complex<long double>
將告訴您儲存已排序的成對的物件這兩種類型的物件long double、 第一次表示複合的數字和第二個真實的部分表示假想的部分。
class complex<long double> {
long double _RealVal = 0,
long double _ImagVal = 0
const complex<long double>& _ComplexNum
// rest same as template class complex
型別的值long double所建構的複數假想的一部份。_ComplexNum
型別的複數雙精度浮點或型別的浮點數的實際和虛構的部分用來初始化型別的複數long double所建構。
型別的複數long double。
明確特製化樣板類別至複雜型別的類別複雜的long double差別只在其所定義的建構函式樣板類別。 從轉換long double到浮點數不可為隱含的但從轉換雙到long double都必須是明確。 使用明確規則出初始化時使用指派語法的型別轉換。
如需有關該樣板類別complex,請參閱complex Class。 為一系列的樣板類別成員complex,請參閱複雜的成員。
// complex_comp_ld.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
int main( )
using namespace std;
double pi = 3.14159265359;
// The first constructor specifies real & imaginary parts
complex <long double> c1 ( 4.0 , 5.0 );
cout << "Specifying initial real & imaginary parts,\n"
<< " as type float gives c1 = " << c1 << endl;
// The second constructor initializes values of the real &
// imaginary parts using those of complex number of type float
complex <float> c2float ( 1.0 , 3.0 );
complex <long double> c2longdouble ( c2float );
cout << "Implicit conversion from type float to type long double,"
<< "\n gives c2longdouble = " << c2longdouble << endl;
// The third constructor initializes values of the real &
// imaginary parts using those of a complex number
// of type double
complex <double> c3double ( 3.0 , 4.0 );
complex <long double> c3longdouble ( c3double );
cout << "Implicit conversion from type long double to type float,"
<< "\n gives c3longdouble = " << c3longdouble << endl;
// The modulus and argument of a complex number can be recovered
double absc3 = abs ( c3longdouble );
double argc3 = arg ( c3longdouble );
cout << "The modulus of c3 is recovered from c3 using: abs ( c3 ) = "
<< absc3 << endl;
cout << "Argument of c3 is recovered from c3 using:\n arg ( c3 ) = "
<< argc3 << " radians, which is " << argc3 * 180 / pi
<< " degrees." << endl;
標頭: <complex>
Namespace: 標準