InkEditGestureEventArgs.Gestures 屬性
從辨識器按照信賴度順序取得 Gesture 物件陣列。
命名空間: Microsoft.Ink
組件: Microsoft.Ink (在 Microsoft.Ink.dll 中)
Public ReadOnly Property Gestures As Gesture()
Dim instance As InkEditGestureEventArgs
Dim value As Gesture()
value = instance.Gestures
public Gesture[] Gestures { get; }
property array<Gesture^>^ Gestures {
array<Gesture^>^ get ();
/** @property */
public Gesture[] get_Gestures()
public function get Gestures () : Gesture[]
從辨識器按照信賴度順序而得的 Gesture 物件陣列。
如需應用程式筆勢的說明,請參閱 ApplicationGesture 列舉型別。
當辨識器辨識出應用程式筆勢時,就會發生 Gesture 事件。
這個陣列包含應用程式筆勢的相關資訊,而非系統筆勢。如需筆勢的詳細資訊,請參閱Using Gestures。
InkEdit 控制項具有下列筆勢的預設關聯與動作:
筆勢 |
動作 |
向左下、向左下拉長 |
向右 |
空格鍵 |
向左 |
退格鍵 |
向右上、向右上拉長 |
這個範例示範如何訂閱 Gesture 事件及 Stroke 事件,以便擴充 ApplicationGesture 的功能。
當 Gesture 事件引發時,會檢查筆勢和 InkEdit 控制項的目前狀態。必要時,會修改筆勢的行為並取消事件。
Private Sub mInkEdit_Gesture(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As InkEditGestureEventArgs)
' There might be more than one gesture passed in InkEditGestureEventArgs
' The gestures are arranged in order of confidence from most to least
' This event handler is only concerned with the first (most confident) gesture
' and only if the gesture is ApplicationGesture.Left with strong confidence
Dim G As Gesture = e.Gestures(0)
If (ApplicationGesture.Left = G.Id And RecognitionConfidence.Strong = G.Confidence) Then
Dim pInkEdit As InkEdit = DirectCast(sender, InkEdit)
' by default, ApplicationGesture.Left maps to Backspace
' If the insertion point is at the beginning of the text
' and there is no text selected, then Backspace does not do anything.
' In this case, we will alter the gesture to map to Delete instead
If (0 = pInkEdit.SelectionStart And 0 = pInkEdit.SelectionLength And pInkEdit.Text.Length > 0) Then
' take out the first character of the string
pInkEdit.Text = pInkEdit.Text.Remove(0, 1)
' save the stroke ID in a class level var for use in the Stroke event
Me.mStrokeID = e.Strokes(0).Id
' cancel the gesture so it won't perform the default action
e.Cancel = True
End If
End If
End Sub
private void mInkEdit_Gesture(object sender, InkEditGestureEventArgs e)
// There might be more than one gesture passed in InkEditGestureEventArgs
// The gestures are arranged in order of confidence from most to least
// This event handler is only concerned with the first (most confident) gesture
// and only if the gesture is ApplicationGesture.Left with strong confidence
Gesture G = e.Gestures[0];
if (ApplicationGesture.Left == G.Id && RecognitionConfidence.Strong == G.Confidence)
InkEdit pInkEdit = (InkEdit)sender;
// by default, ApplicationGesture.Left maps to Backspace
// If the insertion point is at the beginning of the text
// and there is no text selected, then Backspace does not do anything.
// In this case, we will alter the gesture to map to Delete instead
if (0 == pInkEdit.SelectionStart && 0 == pInkEdit.SelectionLength && pInkEdit.Text.Length > 0)
// take out the first character of the string
pInkEdit.Text = pInkEdit.Text.Remove(0, 1);
// save the stroke ID in a class level var for use in the Stroke event
this.mStrokeID = e.Strokes[0].Id;
// cancel the gesture so it won't perform the default action
e.Cancel = true;
當 Stroke 事件引發時,如果筆劃是用來產生筆勢的筆劃,但是筆勢的行為已在 Gesture 事件中修改過,則會取消這個事件。這會使筆劃無法呈現。
Private Sub mInkEdit_Stroke(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As InkEditStrokeEventArgs)
e.Cancel = (e.Stroke.Id = Me.mStrokeID)
End Sub
private void mInkEdit_Stroke(object sender, InkEditStrokeEventArgs e)
e.Cancel = (e.Stroke.Id == this.mStrokeID);
Windows Vista
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