
RevokeClaimPermission Procedure (Repository.Item Schema)

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Revokes a claim permission.

[Repository.Item].[RevokeClaimPermission] ( @claimKind, @claim, @resourceKind, @resource, @operation )



Type: [Repository.Item].[SecurityClaimKindId]. The kind of the claim. For example, this could refer to a SID claim kind.


Type: [Repository.Item].[SecurityClaim]. The value of the claim. For example, if the claim kind were a SID, this field contains the binary representation of the SID.


Type: [Repository.Item].[SecuredResourceKindId]. The identifier of the resource kind.


Type: [Repository.Item].[SecuredResource]. The secured resource.


Type: [Repository.Item].[SecuredOperationId]. The operation permitted on the resource.


See Also


Repository.Item Procedures
Repository.Item Schema

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