Select New With _
{ _
.SalesOrderID = order.Field(Of Integer)("SalesOrderID"), _
.SalesOrderDetailID = detail.Field(Of Integer)("SalesOrderDetailID"), _
.OrderDate = order.Field(Of DateTime)("OrderDate"), _
.ProductID = detail.Field(Of Integer)("ProductID") _
Dim table As DataTable = query.CopyToDataTable()
// Fill the DataSet.
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
ds.Locale = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
DataTable orders = ds.Tables["SalesOrderHeader"];
DataTable details = ds.Tables["SalesOrderDetail"];
var query =
from order in orders.AsEnumerable()
join detail in details.AsEnumerable()
on order.Field<int>("SalesOrderID") equals
where order.Field<bool>("OnlineOrderFlag") == true
&& order.Field<DateTime>("OrderDate").Month == 8
select new
SalesOrderID =
SalesOrderDetailID =
OrderDate =
ProductID =
DataTable orderTable = query.CopyToDataTable();
下列範例會查詢集合中價格大於 $9.99 的項目,並根據查詢結果建立資料表。
Dim book1 As New Book()
book1.Id = 1
book1.Price = 13.5
book1.Genre = "Comedy"
book1.Author = "Gustavo Achong"
Dim book2 As New Book
book2.Id = 2
book2.Price = 8.5
book2.Genre = "Drama"
book2.Author = "Jessie Zeng"
Dim movie1 As New Movie
movie1.Id = 1
movie1.Price = 22.99
movie1.Genre = "Comedy"
movie1.Director = "Marissa Barnes"
Dim movie2 As New Movie
movie2.Id = 1
movie2.Price = 13.4
movie2.Genre = "Action"
movie2.Director = "Emmanuel Fernandez"
Dim items(3) As Item
items(0) = book1
items(1) = book2
items(2) = movie1
items(3) = movie2
' Query for items with price greater than 9.99.
Dim query = From i In items _
Where i.Price > 9.99 _
Order By i.Price _
Select New With {i.Price, i.Genre}
Dim table As DataTable
table = query.CopyToDataTable()
// Create a sequence.
Item[] items = new Item[]
{ new Book{Id = 1, Price = 13.50, Genre = "Comedy", Author = "Gustavo Achong"},
new Book{Id = 2, Price = 8.50, Genre = "Drama", Author = "Jessie Zeng"},
new Movie{Id = 1, Price = 22.99, Genre = "Comedy", Director = "Marissa Barnes"},
new Movie{Id = 1, Price = 13.40, Genre = "Action", Director = "Emmanuel Fernandez"}};
// Query for items with price greater than 9.99.
var query = from i in items
where i.Price > 9.99
orderby i.Price
select i;
// Load the query results into new DataTable.
DataTable table = query.CopyToDataTable();
下列範例會查詢集合中價格大於 $9.99 的項目並擲回結果。 所傳回的匿名型別序列就會載入到現有的資料表中。
Dim book1 As New Book()
book1.Id = 1
book1.Price = 13.5
book1.Genre = "Comedy"
book1.Author = "Gustavo Achong"
Dim book2 As New Book
book2.Id = 2
book2.Price = 8.5
book2.Genre = "Drama"
book2.Author = "Jessie Zeng"
Dim movie1 As New Movie
movie1.Id = 1
movie1.Price = 22.99
movie1.Genre = "Comedy"
movie1.Director = "Marissa Barnes"
Dim movie2 As New Movie
movie2.Id = 1
movie2.Price = 13.4
movie2.Genre = "Action"
movie2.Director = "Emmanuel Fernandez"
Dim items(3) As Item
items(0) = book1
items(1) = book2
items(2) = movie1
items(3) = movie2
' Create a table with a schema that matches that of the query results.
Dim table As DataTable = New DataTable()
table.Columns.Add("Price", GetType(Integer))
table.Columns.Add("Genre", GetType(String))
' Query for items with price greater than 9.99.
Dim query = From i In items _
Where i.Price > 9.99 _
Order By i.Price _
Select New With {i.Price, i.Genre}
query.CopyToDataTable(table, LoadOption.PreserveChanges)
// Create a sequence.
Item[] items = new Item[]
{ new Book{Id = 1, Price = 13.50, Genre = "Comedy", Author = "Gustavo Achong"},
new Book{Id = 2, Price = 8.50, Genre = "Drama", Author = "Jessie Zeng"},
new Movie{Id = 1, Price = 22.99, Genre = "Comedy", Director = "Marissa Barnes"},
new Movie{Id = 1, Price = 13.40, Genre = "Action", Director = "Emmanuel Fernandez"}};
// Create a table with a schema that matches that of the query results.
DataTable table = new DataTable();
table.Columns.Add("Price", typeof(int));
table.Columns.Add("Genre", typeof(string));
var query = from i in items
where i.Price > 9.99
orderby i.Price
select new { i.Price, i.Genre };
query.CopyToDataTable(table, LoadOption.PreserveChanges);
下列範例會查詢集合中價格大於 $9.99 的項目並擲回結果。 所傳回的匿名型別序列就會載入到現有的資料表中。 因為 Book 和 Movies 型別是衍生自 Item 型別,所以資料表結構描述會自動展開。
Dim book1 As New Book()
book1.Id = 1
book1.Price = 13.5
book1.Genre = "Comedy"
book1.Author = "Gustavo Achong"
Dim book2 As New Book
book2.Id = 2
book2.Price = 8.5
book2.Genre = "Drama"
book2.Author = "Jessie Zeng"
Dim movie1 As New Movie
movie1.Id = 1
movie1.Price = 22.99
movie1.Genre = "Comedy"
movie1.Director = "Marissa Barnes"
Dim movie2 As New Movie
movie2.Id = 1
movie2.Price = 13.4
movie2.Genre = "Action"
movie2.Director = "Emmanuel Fernandez"
Dim items(3) As Item
items(0) = book1
items(1) = book2
items(2) = movie1
items(3) = movie2
' Load into an existing DataTable, expand the schema and
' autogenerate a new Id.
Dim table As DataTable = New DataTable()
Dim dc As DataColumn = table.Columns.Add("NewId", GetType(Integer))
dc.AutoIncrement = True
table.Columns.Add("ExtraColumn", GetType(String))
Dim query = From i In items _
Where i.Price > 9.99 _
Order By i.Price _
Select New With {i.Price, i.Genre}
query.CopyToDataTable(table, LoadOption.PreserveChanges)
// Create a sequence.
Item[] items = new Item[]
{ new Book{Id = 1, Price = 13.50, Genre = "Comedy", Author = "Gustavo Achong"},
new Book{Id = 2, Price = 8.50, Genre = "Drama", Author = "Jessie Zeng"},
new Movie{Id = 1, Price = 22.99, Genre = "Comedy", Director = "Marissa Barnes"},
new Movie{Id = 1, Price = 13.40, Genre = "Action", Director = "Emmanuel Fernandez"}};
// Load into an existing DataTable, expand the schema and
// autogenerate a new Id.
DataTable table = new DataTable();
DataColumn dc = table.Columns.Add("NewId", typeof(int));
dc.AutoIncrement = true;
table.Columns.Add("ExtraColumn", typeof(string));
var query = from i in items
where i.Price > 9.99
orderby i.Price
select new { i.Price, i.Genre };
query.CopyToDataTable(table, LoadOption.PreserveChanges);
下列範例會查詢集合中價格大於 $9.99 的項目並傳回結果 Double 序列,這序列會在入到新資料表中。
Dim book1 As New Book()
book1.Id = 1
book1.Price = 13.5
book1.Genre = "Comedy"
book1.Author = "Gustavo Achong"
Dim book2 As New Book
book2.Id = 2
book2.Price = 8.5
book2.Genre = "Drama"
book2.Author = "Jessie Zeng"
Dim movie1 As New Movie
movie1.Id = 1
movie1.Price = 22.99
movie1.Genre = "Comedy"
movie1.Director = "Marissa Barnes"
Dim movie2 As New Movie
movie2.Id = 1
movie2.Price = 13.4
movie2.Genre = "Action"
movie2.Director = "Emmanuel Fernandez"
Dim items(3) As Item
items(0) = book1
items(1) = book2
items(2) = movie1
items(3) = movie2
Dim query = From i In items _
Where i.Price > 9.99 _
Order By i.Price _
Select i.Price
Dim table As DataTable
table = query.CopyToDataTable()
// Create a sequence.
Item[] items = new Item[]
{ new Book{Id = 1, Price = 13.50, Genre = "Comedy", Author = "Gustavo Achong"},
new Book{Id = 2, Price = 8.50, Genre = "Drama", Author = "Jessie Zeng"},
new Movie{Id = 1, Price = 22.99, Genre = "Comedy", Director = "Marissa Barnes"},
new Movie{Id = 1, Price = 13.40, Genre = "Action", Director = "Emmanuel Fernandez"}};
// load sequence of scalars.
IEnumerable<double> query = from i in items
where i.Price > 9.99
orderby i.Price
select i.Price;
DataTable table = query.CopyToDataTable();
泛型 Field 和 SetField 方法 (LINQ to DataSet)