
Microsoft.Web.Services3.Security Namespace

The core set of classes that secure SOAP messages.


Class Description
BinarySecret Represents an unencrypted key for a security token issued from a security token service.
BinarySecret.Types Represents the type of key contained within the <BinarySecret> element.
CredentialSet Represents the security tokens that are associated with the Web service and the Web service client.
Embedded Represents a reference to a security token in an <Embedded> XML element.
EncryptedData Represents the encrypted data.
EncryptedKey Represents an encrypted session key.
EncryptionMethod Represents the <EncryptionMethod> element, which specifies the algorithm that is used to encrypt a SOAP message. This class cannot be inherited.
EncryptionReference Specifies how to encrypt an XML element pointed to by a reference identifier.
EncryptionReferenceCollection A collection of EncryptionReference objects.
Entropy Represents the <Entropy> XML element in the WS-Trust specification, which specifies a parameter to a key generation algorithm.
GenericTokenServiceClient Represents a proxy class that communicates with security token services.
Identifier Represents the <Identifier> XML element when serialized into XML.
KeyIdentifier Specifies or references a security token uniquely.
KeyIdentifier.ValueTypes Represents the value types for security tokens natively supported by WSE that are referenced within a SOAP message.
KeyInfoHelper Provides a method for deserializing a <KeyInfo> XML element.
LifeTime Represents the period of time that a security token is valid.
MessageSignature Represents an XML signature object that is used to create digital signatures.
Nonce Provides a random value for use with elements within a security header.
Properties Represents property values of DerivedKeyToken security tokens.
ReceiveSecurityFilter Provides a base class for filtering incoming SOAP messages that are secured by digital signatures, encryption, or authentication.
ReferenceList Use with encryption to reference the elements of a message that are encrypted.
RequestedProofToken Represents the session key for a security token request that is encrypted for the requester.
RequestedSecurityToken Represents a security token that is issued by a security token service.
RequestSecurityToken Represents a security token request.
RequestSecurityTokenResponse Represents a response to a security token request.
SAML Defines constants for use when a custom security token is created for the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML).
SAML.AttributeNames Defines constants that represent the names of attributes used by a Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) security token.
SAML.ElementNames Defines constants that represent the names of XML elements used by a Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) security token.
SecureConversationClientReceiveSecurityFilter Represents a SOAP filter for incoming SOAP messages to a client that uses a secure conversation.
SecureConversationClientSendSecurityFilter Provides a base class for filtering outgoing SOAP messages that are secured using a secure conversation.
SecureConversationCorrelationState Represents the session state for a SOAP message exchange that uses a secure conversation.
SecureConversationEventArgs Provides data for the SecureConversationCreated event.
SecureConversationFault The exception that is thrown when an error occurs when there is a problem with an issues security token.
SecureConversationServiceReceiveSecurityFilter Represents a SOAP filter for incoming SOAP messages to a Web service that uses a secure conversation.
SecureConversationServiceSendSecurityFilter Provides a base class for filtering outgoing SOAP messages from an XML Web service that are secured using a secure conversation.
Security Represents a security header that will be added to the SOAP request.
SecurityCollection Represents an ordered set of Security objects.
SecurityContextTokenService Represents a security token service that issues SecurityContextToken security tokens.
SecurityContextTokenServiceClient Represents a client that requests SecurityContextToken security tokens from a security token service.
SecurityElementCollection A strongly-typed collection of objects that implement the ISecurityElement interface. These are typically Signature and Encryption elements.
SecurityFault The exception that is thrown when an error occurs while processing security tokens in a <Security> header.
SecurityFormatException The exception that is thrown when the format of a security element is invalid.
SecurityTokenMessage Represents a SOAP message that is sent to a security token service.
SecurityTokenReference Represents a reference to a security token in a security header.
SecurityTokenService Represents a security token service.
SecurityTokenServiceClient Represents a proxy class that communicates with security token services.
SecurityTokenServiceClient.SecurityTokenServiceAsyncResult Encapsulates the results of an asynchronous request to a security token service.
SendSecurityFilter Provides a base class for filtering outgoing SOAP messages that are secured by a digital signature, encryption, or authentication.
SerializableTokenWrapper Represents a wrapper class for serializing a SecurityToken.
SignatureConfirmation Represents a signature confirmation by a Web service that it verified the client's digital signature.
SignatureConfirmationCollection A strongly typed collection of SignatureConfirmation.
SignatureReference Specifies a digest algorithm and digest value, and optionally an identifier of the object being signed, the type of the object, and/or a list of transforms to be applied prior to digesting.
SignedInfo Represents a SignedInfo element residing in a digital signature.
SignedXmlSignature Contains an XML representation of a digital signature.
TransformChain Represents an ordered list of transforms.
TrustFault The exception that is thrown when an error occurs while handling security token requests.
TrustFormatException The exception that is thrown when a malformed security token request or security token request response is received.
WSSecureConversation Defines the constants used in a SOAP message that are defined in the WS-SecureConversation specification.
WSSecureConversation.ElementNames Defines constants for the names of XML elements used in a security header that are defined in the WS-SecureConversation specification.
WSSecureConversation.KeyGenerationAlgorithms Defines constants for XML attribute values that specify key generation algorithms defined in the WS-SecureConversation specification.
WSSecurity Defines the constants used in a security header. This class cannot be inherited.
WSSecurity.AttributeNames Defines constants that represent the names of attributes used in a security header. This class cannot be inherited.
WSSecurity.ElementNames Defines constants that represent the names of elements used in a security header. This class cannot be inherited.
WSSecurity.EncodingTypes Specifies the values for the EncodingType attribute of the <BinarySecurityToken> element.
WSSecurity.ValueTypes Specifies the values for the ValueType attribute in a <BinarySecurityToken> element. This field is constant.
WSSecurity11 Defines the constants used by a <Security> header as specified in the WS-Security 1.1 specification. This class cannot be inherited.
WSSecurity11.AttributeNames Defines constants that represent the names of attributes used in a security header according to the WS-Security 1.1 specification. This class cannot be inherited.
WSSecurity11.ElementNames Defines constants that represent the names of elements used in a WS-Security 1.1 <Security> header. This class cannot be inherited.
WSTrust Defines the constants used in a SOAP message that are defined in the WS-Trust specification.
WSTrust.Actions Defines constants for the WS-Addressing Action SOAP header when a SOAP message is sent to or from a security token service.
WSTrust.AttributeNames Defines constants for the XML attributes used in a security header that are defined in the WS-Trust specification.
WSTrust.ComputedKeyAlgorithms Contains URIs for key algorithms that are specified in the WS-Trust specification.
WSTrust.ElementNames Defines constants for the XML elements used in a security header that are defined in the WS-Trust specification.
WSTrust.RequestTypes Defines constants for the <RequestType> XML element.
WSTrust.TokenTypes Defines constants for the <TokenType> XML element that is used when a security token is being requested or issued.
XmlEncryption Specifies the XML encryption specification. This class cannot be inherited.
XmlEncryption.AlgorithmURI Specifies URLs that point to various algorithms for digital signatures. This class cannot be inherited.
XmlEncryption.AttributeNames Specifies the attribute names used in a security header.
XmlEncryption.ElementNames Specifies the elements defined in a security header.
XmlEncryption.TypeURI Specifies the TypeURI used in a security header. This class cannot be inherited.
XmlSignature Represents constants associated with the XML digital signature specification. This class cannot be inherited.
XmlSignature.AlgorithmURI Defines constants for the URIs that represent the algorithms that are used to compute digital signatures for SOAP messages.
XmlSignature.AttributeNames Defines constants that represent XML attributes associated with the XML digital signature specification. This class cannot be inherited.
XmlSignature.ElementNames Defines constants for the names of the elements in a security header.
XrML Defines constants for use when a custom security token is created for XrML licenses.
XrML.AttributeNames Defines constants that specify the names of attributes used in an XrML license.
XrML.ElementNames Defines constants that specify the names of elements defined by XrML.


Interface Description
ISecureConversationEvents A custom interface for the SecureConversationClientSendSecurityFilter SOAP filter that allows applications to subscribe to an event that is raised when a secure conversation is established by the SOAP filter.
ISecurityElement Provides a common interface for non-token elements in a security header. These are typically encryption and signature data.


Enumeration Description
SecurityTokenReference.SerializationOptions Specifies how a security token reference is serialized into an XML representation.
SignatureOptions Specifies the parts of the SOAP message that were signed for incoming SOAP messages or that will be signed for outgoing SOAP messages.