
IHostMemoryManager Interface

Provides methods that allow the common language runtime (CLR) to make virtual memory requests through the host, instead of using the standard Win32 virtual memory functions.

interface IHostMemoryManager : IUnknown {

    HRESULT CreateMAlloc (
        [in]  BOOL    fThreadSafe,
        [out] IHostMalloc **ppMalloc

    HRESULT VirtualAlloc (
        [in]  void*   pAddress,
        [in]  SIZE_T  dwSize,
        [in]  DWORD   flAllocationType,
        [in]  DWORD   flProtect,
        [in]  EMemoryCriticalLevel dwCriticalLevel,
        [out] void**  ppMem

    HRESULT VirtualFree (
        [in]  LPVOID  lpAddress,
        [in]  SIZE_T  dwSize,
        [in]  DWORD   dwFreeType

    HRESULT VirtualQuery (
        [in]  void*   lpAddress,
        [out] void*   lpBuffer,
        [in]  SIZE_T  dwLength,
        [out] SIZE_T  *pResult

    HRESULT VirtualProtect (
        [in]  void*   lpAddress,
        [in]  SIZE_T  dwSize,
        [in]  DWORD   flNewProtect,
        [out] DWORD*  pflOldProtect

    HRESULT GetMemoryLoad (
        [out] DWORD*  pMemoryLoad, 
        [out] SIZE_T  *pAvailableBytes

    HRESULT RegisterMemoryNotificationCallback (
        [in]  ICLRMemoryNotificationCallback* pCallback

    HRESULT NeedsVirtualAddressSpace(
        [in]  LPVOID  startAddress,
        [in]  SIZE_T  size

    HRESULT AcquiredVirtualAddressSpace(
        [in]  LPVOID  startAddress,
        [in]  SIZE_T  size

    HRESULT ReleasedVirtualAddressSpace(
        [in]  LPVOID  startAddress




IHostMemoryManager::AcquiredVirtualAddressSpace Method

Notifies the host that the common language runtime (CLR) has acquired the specified memory from the operating system.

IHostMemoryManager::CreateMAlloc Method

Gets an interface pointer to an IHostMAlloc instance that is used to request memory allocations from a heap created by the host.

IHostMemoryManager::GetMemoryLoad Method

Gets the amount of physical memory that is currently being used, as reported by the host.

IHostMemoryManager::NeedsVirtualAddressSpace Method

Notifies the host that the CLR is going to attempt to use the specified memory.

IHostMemoryManager::RegisterMemoryNotificationCallback Method

Registers a pointer to a callback function that the host invokes to notify the CLR of the current memory load on the computer.

IHostMemoryManager::ReleasedVirtualAddressSpace Method

Notifies the host that the CLR has finished using the specified memory.

IHostMemoryManager::VirtualAlloc Method

Serves as a logical wrapper for the corresponding Win32 function, which reserves or commits a region of pages in the virtual address space of the calling process.

IHostMemoryManager::VirtualFree Method

Serves as a logical wrapper for the corresponding Win32 function, which releases, decommits, or releases and decommits a region of pages within the virtual address space of the calling process.

IHostMemoryManager::VirtualProtect Method

Serves as a logical wrapper for the corresponding Win32 function, which changes the protection on a region of committed pages in the virtual address space of the calling process.

IHostMemoryManager::VirtualQuery Method

Serves as a logical wrapper for the corresponding Win32 function, which retrieves information about a range of pages in the virtual address space of the calling process.


IHostMemoryManager also provides methods for the CLR to obtain a pointer through which to make memory requests on the heap and to get the level of memory pressure in the process, as reported by the host.


Platforms: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 family

Header: MSCorEE.idl

Library: Included as a resource in MSCorEE.dll

.NET Framework Version: 2.0

See Also


IHostMAlloc Interface

Hosting Interfaces