
Microsoft.Web.Services3.Referral Namespace

The set of classes that allow SOAP messages to be routed using a transparent network topology.


Class Description
Desc Represents the desc element of a referral statement.
For Represents the SOAP actor or the endpoint for which the referral is intended.
If Represents the set of conditions that must be fulfilled if the referral statement is to be satisfied.
Query Uses to query the referral cache for routing instructions.
QueryResponse Represents the result of a query on a referral cache.
Referral Represents the XML-based referral statement, the basic structure for describing delegation information, that is used to implement routing.
ReferralCache Reflects the routing instruction found in the referral cache.
ReferralCollection Represents a collection of Referral objects.
ReferralException The exception that is thrown when a Referral is invalid.
ReferralFormatException The exception that is thrown when the format of a Referral is invalid.
Registration Represents a WS-Referral request that is used to request that a WS-Referral statement be inserted or deleted by a SOAP router.
RegistrationResponse Represents a WS-Referral response that contains the result of a WS-Referral registration.
Via Represents a via element used to specify the route a message should take.
ViaCollection Represents the ordered set of intermediaries that constitute the forward and reverse message paths.