ContextNode.PartiallyPopulated 屬性
取得或設定值,這個值表示 ContextNode 物件為部分填入或完整填入。
命名空間: System.Windows.Ink
組件: IAWinFX (在 IAWinFX.dll 中)
Public Property PartiallyPopulated As Boolean
Dim instance As ContextNode
Dim value As Boolean
value = instance.PartiallyPopulated
instance.PartiallyPopulated = value
public bool PartiallyPopulated { get; set; }
property bool PartiallyPopulated {
bool get ();
void set (bool value);
/** @property */
public boolean get_PartiallyPopulated()
/** @property */
public void set_PartiallyPopulated(boolean value)
public function get PartiallyPopulated () : boolean
public function set PartiallyPopulated (value : boolean)
如果 ContextNode 在資料 Proxy 程序期間包含部分資料,則為 true,如果已加入全部資料,則為 false。
在內容節點樹狀目錄中建立 ContextNode 物件時,您可以在提供所有資訊之前,使用這個屬性做為資料 Proxy。這個屬性表示是否已填入所有資料。
下列範例是來自範例程式碼的 PopulateNode 方法,它會使用 [System.Windows.Controls.TreeView] 做為文件模型,以顯示如何使用資料 Proxy 儲存和載入 InkAnalyzer 的內容節點樹狀目錄。DocumentNodeData 類別會在每個 TreeViewItem 物件的 [System.Windows.FrameworkElement.Tag] 屬性都設定為 DocumentNodeData 物件時,將 ContextNode 資料儲存在文件模型中。
PopulateNode 方法會使用 ContextNode 物件和 InkAnalyzer 物件,透過加入筆劃、屬性資料、註釋型別、子節點和連結完整地填入內容節點。資料來自 DocumentNodeData 物件,而該物件是從對應的 TreeViewItem 取得。
this[analyzerNode.Id] 是文件模型類別上的索引子,會將 Guid 對應至 TreeViewItem。
AddLinksToAnalyer 是文件模型類別上的方法,會將連結加入至 ContextNode。
完整填入節點之後,PartiallyPopulated 屬性會設定為 false。
Sub PopulateNode(ByVal analyzerNode As ContextNode, ByVal theInkAnalyzer As InkAnalyzer) Implements IDocumentModel.PopulateNode
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("IDocumentModel.PopulateNode: populate {0} {1}.", analyzerNode.ToString(), GetRecognizedString(analyzerNode)))
' Get the document node associated with the analyzer node.
Dim documentNode As TreeViewItem = Me(analyzerNode.Id)
If documentNode Is Nothing Then
Throw New ApplicationException("The requested node does not exist in the document model.")
End If
' Get the data associated with the node.
Dim nodeData As DocumentNodeData = documentNode.Tag '
' Copy any application specific data associated with the node to the
' partially populated ContextNode.
For Each identifier As Guid In nodeData.GetPropertyDataIds()
analyzerNode.AddPropertyData(identifier, nodeData.GetPropertyData(identifier))
Next identifier
' Check if the partially populated ContextNode is an ink leaf node.
If nodeData.IsInkLeafNode Then
' Add the strokes to the context node.
' Add each child subnode as a partially populated ContextNode.
Dim documentSubNode As TreeViewItem
For Each documentSubNode In documentNode.Items
' Get the DocumentNode data for the
Dim subNodeData As DocumentNodeData = documentSubNode.Tag '
If analyzerNode.SubNodes.IndexOf(nodeData.Id) <> -1 Then
analyzerNode.CreatePartiallyPopulatedSubNode( _
subNodeData.Type, subNodeData.Id, subNodeData.Location)
End If
Next documentSubNode
End If
' Add links to the ContextNode.
Me.AddLinksToAnalyzer(documentNode, analyzerNode, theInkAnalyzer)
' Update the partially populated flag.
analyzerNode.PartiallyPopulated = False
End Sub 'IDocumentModel.PopulateNode
void IDocumentModel.PopulateNode(
ContextNode analyzerNode,
InkAnalyzer theInkAnalyzer)
"IDocumentModel.PopulateNode: populate {0} {1}.",
analyzerNode.ToString(), GetRecognizedString(analyzerNode)));
// Get the document node associated with the analyzer node.
TreeViewItem documentNode = this[analyzerNode.Id];
if (null == documentNode)
throw new ApplicationException(
"The requested node does not exist in the document model.");
// Get the data associated with the node.
DocumentNodeData nodeData = documentNode.Tag as DocumentNodeData;
// Copy any application specific data associated with the node to the
// partially populated ContextNode.
foreach (Guid identifier in nodeData.GetPropertyDataIds())
identifier, nodeData.GetPropertyData(identifier));
// Check if the partially populated ContextNode is an ink leaf node.
if (nodeData.IsInkLeafNode)
// Add the strokes to the context node.
// Add each child subnode as a partially populated ContextNode.
foreach (TreeViewItem documentSubNode in documentNode.Items)
// Get the DocumentNode data for the
DocumentNodeData subNodeData = documentSubNode.Tag as DocumentNodeData;
if (analyzerNode.SubNodes.IndexOf(nodeData.Id) != -1)
subNodeData.Type, subNodeData.Id, subNodeData.Location);
// Add links to the ContextNode.
this.AddLinksToAnalyzer(documentNode, analyzerNode, theInkAnalyzer);
// Update the partially populated flag.
analyzerNode.PartiallyPopulated = false;
Windows Vista
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