Workflow Error Codes
The following table lists Windows Workflow Foundation error codes and the text of the corresponding error messages. Text in brackets is a description of the error rather than literal error text.
Error code | Error message |
256 (0x100) |
Workflow changes are disallowed when a TransactionScopeActivity is being executed. |
260 (0x104) |
CompositeActivity <activity name> status is currently <status>. Dynamic modifications are allowed only when the activity status is 'Enabled' or 'Suspended'. |
262 (0x106) |
Cannot create validator of type <type name>. |
265 (0x109) |
Parameter <parameter name> is invalid. Property <property name> is not set or its value is invalid. |
266 (0x10A) |
Parameter <parameter name> has invalid type. Type <type name> does not exist. |
267 (0x10B) |
Xoml document missing required attribute <attribute name> on '{1}'. |
268 (0x10C) |
Resource reference has invalid source name. Source must contain a valid resource file name that ends with '.resx'. |
269 (0x10D) |
ReferenceBind is invalid. Reference name is missing. |
270 (0x10E) |
Cannot find reference '{0}'. Make sure the reference is declared in the 'References' section of the markup file. |
271 (0x10F) |
Cannot find the root activity component. |
272 (0x110) |
Data Source <data source> already exists in the Scope <scope name>. |
273 (0x111) |
{0} has activities with duplicate name <activity name>. |
275 (0x113) |
Property <property name> has invalid value. Type <type name> does not exist. Are you missing an assembly reference? |
276 (0x114) |
Property <property name> has invalid value. Type <type name> is not declared or not assignable from '{2}'. |
277 (0x115) |
A root activity cannot have a parent activity. |
278 (0x116) |
Property <property name> is not set. |
279 (0x117) |
Could not create activity of type <type name>. {1} |
281 (0x119) |
Property <property name> has invalid value. {1} |
282 (0x11A) |
Property <property name> has invalid value. Type name must be assembly qualified. |
285 (0x11D) |
Cannot remove activity <activity name>. It is currently being 'Executed'. |
287 (0x11F) |
Property <property name> has invalid value. Type containing field is not resolved. |
288 (0x120) |
Property <property name> has invalid value. Field <field name> does not exist. |
289 (0x121) |
Property <property name> has invalid value. Field <field name> is not accessible. |
290 (0x122) |
Property <property name> has invalid value. Could not resolve field type of field <field name>. |
296 (0x128) |
Cannot resolve Activity with relative source '{0}'. Make sure that the relative source format is '/Parent/Parent'. |
297 (0x129) |
Cannot resolve Activity <activity name>. |
298 (0x12A) |
Activity <activity name> is not definitely executed before activity <activity name>. |
299 (0x12B) |
Property 'Path' is not set for activity source bind. |
300 (0x12C) |
'Path' property has invalid value. Activity <activity name> specified in binding does not contain member with name <member name>. |
301 (0x12D) |
Property <property name> is not set for the referenced activity <activity name>. |
302 (0x12E) |
Property <property name> of the referenced activity <activity name> is not of type 'Bind'. |
303 (0x12F) |
Bind ActivityReference Recursion detected. |
304 (0x130) |
Activity <activity name> cannot be resolved for an activity bind. |
305 (0x131) |
DataSource '{0}' does not exist in the context of ISupportDataContext '{1}'. |
306 (0x132) |
Bind with MethodDataSource should not specify Path. |
307 (0x133) |
'Handler' type is read only. Use 'Bind' type for read write properties. |
308 (0x134) |
Type <type name> is not a Delegate. |
309 (0x135) |
Property <property name> has invalid value. Type containing method is not resolved. |
310 (0x136) |
Property <property name> has invalid value. Method and handler signatures do not match. |
311 (0x137) |
Property <property name> has invalid value. Method <method name> does not exist. |
312 (0x138) |
Property <property name> has invalid value. Method <method name> is not accessible. |
313 (0x139) |
Property <property name> has invalid value. Method return type should be <type name>. |
315 (0x13B) |
The literal RuntimeType should be a primitive datatype or System.String. |
316 (0x13C) |
Property <property name> has invalid value. Failed to convert value <value> to type <type name>. |
317 (0x13D) |
DataSource name is not set. |
318 (0x13E) |
FieldDeclaration '{0}' has invalid name. |
319 (0x13F) |
Property <property name> has invalid value. Field type <type name> does not match with the expected type <type name>. |
321 (0x141) |
Bind property type doesn't match with target type <type name>. |
322 (0x142) |
Bind for property <property name> resolves to path <path> which has no Getter. |
323 (0x143) |
Bind for property <property name> resolves to a property <property name> which has no Setter. |
325 (0x145) |
Cannot set value to read only field <field> referred to in binding. |
327 (0x147) |
XmlDataSource '{0}' cannot be used for Write-able properties. |
328 (0x148) |
Path is not set while referring XmlDataSource '{0}'. |
336 (0x150) |
Invalid {0} definition on {2}. Missing required property <property name>. |
337 (0x151) |
Duplicate {0} with value <value> found on {2}. |
338 (0x152) |
Interface <interface name> does not have correlation parameter attribute. |
339 (0x153) |
{0} with parameter name <parameter name> on member <member name> does not have a corresponding {3} defined on interface <interface name>. |
340 (0x154) |
Correlation parameter type mismatch. <property name> property of '{1}' on {2} is of type <type name>. The expected type here is <type name>. All method/event delegate parameters that correspond to the correlation parameter <parameter name> in interface <interface name> must be of the same type. |
341 (0x155) |
Method/delegate <method/delegate name> is invalid. Generic methods/delegates are not supported. |
342 (0x156) |
Method/delegate <method/delegate name> is invalid. It should not have a return type. |
343 (0x157) |
Method/delegate <method/delegate name> is invalid. Methods with out/retval are not supported. Parameter <parameter name> is an out/retval parameter. |
344 (0x158) |
The correlation attribute <attribute name> is invalid. The method/delegate <method/delegate name>does not have a parameter/parameter property corresponding to {2}. |
345 (0x159) |
The correlation initializer attribute is not defined for any interface member in <interface name>. At least one member should have the correlation initializer attribute defined. |
347 (0x15B) |
[Indicates a serialization error.] |
348 (0x15C) |
[Indicates an unknown compiler exception.] |
349 (0x15D) |
[Indicates a multiple root activity creator.] |
352 (0x160) |
[Indicates a library path error.] |
353 (0x161) |
[Indicates a type load error.] |
354 (0x162) |
[Indicates an invalid referenced assembly.] |
355 (0x163) |
Property <property name> has invalid value. Type containing property is not resolved. |
356 (0x164) |
Property <property name> has invalid value. Property <property name> does not exist. |
357 (0x165) |
Property <property name> has invalid value. Property <property name> is not accessible. |
358 (0x166) |
Property <property name> has invalid value. Could not resolve property type of property <property name>. |
359 (0x167) |
Property <property name> has invalid value. Property type <type name> does not match with the expected type <type name>. |
360 (0x168) |
[Indicates no getter for the property reference.] |
361 (0x169) |
User code files cannot be compiled for workflow projects with NoCode option set. |
362 (0x16A) |
Inline code cannot be compiled for workflow projects with NoCode option set. |
363 (0x16B) |
Type <type name> is not marked as authorized in the application configuration file. |
372 (0x174) |
Activity supporting data context needs to have companion class name set. |
373 (0x175) |
Activity cannot inherit from the class which has local data context. |
374 (0x176) |
Companion Type '{0}' needs to inherit from '{1}', which is companion type of base activity. |
375 (0x177) |
There is already a parameter with name <parameter name>. Parameter names must be unique. |
376 (0x178) |
Application configuration file is either missing or does not contain authorizedTypes related configuration information. |
377 (0x179) |
[Indicates a cyclical expression.] |
378 (0x17A) |
[Indicates an invalid assign target.] |
379 (0x17B) |
The character '{0}' is not valid. |
380 (0x17C) |
The escape sequence '\{0}' is not valid. |
381 (0x17D) |
Unterminated character literal. |
382 (0x17E) |
Invalid character '{0}' in floating point exponent. |
383 (0x17F) |
Invalid character '{0}' in hexadecimal number. |
384 (0x180) |
A '(' is expected after the "{0}" statement. |
385 (0x181) |
The update path must be a string literal, or an expression that produces a single side effect path. |
386 (0x182) |
The ')' at the end of an argument list was not found. |
387 (0x183) |
Missing operand. |
388 (0x184) |
The ')' and the end of a parenthesized sub expression was not found. |
389 (0x185) |
An identifier was expected after the dot (.) operator. |
390 (0x186) |
UnknownFieldOrProperty |
391 (0x187) |
Unrecognized literal expression. |
392 (0x188) |
The identifier "{0}" could not be resolved. |
393 (0x189) |
A "." is expected after a namespace. |
394 (0x18A) |
The identifier "{0}" could not be found within namespace "{1}". |
395 (0x18B) |
Type arguments are required for generic type "{0}". |
396 (0x18C) |
Type arguments are not allowed with non-generic type "{0}". |
397 (0x18D) |
Incorrect number of type arguments for generic type "{0}". |
398 (0x18E) |
Invalid type argument. |
399 (0x18F) |
Missing '>' at end of generic type argument list. |
400 (0x190) |
The condition cannot be empty. |
401 (0x191) |
Extra characters ignored. |
402 (0x192) |
Invalid integer constant. |
403 (0x192) |
Invalid decimal or floating point constant. |
404 (0x193) |
Unterminated string literal. |
405 (0x194) |
The type of the member "{0}" could not be determined. Ensure that the declaration is correct. |
406 (0x195) |
The wildcard '*' is only allowed as the last part of the path in an Update action or RuleAttribute. |
1280 (0x500) |
Workflow definition for invoked workflow <workflow name> could not be loaded. |
1281 (0x501) |
Cannot invoke a transactional SequentialWorkflow from within an atomic scope. |
1282 (0x502) |
InvokeWorkflowActivity cannot be used inside TransactionScopeActivity. |
1283 (0x503) |
More than one argument has been passed to parameter <parameter name>. |
1284 (0x504) |
Cannot find parameter <parameter name> in the parameters collection of the target root activity. |
1286 (0x506) |
Recursive call detected: {0} |
1287 (0x507) |
Unable to check for recursion. |
1288 (0x508) |
Cannot invoke this workflow from within a TransactionScopeActivity because workflow <workflow name> in the call chain contains a SuspendActivity. |
1289 (0x509) |
Compensate must be nested in a CompensationHandlerActivity or an FaultHandlerActivity or a CancellationHandlerActivity activity. |
1290 (0x50A) |
Property <property name> has invalid value. Activity <activity name> could not be resolved or does not support compensation. |
1291 (0x50B) |
Parent of CompensationHandlerActivity must be annotated with SupportsCompensationHandlerAttribute. |
1292 (0x50C) |
An IfElseActivity must have at least one child of type IfElseBranchActivity. |
1293 (0x50D) |
All children must be of type IfElseBranchActivity. |
1294 (0x50E) |
Parent of IfElseBranchActivity must be an IfElseActivity. |
1295 (0x50F) |
CompositeActivity <activity name> status is currently <status>. Workflow changes for <activity name> activity are allowed only when the activity is 'Enabled' or 'Executing' or 'Closed'. |
1296 (0x510) |
Parent of EventDrivenActivity must be a ListenActivity, EventHandlersActivity, StateActivity, or StateMachineWorkflow. |
1297 (0x511) |
A child activity must be present. |
1298 (0x512) |
The first child activity should implement '{0}'. |
1299 (0x513) |
A ListenActivity must contain more than one EventDrivenActivity. |
1300 (0x514) |
All child activities must be of type EventDrivenActivity. |
1302 (0x516) |
Only one EventDrivenActivity can have a DelayActivity as the first executable activity. |
1303 (0x517) |
A ParallelActivity must have more than one SequenceActivity. |
1304 (0x518) |
All children must be of type SequenceActivity. |
1305 (0x519) |
A parent of FaultHandlerActivity must be a FaultHandlersActivity. |
1306 (0x51A) |
Property <property name> has invalid value. Type is not assignable from '{1}'. |
1307 (0x51B) |
The FaultHandlerActivity Variable property must be bound to a type which is assignable from the FaultHandlerActivity's Type type. |
1308 (0x51C) |
If more than one FaultHandlerActivity is added to a FaultHandlersActivity, only the last should have CatchType set to "All." |
1309 (0x51D) |
Activity <activity name> does not support FaultHandlersActivity. It should have 'SupportsFaultHandlersActivityAttribute' for it to support FaultHandlersActivity. |
1310 (0x51E) |
All children must be FaultHandlerActivity activities. |
1311 (0x51F) |
{0} can have only one FaultHandlerActivity activity for CatchType All. |
1312 (0x520) |
{0} can have only one FaultHandlerActivity activity for {1}. |
1313 (0x521) |
A FaultHandlerActivity for exception type <type name> must be added before the handler for exception type <type name>. |
1314 (0x522) |
The parent activity <activity name> is not a EventHandlingScopeActivity. |
1316 (0x524) |
Multiple child activities inside the EventDriven activity <activity name> implement the <interface name> interface. Only the first child activity should implement this interface. |
1317 (0x525) |
SuspendActivity cannot be nested inside a TransactionScopeActivity. |
1318 (0x526) |
Replicator Activity must contain one Activity. |
1319 (0x527) |
{0} can have only one EventHandlers activity. |
1320 (0x528) |
The activity <activity name> must return a valid method name. Property <property name> returns null or empty string. |
1321 (0x529) |
The activity <activity name> must return a valid interface type. Property InterfaceType returns null. |
1322 (0x52A) |
{0} can have only one FaultHandlersActivity activity. |
1323 (0x52B) |
{0} can have only one CompensationHandlerActivity. |
1324 (0x52C) |
TransactionScopeActivity ({0}) cannot have FaultHandlersActivity. |
1326 (0x52E) |
An atomic activity cannot be nested within another atomic activity. |
1327 (0x52F) |
An activity with the PersistOnClose attribute cannot be nested inside a TransactionScopeActivity. |
1329 (0x531) |
<value> is not a valid value for '{1}'. '{1}' must be greater than or equal to 0. |
1333 (0x535) |
Correlation <correlation name> is already specified. |
1334 (0x536) |
A HandleExternalEventActivity with Activation set to 'True' in a ParallelActivity must initialize a correlation. |
1336 (0x538) |
The correlation may be uninitialized. |
1337 (0x539) |
Activity <activity name> cannot follow correlation that has been initialized by {0} in the same TransactionScopeActivity. |
1338 (0x53A) |
Correlation <correlation name> is also initialized by Activity <activity name>. |
1341 (0x53D) |
Parameter <parameter name> is not set. Specify a binding for this parameter. |
1342 (0x53E) |
[Indicates that a condition was not found.] |
1343 (0x53F) |
[Indicates duplicate conditions.] |
1344 (0x540) |
[Indicates an invalid condition name.] |
1345 (0x541) |
[Indicates that the left operand is missing from the expression.] |
1346 (0x542) |
[Indicates that the left operand is of an invalid type.] |
1347 (0x543) |
[Indicates that the right operand is missing from the expression]. |
1348 (0x544) |
[Indicates that the right operand is of an invalid type.] |
1349 (0x545) |
[Indicates that the operand types are incompatible.] |
1350 (0x546) |
[Indicates that the binding type is missing.] |
1351 (0x547) |
[Indicates that the condition must be Boolean.] |
1352 (0x548) |
[Indicates that the code expression was not handled.] |
1353 (0x549) |
[Indicates that the type cannot be resolved.] |
1354 (0x54A) |
[Indicates that the member cannot be resolved.] |
1356 (0x54C) |
Statements after the Halt action will not be executed. |
1368 (0x558) |
[Indicates an invalid condition expression.] |
1373 (0x55D) |
Corresponding WebServiceOutput or WebServiceFault activity not found. |
1374 (0x55E) |
WebServiceInput activity <activity name> not found in the preceding activities. |
1377 (0x561) |
[Indicates a static member error.] |
1378 (0x562) |
[Indicates a nonstatic member error.] |
1379 (0x563) |
Property <property name> has an invalid value. Activity <activity name> must have a CompensationHandler. |
1380 (0x564) |
Activity <activity name> must be a WebServiceInput activity. |
1381 (0x565) |
WebServiceOutput activity should not be configured for WebServiceInput activities that have no out parameters or return values. |
1382 (0x566) |
WebServiceReceive {0} is not configured correctly. |
1383 (0x567) |
Parameter <parameter name> of type <type name> should be a public, serializable type. |
1384 (0x568) |
An activity with Activation set to 'True' must be the first executable activity. |
1385 (0x569) |
IsActivating property should be set to 'True' for the first executable WebServiceInput activity. |
1386 (0x56A) |
WebServiceOutput activity <activity name> also refers to WebServiceInput activity <activity name>. |
1387 (0x56B) |
{0} has a "{1}" that specifies "{2}", but no matching method or property was found. |
1388 (0x56C) |
'CreateRuleSet()' method is not implemented. |
1389 (0x56D) |
'CreateRuleSet()' method does not return a RuleSet. |
1390 (0x56E) |
Property <property name> has invalid value. Type <type name> should be a public type. |
1392 (0x570) |
Property <property name> has invalid value. Type should be an Interface. |
1393 (0x571) |
Property <property name> has invalid or missing parameter. |
1394 (0x572) |
The return type of method <method name> could not be resolved. Are you missing an assembly or namespace reference? |
1395 (0x573) |
Parent of CancellationHandlerActivity must be annotated with SupportsCancellationHandlerAttribute. |
1396 (0x574) |
WebServiceFault activity <activity name> also refers to WebServiceInput activity <activity name>. |
1397 (0x575) |
TransactionScopeActivity <activity name> cannot contain a CancellationHandlerActivity. |
1398 (0x576) |
[Indicates that the RuleSet was not found.] |
1399 (0x577) |
[Indicates an invalid rule set expression.] |
1400 (0x578) |
[Indicates an invalid rule set name.] |
1401 (0x579) |
An activity with Activation set to 'True' must not be inside loop activity. |
1402 (0x57A) |
WebServiceFault activity should not be configured for WebServiceInput activities that have no out parameters or return value. |
1403 (0x57B) |
[Indicates that the update was not valid.] |
1405 (0x57D) |
[Indicates a missing rule condition.] |
1520 (0x5F0) |
StateMachineWorkflow or State activities that contains other State activities can only contain State or EventDriven activities |
1521 (0x5F1) |
StateActivity can only contain StateActivity, EventDrivenActivity, or StateInitializationActivity. |
1522 (0x5F2) |
SetState activity must be contained in an StateInitialization or EventDriven activity that is contained inside a StateMachineWorkflow or a State based custom activity. |
1523 (0x5F3) |
TargetStateName property must point to a valid State activity. |
1524 (0x5F4) |
TargetStateName property must point to a State activity that does not contain other states. |
1525 (0x5F5) |
The InitialStateName property must point to a valid State activity. |
1526 (0x5F6) |
The CompletedStateName property must point to a valid State activity. |
1527 (0x5F7) |
The InitialStateName property must point to a State activity that does not contain other states. |
1528 (0x5F8) |
The CompletedStateName property must point to a State activity that does not contain other states. |
1535 (0x5FF) |
CompletedState cannot contain other activities. |
1538 (0x602) |
There is already an activity with name <activity name>. Activity names must be unique. |
1539 (0x603) |
StateInitializationActivity or StateFinalizationActivity cannot contain activities that implement IEventActivity. |
1540 (0x604) |
Only one StateInitializationActivity is allowed per StateActivity. |
1541 (0x605) |
SetState.TargetStateName must point to a different StateActivity than the containing StateActivity when used inside a StateInitializationActivity. |
1542 (0x606) |
StateInitializationActivity and StateFinalizationActivity must be contained in a StateActivity. |
1546 (0x60A) |
ActivityBind specified for property '{0}' resolves to a PropertyInfo '{1}' whose Getter is not accessible. |
1547 (0x60B) |
WhileActivity should have one child activity. |
1549 (0x60D) |
Path <path> used to specify member for '{1}' is invalid. Path needs to point to valid member. |
1550 (0x60E) |
Property <property name> has invalid value. Type needs to be a root activity. |
1551 (0x60F) |
Method <method name> could not be resolved. Either method could not be found or method signature does not match the delegate type. |
1552 (0x610) |
Property 'Path' has an invalid value. The type <type name> of '{1}' needs to be Serializable. |
1555 (0x613) |
Property name is not set for activity source bind. |
1556 (0x614) |
The target workflow must not have an activity that implements a WebServiceInput activity with Activation set to True. |
1557 (0x615) |
Property <property name> has invalid value. Condition handler cannot be within the child activity. |
1558 (0x616) |
Interface must have the DataExchangeService attribute. |
1559 (0x617) |
The activity <activity name> must return a valid event name. Property <property name> returns null or empty string. |
1560 (0x618) |
The CorrelationToken reference variable <variable name> should be declared within the parent multi-instance activity <activity name>. |
1561 (0x619) |
Property <property name> is not set or its value cannot be resolved to an actual type. |
1562 (0x61A) |
Only one StateFinalizationActivity is allowed per StateActivity. |
1563 (0x61B) |
Removal of StateActivity <activity name> is not allowed through workflow update. |
1564 (0x61C) |
'x:Class' cannot be used when the markup is executed directly without creating a new activity type. |
1566 (0x61E) |
[Indicates more than two activities in an event handling scope.] |
1567 (0x61F) |
[Indicates that modeling constructs cannot contain modeling constructs.] |
1568 (0x620) |
Removal of '{0}' '{1}' is not allowed while parent '{2}' '{3}' is executing. |
1569 (0x621) |
It is not allowed to use '{0}' inside other activities. It must be a root activity. |
1570 (0x622) |
Parent of CompensationHandlerActivity must be compensatable (implement ICompensatableActivity). |
1571 (0x623) |
Adding child activities to a custom '{0}' is not allowed. |
1572 (0x624) |
ActivityBind path '{0}' resolves to WorkflowParameterBinding.Value on Activity '{1}' whose type is System.Object. Expected type for ActivityBind is '{2}'. |
1574 (0x626) |
Missing ''BaseTypeAttribute' for property '{0}'. Specify either a 'BaseTypeAttribute' or implement 'IBaseTypeProvider' interface on the declaring type for a property whose type is 'Bind' or any of its derived types. |
1575 (0x627) |
{0}' while invoking the validator '{1}' on activity '{2}': {3}. |
1576 (0x628) |
The root activity cannot have the 'Enabled' property set to 'False'. |
1577 (0x629) |
Path '{0}' resolves to a Method. You can bind to a Method only for Events. '{1}' is not an Event.</value> |
1578 (0x62A) |
Activity of type {0} cannot be nested inside other activity. |
1579 (0x62B) |
Parent of '{0}' must also be a '{0}'. |
1580 (0x62C) |
'{0}' property must be different than '{1}' property. |
1581 (0x62D) |
HandleExternalEventActivity which initializes the correlation cannot be declared within the parent multiple instance activity {0}. |
1582 (0x62E) |
The correlation initializer and follower are inside a transactional scope activity. |
1583 (0x62F) |
'{0}' status is currently '{1}'. Cannot change EventHandlingScopeActivity when the activity status is 'Executing'. |
1584 (0x630) |
Additional bindings found in the 'ParameterBindingCollection'. |
See Also
Troubleshooting Workflow Errors
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