TextViewInitFlags Enumeration
Specifies view options.
This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.
Namespace: Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop
Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop.dll)
<FlagsAttribute> _
Public Enumeration TextViewInitFlags
public enum TextViewInitFlags
public enum class TextViewInitFlags
type TextViewInitFlags
public enum TextViewInitFlags
Member name | Description | |
VIF_DEFAULT | No view-owned scrollbars, and no forced settings. | |
VIF_HSCROLL | Indicates that the view should have a horizontal scrollbar. This value is equivalent to WS_HSCROLL from the Platform SDK. Note that this setting is different from the MDI child scrollbars used by the text editor. | |
VIF_VSCROLL | Indicates that the view should have a vertical scrollbar. This value is equivalent to WS_VSCROLL from the Platform SDK. | |
VIF_UPDATE_STATUS_BAR | Tells the view to update the status bar. | |
VIF_SET_WIDGET_MARGIN | If you wish to force a certain setting upon a view, regardless of the user's editor preference settings, use these flags along with a VIEWPREFERENCES pointer into Initialize method to force a given setting. Use the widget margin setting from the VIEWPREFERENCES structure. | |
VIF_SET_SELECTION_MARGIN | Use the selection margin setting from the VIEWPREFERENCES structure. | |
VIF_SET_VIRTUAL_SPACE | Use the virtual space setting from the VIEWPREFERENCES structure. | |
VIF_SET_INDENT_MODE | Use the auto-indent suppression setting from the VIEWPREFERENCES structure. | |
VIF_SET_VISIBLE_WHITESPACE | Use visible white space setting. | |
VIF_SET_OVERTYPE | Use overtype mode setting. | |
VIF_SET_DRAGDROPMOVE | Use drag and drop move setting | |
VIF_SET_HOTURLS | Use the Hot URLs setting |
COM Signature
From textmgr.idl: