HOW TO:在隔離儲存區中建立檔案和目錄
在您取得存放區之後,您可以建立儲存資料的目錄和檔案。 存放區內,檔案和目錄名稱相對於虛擬檔案系統的根 (Root) 來指定。
如果要建立目錄,請使用 IsolatedStorageFile 的 CreateDirectory 執行個體方法。 如果您指定尚未建立的目錄的子目錄,那麼兩個目錄都會建立。 如果您指定已經存在的目錄,不會產生任何例外狀況。 但是,如果您指定的目錄名稱內含無效字元,則會產生 IsolatedStorageException。
如果要建立並開啟檔案,請使用其中一個 IsolatedStorageFileStream 建構函式,傳入檔案名稱、FileMode 值 OpenOrCreate,以及您想要在其中建立檔案的存放區。 然後,您可以做一些預期要在檔案資料流中處理資料的動作,例如讀取、搜尋和寫入。 IsolatedStorageFileStream 建構函式也可以用來開啟其他用途的檔案。
您可以使用不接受 IsolatedStorageFile 引數的任何 IsolatedStorageFileStream 建構函式,建立或開啟檔案而不需事先取得存放區。 當您使用這個形式的建構函式時,檔案是建立在檔案的定義域存放區中。
在 Windows 檔案系統中,為了比較名稱,隔離儲存區的檔案和目錄名稱會區分大小寫。 如此,如果您建立名為 ThisFile.txt 的檔案,並接著建立另一個名為 THISFILE.TXT 的檔案,只有一個檔案會被建立。 檔案名稱在顯示的場合保留它原來的大小寫。
CreatingFilesAndDirectories 範例
下列程式碼範例說明如何在隔離存放區中建立檔案和目錄。 首先,擷取使用者、定義域和組件所隔離的存放區,並置於 isoStore 變數中。 CreateDirectory 方法是用來設定一些不同的目錄,而 IsolatedStorageFileStream 方法則會在這些目錄中建立一些檔案。
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.IO.IsolatedStorage
Public Class CreatingFilesDirectories
Public Shared Sub Main()
' Get an isolated store for user, domain, and assembly and put it into
' an IsolatedStorageFile object.
Dim isoStore As IsolatedStorageFile
isoStore = IsolatedStorageFile.GetStore(IsolatedStorageScope.User Or _
IsolatedStorageScope.Assembly Or IsolatedStorageScope.Domain, Nothing, Nothing)
' This code creates a few different directories.
' This code creates two new directories, one inside the other.
' This file is placed in the root.
Dim isoStream1 As New IsolatedStorageFileStream("InTheRoot.txt", FileMode.Create, isoStore)
Console.WriteLine("Created a new file in the root.")
' This file is placed in the InsideDirectory.
Dim isoStream2 As New IsolatedStorageFileStream("AnotherTopLevelDirectory/InsideDirectory/HereIAm.txt", _
FileMode.Create, isoStore)
Console.WriteLine("Created a new file in the root.")
Console.WriteLine("Created a new file in the InsideDirectory.")
End Sub
End Class
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.IsolatedStorage;
public class CreatingFilesDirectories
public static void Main()
// Get a new isolated store for this user, domain, and assembly.
// Put the store into an IsolatedStorageFile object.
IsolatedStorageFile isoStore = IsolatedStorageFile.GetStore(IsolatedStorageScope.User |
IsolatedStorageScope.Domain | IsolatedStorageScope.Assembly, null, null);
// This code creates a few different directories.
// This code creates two new directories, one inside the other.
// This file is placed in the root.
IsolatedStorageFileStream isoStream1 =
new IsolatedStorageFileStream("InTheRoot.txt", FileMode.Create, isoStore);
Console.WriteLine("Created a new file in the root.");
// This file is placed in the InsideDirectory.
IsolatedStorageFileStream isoStream2 =
new IsolatedStorageFileStream("AnotherTopLevelDirectory/InsideDirectory/HereIAm.txt",
FileMode.Create, isoStore);
Console.WriteLine("Created a new file in the InsideDirectory.");
} // End of Main.
using namespace System;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::IO::IsolatedStorage;
public ref class CreatingFilesDirectories
static void Main()
// Get a new isolated store for this user, domain, and assembly.
// Put the store into an IsolatedStorageFile object.
IsolatedStorageFile^ isoStore = IsolatedStorageFile::GetStore( IsolatedStorageScope::User |
IsolatedStorageScope::Domain | IsolatedStorageScope::Assembly,
(Type ^)nullptr, (Type ^)nullptr);
// This code creates a few different directories.
// This code creates two new directories, one inside the other.
// This file is placed in the root.
IsolatedStorageFileStream^ isoStream1 =
gcnew IsolatedStorageFileStream("InTheRoot.txt", FileMode::Create, isoStore);
Console::WriteLine("Created a new file in the root.");
// This file is placed in the InsideDirectory.
IsolatedStorageFileStream^ isoStream2 =
gcnew IsolatedStorageFileStream("AnotherTopLevelDirectory/InsideDirectory/HereIAm.txt",
FileMode::Create, isoStore);
Console::WriteLine("Created a new file in the InsideDirectory.");
} // End of Main.
int main()