HOW TO:使用 From、To 和 By 控制動畫
更新:2007 年 11 月
"From/To/By" (或稱「基本動畫」) 可建立兩個目標值之間的轉換 (如需不同動畫類型的簡介,請參閱動畫概觀)。若要設定基本動畫的目標值,請使用其 From、To 和 By 屬性。下表摘要說明如何同時使用或分開使用 From、To 和 By 屬性來決定動畫的目標值。
指定的屬性 |
產生的行為 |
動畫會從 From 屬性指定的值前進到顯示動畫之屬性的基礎值,或是前進到前一個動畫的輸出值 (依據前一個動畫的設定方式而定)。 |
動畫會從動畫屬性的基礎值或前一個動畫的輸出值,前進到 To 指定的值。 |
動畫會從顯示動畫之屬性的基礎值或前一個動畫的輸出值,前進到該值與 By 屬性指定之值的總和。 |
![]() |
下列範例顯示在動畫上設定 To、By 和 From 屬性的效果。
<!-- This example shows the different effects of setting
To, By, and From properties on animations. -->
<StackPanel Margin="20">
<!-- Demonstrates the From and To properties used together. -->
<Rectangle Name="fromToAnimatedRectangle" Height="10" Width="100"
HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="10" Fill="#99FF9900" />
<!-- Demonstrates the use of the To property. -->
<Rectangle Name="toAnimatedRectangle" Height="10" Width="100"
HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="10" Fill="#99FF9900" />
<!-- Demonstrates the use of the By property. -->
<Rectangle Name="byAnimatedRectangle" Height="10" Width="100"
HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="10" Fill="#99FF9900" />
<!-- Demonstrates the use of the From and By properties. -->
<Rectangle Name="fromByAnimatedRectangle" Height="10" Width="100"
HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="10" Fill="#99FF9900" />
<!-- Demonstrates the use of the From property. -->
<Rectangle Name="fromAnimatedRectangle" Height="10" Width="100"
HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="10" Fill="#99FF9900" />
Start Animations
<EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Button.Click">
<Storyboard FillBehavior="Stop">
<!-- Demonstrates the From and To properties used together.
Animates the rectangle's Width property from 50 to 300 over 10 seconds. -->
From="50" To="300" Duration="0:0:10" />
<!-- Demonstrates the To property used by itself.
Animates the Rectangle's Width property from its base value
(100) to 300 over 10 seconds. -->
Storyboard.TargetName="toAnimatedRectangle" Storyboard.TargetProperty="(Rectangle.Width)"
To="300" Duration="0:0:10" />
<!-- Demonstrates the By property used by itself.
Increments the Rectangle's Width property by 300 over 10 seconds.
As a result, the Width property is animated from its base value
(100) to 400 (100 + 300) over 10 seconds. -->
Storyboard.TargetName="byAnimatedRectangle" Storyboard.TargetProperty="(Rectangle.Width)"
By="300" Duration="0:0:10" />
<!-- Demonstrates the From and By properties used together.
Increments the Rectangle's Width property by 300 over 10 seconds.
As a result, the Width property is animated from 50
to 350 (50 + 300) over 10 seconds. -->
Storyboard.TargetName="fromByAnimatedRectangle" Storyboard.TargetProperty="(Rectangle.Width)"
From="50" By="300" Duration="0:0:10" />
<!-- Demonstrates the From property used by itself.
Animates the rectangle's Width property from 50 to its base value (100)
over 10 seconds. -->
Storyboard.TargetName="fromAnimatedRectangle" Storyboard.TargetProperty="(Rectangle.Width)"
From="50" Duration="0:0:10" />