

Imports System
Imports System.Data

Namespace DotNetDataProviderTemplate
  '* This class provides database-like operations to simulate a real
  '* data source. The class generates sample data and uses a
  '* fixed set of commands.
  Public Class SampleDb
    Private Const m_sSelectCmd As String = "select "
    Private Const m_sUpdateCmd As String = "update "

    Public Class SampleDbResultSet
      Public Structure MetaDataStruct
        Public name As String
        Public type As Type
        Public maxSize As Integer
      End Structure

      Public recordsAffected As Integer
      Public metaData() As MetaDataStruct
      Public data(,) As Object
    End Class

    Private m_resultset As SampleDbResultSet

    Public Sub Execute(sCmd As String, ByRef resultset As SampleDbResultSet)
      '* The sample code simulates SELECT and UPDATE operations.
      If 0 = String.Compare(sCmd, 0, m_sSelectCmd, 0, m_sSelectCmd.Length, True) Then
      Else If 0 = String.Compare(sCmd, 0, m_sUpdateCmd, 0, m_sUpdateCmd.Length, True) Then
        Throw New NotSupportedException("Command string was not recognized")
      End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub _executeSelect(ByRef resultset As SampleDbResultSet)
      ' If no sample data exists, create it.
      If m_resultset Is Nothing Then _resultsetCreate

      ' Return the sample results.
      resultset = m_resultset
    End Sub

    Private Sub _executeUpdate(ByRef resultset As SampleDbResultSet)
      ' If no sample data exists, create it.
      If m_resultset Is Nothing Then _resultsetCreate()

      ' Change a row to simulate an update command.
      m_resultset.data(2,2) = 4199

      ' Create a result set object that is empty except for the RecordsAffected field.
      resultset = New SampleDbResultSet
      resultset.recordsAffected = 1
    End Sub

    Private Sub _resultsetCreate()
      m_resultset = New SampleDbResultSet

      ' RecordsAffected is always zero for a SELECT.
      m_resultset.recordsAffected = 0

      const numCols As Integer = 3
      Dim metaDataArray() As SampleDbResultset.MetaDataStruct
      Redim metaDataArray(numCols)
      m_resultset.metaData = metaDataArray

      _resultsetFillColumn(0, "id", Type.GetType("System.Int32"), 0)
      _resultsetFillColumn(1, "name", Type.GetType("System.String"), 64)
      _resultsetFillColumn(2, "orderid", Type.GetType("System.Int32"), 0)

      Dim dataArray As Object
      Redim dataArray(5, numCols)
      m_resultset.data = dataArray

      _resultsetFillRow(0, 1, "Biggs", 2001)
      _resultsetFillRow(1, 2, "Brown", 2121)
      _resultsetFillRow(2, 3, "Jones", 2543)
      _resultsetFillRow(3, 4, "Smith", 2772)
      _resultsetFillRow(4, 5, "Tyler", 3521)
    End Sub

    Private Sub _resultsetFillColumn(nIdx As Integer, name As String, type As Type, maxSize As Integer)
      m_resultset.metaData(nIdx).name    = name
      m_resultset.metaData(nIdx).type    = type
      m_resultset.metaData(nIdx).maxSize  = maxSize
    End Sub

    Private Sub _resultsetFillRow(nIdx As Integer, id As Integer, name As String, orderid As Integer)
      m_resultset.data(nIdx, 0) = id
      m_resultset.data(nIdx, 1) = name
      m_resultset.data(nIdx, 2) = orderid
    End Sub
  End Class
End Namespace