
Directory Structure

[This content is no longer valid. For the latest information on "M", "Quadrant", SQL Server Modeling Services, and the Repository, see the Model Citizen blog.]

Use a consistent directory structure for Microsoft code name “M” source files, which promotes better organization and better source file management.

Do Organize Source Files in Directories

Organize source files in directories that reflect the module hierarchy used in the code. Organizing source files in this way improves the discoverability and maintainability of code.

For example, consider the “M” source files for the SQL Server Modeling CTP modules System, System.ServiceModel, and System.WorkflowModel. These modules are related by naming convention, because they each share a common base name of “System”. “M” source files that define these modules should reside in directories that reflect this organization. In this example, the directory names would be the following.

  • .\System

  • .\System\ServiceModel

  • .\System\WorkflowModel

Do Preserve Module Casing for Directory Names

Match the casing of source file directory names to the casing of the module names in the “M” files. For example, it would be incorrect to use all lowercase letters for the directory containing the System.ServiceModel source files. Instead, the directory name should exactly match the case of the module name.

See Also

Other Resources

"M" Coding Conventions