
Staging Performance Counters

The following table describes the staging performance counters that you should monitor for data that relates to the staging service. You can use the results of these performance counters to analyze transmission information. You can use the number and rate of sent or received bytes, events, and files to make sure that your site is performing as expected.

You can find these counters in Microsoft Windows Server System Monitor. The System Monitor organizes performance counters by performance object. You should monitor your site by using performance counters and view the results collectively.

Commerce Server Staging

Counter name


Active Threads Total

The total number of currently active threads.

API Calls Total

The total number of API calls since the service started.

API Calls/sec

The number of API calls per second.

Bytes Received Total

The total number of bytes received.

Bytes Received/sec

The rate that bytes are received.

Bytes Sent Total

The total number of bytes sent.

Bytes Sent/sec

The rate that bytes are sent.

Bytes Total

The combination of bytes sent and bytes received.

Bytes Total/sec

The rate that bytes are sent and received.

Connections Current

The current number of incoming and outgoing socket connections.

Connections Total

The total number of incoming and outgoing socket connections that have been established since the service started.

Current Replications Total

The total number of replications currently running.

Directory Change Notifications

The number of directory-change notifications since the service started.

Directory Change Notifications/sec

The number of directory-change notifications per second.

Events Logged Total

The total number of events logged.

Events Logged/sec

The rate that events are logged.

Files Deleted Total

The total number of files deleted.

Files Deleted/sec

The rate that files were deleted.

Files Received Total

The total number of files received.

Files Received/sec

The rate that files were received.

Files Sent Total

The total number of files sent.

Files Sent/sec

The rate that files were sent.

Maximum Concurrent Replications

The maximum number of concurrently running replications that occurred.

Privileged API Calls Total

The total number of privileged API calls since the service started.

Privileged API Calls/sec

The number of privileged API calls per second.


The number of retransmits since the service started.


The number of retransmits per second.

SHA Hash Calculations Total

The total number of SHA Hash calculations.

SHA Hash Calculations/sec

The rate that SHA Hash calculations are made.

Threads Total

The total number of threads.

Transaction Applies Total

The total number of replication transaction applications.

Transaction Applies/sec

The current rate of replication transaction applications.

Transmits Total

The total number of transmit operations.


The rate at which transmit operations are being performed.

See Also

Other Resources

Monitoring Performance Counters

How to View Commerce Server Performance Counters

Commerce Server Performance Counters