
Adapter Message Schemas

The XML messages associated with the BizTalk adapters that are provided with Commerce Server 2009, which are also known informally as the Commerce Server 2009 adapters, are described by several message schemas. These schemas can be divided into the following categories:

  • BizTalk Server property schemas. This schema is required for writing and promoting context properties.

  • Commerce Server 2009 system schemas. These describe message bodies that contain Commerce Server 2009 data.

  • Commerce Server 2009 adapter schemas. These describe adapter-specific message bodies that do not contain Commerce Server 2009 data.

This topic discusses each of these schema categories separately.


For information about the association of Commerce Server 2009 adapter message types and the message body schemas that they use, organized by message type, see the tables within the section Adapter Message Types.

BizTalk Server Property Schemas

The Commerce Server 2009 adapters share a single BizTalk Server property schema that has the following full name:


This property schema is installed into the default BizTalk application when the Commerce Server 2009 adapters are installed. Make sure that this property schema is in the same BizTalk application to which you add the Commerce Server 2009 adapters, moving it as necessary from the BizTalk application into which it is originally installed.

This property schema is required so that the following context properties can be promoted for routing purposes:

  • CommerceServerMessageType

  • CommerceServerCommandResult

  • Sitename

Some Commerce Server 2009 adapter messages contain other context properties. In addition, BizTalk Server itself maintains many context properties.

Commerce Server System Schemas

The Commerce Server 2009 systems that construct XML representations of their data for inclusion in the messages that are generated by the Commerce Server 2009 adapters are also designed to generate one or more XSD schemas that describe those XML representations. If your Commerce Server 2009 adapter solution involves validating or otherwise examining any of these messages within BizTalk Server, you must deploy these schemas to the BizTalk application in which the Commerce Server 2009 adapters reside. The BizTalk project that is included in the adapters SDK includes default versions of these schemas that correspond to the default schemas of the various Commerce Server 2009 systems from which they originate. However, because it is likely that you will modify one or more of the Commerce Server 2009 system schemas to suit the individual needs of your Web application, you may have to generate up-to-date versions of these schemas and deploy them to BizTalk Server. For more information about the adapter SDK and the methods supplied to generate up-to-date Commerce Server 2009 system schemas, see BizTalk Adapters SDK and Generating and Using the XSD Files Required by Different Commerce Server Systems, respectively.

The following table shows the default versions of the Commerce Server 2009 system schemas, included in the adapters SDK, that are used by various adapter messages. If you generate up-to-date versions of these schemas, you may name them differently.


For readability, the common and leading string "CommerceServer" has been left off the adapter message strings in the following table (for example, the message type CommerceServerCatalogExport is listed as CatalogExport). Also, the conditions that affect when a particular schema is used, such as whether a response communicates success or failure, or schema choice that depends on a transport property setting, are noted where they are appropriate.

Commerce Server 2009 system schema

(default version)

Adapter message types


  • OrdersAcceptBasket messages

  • OrdersAcceptBasketResponse messages that indicate success, when Save Baskets As POs = False

  • OrdersExport messages

  • OrdersQueryResponse messages that indicate success


  • CatalogExport messages

  • CatalogImport messages

  • CatalogImportResponse messages that indicate success

  • CatalogQueryResponse messages that indicate failure

  • CatalogQueryResponse messages that indicate success


  • InventoryExport messages

  • InventoryImport messages

  • InventoryImportResponse messages that indicate success

  • InventoryQueryResponse messages that indicate failure

  • InventoryQueryResponse messages that indicate success


  • OrdersExport messages

  • OrdersQueryResponse messages that indicate failure

  • OrdersQueryResponse messages that indicate success


  • ProfilesExport messages

  • ProfilesImport messages

  • ProfilesUpdate messages


  • OrdersAcceptBasketResponse messages that indicate success, when Save Baskets As POs = True

  • OrdersExport messages

  • OrdersQueryResponse messages indicating success

  • OrdersSavePurchaseOrder messages

Commerce Server Adapter Schemas

Some messages that are generated by the Commerce Server 2009 adapters do not include XML representations of data that originates in the Commerce Server 2009 systems with which they interact. These messages still have message bodies, and the Commerce Server 2009 adapters SDK includes the schemas that describe these message bodies. If your Commerce Server 2009 adapter solution involves validating or otherwise examining any of these messages within BizTalk Server, you must deploy the corresponding adapter schemas to the BizTalk application in which the Commerce Server 2009 adapters reside. The BizTalk project that is included in the adapters SDK includes these schemas. Unlike the Commerce Server 2009 system schemas, the adapter schemas will not change as you modify the schemas associated with the various Commerce Server 2009 systems. Therefore, if you decide to deploy one or more of the adapter schemas to your BizTalk application, you will only have to deploy them one time. For more information about the adapter SDK, see BizTalk Adapters SDK.

The following table shows the Commerce Server 2009 adapter schemas, included in the adapters SDK, that are used by various adapter messages.


For readability, the common and leading string "CommerceServer" has been left off the adapter message strings in the following table (for example, the message type CommerceServerCatalogExport is listed as CatalogExport). Also, the conditions that affect when a particular schema is used, such as whether a response communicates success or failure, or schema choice that depends on a transport property setting, are noted where they are appropriate.

Commerce Server 2009 adapter schema

Adapter message types


  • CatalogQuery messages


  • CatalogImportResponse messages that indicate failure


  • ProfilesImportResponse messages that indicate failure

  • ProfilesUpdateResponse messages that indicate failure


  • InventoryQuery messages


  • InventoryImportResponse messages that indicate failure


  • OrdersAcceptBasketResponse messages that indicate failure


  • OrdersQuery messages


  • Orders search expression schema


  • OrdersSavePurchaseOrderResponse messages that indicate success or failure


  • OrdersUpdateOrderProperties messages


  • ProfilesDelete messages


  • ProfilesDeleteResponse messages that indicate success or failure


  • ProfilesImportResponse messages that indicate success


  • ProfilesQuery messages


  • Profies search expression schema


  • ProfilesQueryResponse messages that indicate success or failure


  • ProfilesUpdateResponse messages that indicate success


  • OrdersUpdateOrderPropertiesResponse messages that indicate success or failure

See Also

Other Resources

Adapter Message Types

Generating and Using the XSD Files Required by Different Commerce Server Systems

BizTalk Adapters SDK

BizTalk Adapter Concepts