
How to: Add Items to a Folder

[This content is no longer valid. For the latest information on "M", "Quadrant", SQL Server Modeling Services, and the Repository, see the Model Citizen blog.]

This topic describes how to add content to Folders in Microsoft code name “Quadrant”. This topic uses sample data that is installed in How to: Install the "Quadrant" Sample Data.

To add items to a Folder

  1. In “Quadrant”, on the View menu, click Explorer, and then click Repository.

  2. Expand the Database node.

  3. Expand the Microsoft.Samples.Organization node.

  4. Double-click the Tasks node. A new workpad titled Tasks shows all records of the Tasks table.

  5. On the Data menu, click Insert Item. A new workpad named New Tasks Record + opens, displaying all the available fields for this new task.

  6. Click the Folder field and use the drop-down arrow to choose Tasks as the folder in which to store the newly created record.

  7. Click the Subject field and change the value to New Task.

  8. On the File menu, click Save Changes to commit this new record to the database.

  9. Return to the Tasks workpad. Note that the newly added task appears in the table.

  10. Return to the Explorer. Collapse the Database node and expand the Organization folder.

  11. Double-click the Tasks folder to open it in a new workpad.

  12. In the upper-right corner of the new workpad, click the viewer switch icon (the triangle) and select Tree Master/Detail.

  13. Expand the Tasks node and double-click the Tasks node. On the right pane, note the appearance of the New Task record that you created in previous steps.

Adding Heterogeneous Entities

Folders in SQL Server Modeling Services can contain records of different types. That is, you can associate different kinds of records by assigning them to a common Folder. For more information about how Folders are created, see How to: Use Folders to Organize Data, Base Domain Library (BDL) and "Oslo" Repository Folder Design Patterns.

To add a requirement to the Tasks Folder

  1. In the Explorer, under the Microsoft.Samples.Organization node, double-click the Requirements node to open a new workpad that displays all Requirements records in a table.

  2. Find the row with the value "Send mail notification with meeting details" in the Description column.

  3. In that row, click the Folder cell to select it. The Folder column is on the far right of the workpad. If it is not visible, resize the workpad..

  4. Click the down arrow (v) and, from the drop-down list, click Tasks. You can also use the Insert New Folder option to create a new folder where a record can be added.

  5. On the File menu, click Save Changes to commit this change to the database.

  6. The requirement will now appear in the Tasks folder.

    To confirm, return to the Tasks workpad in step 14 of the previous procedure. Expand the Tasks node. Note that a Requirements subnode has appeared that contains the newly added requirement record.

See Also


How to: Use Folders to Organize Data

Other Resources

Exploring and Organizing Data in "Quadrant"
"Oslo" Repository Folder Design Patterns