
Localization Tasks (Modeling Services)

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Large enterprises often span geographical regions (locales). The SQL Server Modeling Services database provides the System.Globalization schema to support storing localized strings and resources. These localized strings and resources can be used by applications to create a user experience that is customized for users in different locales. Tools that explore the Modeling Services database can also use this feature to provide a localized version of the data that follows the localization design patterns. For more information, see Localization Design Pattern.

Modeling Services Localization Model

The System.Globalization schema supports localization in several ways. First, localized strings and resources have their own data types of [System.Globalization].[StringId] and [System.Globalization].[ResourceId]. These are based on the nvarchar(2083) SQL Server data type. Tables that support localization have columns with one of those two types. The actual strings and resources are stored in the views [System.Globalization].[Strings] and [System.Globalization].[Resources]. These views associate the identifier with multiple locales, providing translations for each locale. Functions, such as [System.Globalization].[SessionsString], assist with finding the correct string for the locale of the current database session. For more information, see SQL Server Modeling Services Localization Support.

In This Section

How to: Create and Use Localized Strings explains how to perform common localization tasks in the Modeling Services database.

See Also


Localization Design Pattern
SQL Server Modeling Services Administration
SQL Server Modeling Services Architecture