Method-Based Query Syntax Examples: Aggregate Operators (LINQ to Entities)
The examples in this topic demonstrate how to use the Aggregate, Average, Count, LongCount, Max, Min, and Sum methods to query the AdventureWorks Sales Model using method-based query syntax. The AdventureWorks Sales Model used in these examples is built from the Contact, Address, Product, SalesOrderHeader, and SalesOrderDetail tables in the AdventureWorks sample database.
The examples in this topic use the following using/Imports statements:
Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Imports L2EExamplesVB.AdventureWorksModel
Imports System.Data.Objects
Imports System.Globalization
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Data.Objects;
using AdventureWorksModel;
using System.Globalization;
For more information, see How to: Create a LINQ to Entities Project in Visual Studio.
The following example uses the Average method to find the average list price of the products.
Using AWEntities As New AdventureWorksEntities
Dim products As ObjectQuery(Of Product) = AWEntities.Product
Dim averageListPrice As Decimal = _
products.Average(Function(prod) prod.ListPrice)
Console.WriteLine("The average list price of all the products is ${0}", _
End Using
using (AdventureWorksEntities AWEntities = new AdventureWorksEntities())
ObjectQuery<Product> products = AWEntities.Product;
Decimal averageListPrice =
products.Average(product => product.ListPrice);
Console.WriteLine("The average list price of all the products is ${0}",
The following example uses the Average method to find the average list price of the products of each style.
Using AWEntities As New AdventureWorksEntities
Dim products As ObjectQuery(Of Product) = AWEntities.Product
Dim query = _
From prod In products _
Let styl = prod.Style _
Group prod By styl Into g = Group _
Select New With _
{ _
.Style = styl, _
.AverageListPrice = g.Average(Function(p) p.ListPrice) _
For Each prod In query
Console.WriteLine("Product style: {0} Average list price: {1}", _
prod.Style, prod.AverageListPrice)
End Using
using (AdventureWorksEntities AWEntities = new AdventureWorksEntities())
ObjectQuery<Product> products = AWEntities.Product;
var query = from product in products
group product by product.Style into g
select new
Style = g.Key,
AverageListPrice =
g.Average(product => product.ListPrice)
foreach (var product in query)
Console.WriteLine("Product style: {0} Average list price: {1}",
product.Style, product.AverageListPrice);
The following example uses the Average method to find the average total due.
Using AWEntities As New AdventureWorksEntities
Dim orders As ObjectQuery(Of SalesOrderHeader) = AWEntities.SalesOrderHeader
Dim averageTotalDue As Decimal = _
orders.Average(Function(ord) ord.TotalDue)
Console.WriteLine("The average TotalDue is {0}.", averageTotalDue)
End Using
using (AdventureWorksEntities AWEntities = new AdventureWorksEntities())
ObjectQuery<SalesOrderHeader> orders = AWEntities.SalesOrderHeader;
Decimal averageTotalDue = orders.Average(order => order.TotalDue);
Console.WriteLine("The average TotalDue is {0}.", averageTotalDue);
The following example uses the Average method to get the average total due for each contact ID.
Using AWEntities As New AdventureWorksEntities
Dim orders As ObjectQuery(Of SalesOrderHeader) = AWEntities.SalesOrderHeader
Dim query = _
From ord In orders _
Let contID = ord.Contact.ContactID _
Group ord By contID Into g = Group _
Select New With _
{ _
.Category = contID, _
.averageTotalDue = _
g.Average(Function(ord) ord.TotalDue) _
For Each ord In query
Console.WriteLine("ContactID = {0} " & vbTab & _
" Average TotalDue = {1}", _
ord.Category, ord.averageTotalDue)
End Using
using (AdventureWorksEntities AWEntities = new AdventureWorksEntities())
ObjectQuery<SalesOrderHeader> orders = AWEntities.SalesOrderHeader;
var query =
from order in orders
group order by order.Contact.ContactID into g
select new
Category = g.Key,
averageTotalDue = g.Average(order => order.TotalDue)
foreach (var order in query)
Console.WriteLine("ContactID = {0} \t Average TotalDue = {1}",
order.Category, order.averageTotalDue);
The following example uses the Average method to get the orders with the average total due for each contact.
Using AWEntities As New AdventureWorksEntities
Dim orders As ObjectQuery(Of SalesOrderHeader) = AWEntities.SalesOrderHeader
Dim query = _
From ord In orders _
Let contID = ord.Contact.ContactID _
Group ord By contID Into g = Group _
Let averageTotalDue = g.Average(Function(ord) ord.TotalDue) _
Select New With _
{ _
.Category = contID, _
.CheapestProducts = _
g.Where(Function(ord) ord.TotalDue = averageTotalDue) _
For Each orderGroup In query
Console.WriteLine("ContactID: {0}", orderGroup.Category)
For Each ord In orderGroup.CheapestProducts
Console.WriteLine("Average total due for SalesOrderID {1} is: {0}", _
ord.TotalDue, ord.SalesOrderID)
End Using
using (AdventureWorksEntities AWEntities = new AdventureWorksEntities())
ObjectQuery<SalesOrderHeader> orders = AWEntities.SalesOrderHeader;
var query =
from order in orders
group order by order.Contact.ContactID into g
let averageTotalDue = g.Average(order => order.TotalDue)
select new
Category = g.Key,
CheapestProducts =
g.Where(order => order.TotalDue == averageTotalDue)
foreach (var orderGroup in query)
Console.WriteLine("ContactID: {0}", orderGroup.Category);
foreach (var order in orderGroup.CheapestProducts)
Console.WriteLine("Average total due for SalesOrderID {1} is: {0}",
order.TotalDue, order.SalesOrderID);
The following example uses the Count method to return the number of products in the Product table.
Using AWEntities As New AdventureWorksEntities
Dim products As ObjectQuery(Of Product) = AWEntities.Product
Dim numProducts As Integer = products.Count()
Console.WriteLine("There are {0} products.", numProducts)
End Using
using (AdventureWorksEntities AWEntities = new AdventureWorksEntities())
ObjectQuery<Product> products = AWEntities.Product;
int numProducts = products.Count();
Console.WriteLine("There are {0} products.", numProducts);
The following example uses the Count method to return a list of contact IDs and how many orders each has.
Using AWEntities As New AdventureWorksEntities
Dim contacts As ObjectQuery(Of Contact) = AWEntities.Contact
Dim query = _
From cont In contacts _
Select New With _
{ _
.CustomerID = cont.ContactID, _
.OrderCount = cont.SalesOrderHeader.Count() _
For Each cont In query
Console.WriteLine("CustomerID = {0} OrderCount = {1}", _
cont.CustomerID, cont.OrderCount)
End Using
using (AdventureWorksEntities AWEntities = new AdventureWorksEntities())
ObjectQuery<Contact> contacts = AWEntities.Contact;
//Can't find field SalesOrderContact
var query =
from contact in contacts
select new
CustomerID = contact.ContactID,
OrderCount = contact.SalesOrderHeader.Count()
foreach (var contact in query)
Console.WriteLine("CustomerID = {0} \t OrderCount = {1}",
The following example groups products by color and uses the Count method to return the number of products in each color group.
Using AWEntities As New AdventureWorksEntities
Dim products As ObjectQuery(Of Product) = AWEntities.Product
Dim query = _
From prod In products _
Let pc = prod.Color _
Group prod By pc Into g = Group _
Select New With {.Color = pc, .ProductCount = g.Count()}
For Each prod In query
Console.WriteLine("Color = {0} " & vbTab & " ProductCount = {1}", _
prod.Color, prod.ProductCount)
End Using
using (AdventureWorksEntities AWEntities = new AdventureWorksEntities())
ObjectQuery<Product> products = AWEntities.Product;
var query =
from product in products
group product by product.Color into g
select new { Color = g.Key, ProductCount = g.Count() };
foreach (var product in query)
Console.WriteLine("Color = {0} \t ProductCount = {1}",
The following example gets the contact count as a long integer.
Using AWEntities As New AdventureWorksEntities
Dim contacts As ObjectQuery(Of Contact) = AWEntities.Contact
Dim numberOfContacts As Long = contacts.LongCount()
Console.WriteLine("There are {0} Contacts", numberOfContacts)
End Using
using (AdventureWorksEntities AWEntities = new AdventureWorksEntities())
ObjectQuery<Contact> contacts = AWEntities.Contact;
long numberOfContacts = contacts.LongCount();
Console.WriteLine("There are {0} Contacts", numberOfContacts);
The following example uses the Max method to get the largest total due.
Using AWEntities As New AdventureWorksEntities
Dim orders As ObjectQuery(Of SalesOrderHeader) = AWEntities.SalesOrderHeader
Dim maxTotalDue As Decimal = _
orders.Max(Function(ord) ord.TotalDue)
Console.WriteLine("The maximum TotalDue is {0}.", maxTotalDue)
End Using
using (AdventureWorksEntities AWEntities = new AdventureWorksEntities())
ObjectQuery<SalesOrderHeader> orders = AWEntities.SalesOrderHeader;
Decimal maxTotalDue = orders.Max(w => w.TotalDue);
Console.WriteLine("The maximum TotalDue is {0}.",
The following example uses the Max method to get the largest total due for each contact ID.
Using AWEntities As New AdventureWorksEntities
Dim orders As ObjectQuery(Of SalesOrderHeader) = AWEntities.SalesOrderHeader
Dim query = _
From ord In orders _
Let contID = ord.Contact.ContactID _
Group ord By contID Into g = Group _
Select New With _
{ _
.Category = contID, _
.MaxTotalDue = _
g.Max(Function(ord) ord.TotalDue) _
For Each ord In query
Console.WriteLine("ContactID = {0} " & vbTab & _
" Maximum TotalDue = {1}", _
ord.Category, ord.MaxTotalDue)
End Using
using (AdventureWorksEntities AWEntities = new AdventureWorksEntities())
ObjectQuery<SalesOrderHeader> orders = AWEntities.SalesOrderHeader;
var query =
from order in orders
group order by order.Contact.ContactID into g
select new
Category = g.Key,
maxTotalDue =
g.Max(order => order.TotalDue)
foreach (var order in query)
Console.WriteLine("ContactID = {0} \t Maximum TotalDue = {1}",
order.Category, order.maxTotalDue);
The following example uses the Max method to get the orders with the largest total due for each contact ID.
Using AWEntities As New AdventureWorksEntities
Dim orders As ObjectQuery(Of SalesOrderHeader) = AWEntities.SalesOrderHeader
Dim query = _
From ord In orders _
Let contID = ord.Contact.ContactID _
Group ord By contID Into g = Group _
Let maxTotalDue = g.Max(Function(ord) ord.TotalDue) _
Select New With _
{ _
.Category = contID, _
.CheapestProducts = _
g.Where(Function(ord) ord.TotalDue = maxTotalDue) _
For Each orderGroup In query
Console.WriteLine("ContactID: {0}", orderGroup.Category)
For Each ord In orderGroup.CheapestProducts
Console.WriteLine("MaxTotalDue {0} for SalesOrderID {1}: ", _
ord.TotalDue, ord.SalesOrderID)
End Using
using (AdventureWorksEntities AWEntities = new AdventureWorksEntities())
ObjectQuery<SalesOrderHeader> orders = AWEntities.SalesOrderHeader;
var query =
from order in orders
group order by order.Contact.ContactID into g
let maxTotalDue = g.Max(order => order.TotalDue)
select new
Category = g.Key,
CheapestProducts =
g.Where(order => order.TotalDue == maxTotalDue)
foreach (var orderGroup in query)
Console.WriteLine("ContactID: {0}", orderGroup.Category);
foreach (var order in orderGroup.CheapestProducts)
Console.WriteLine("MaxTotalDue {0} for SalesOrderID {1}: ",
The following example uses the Min method to get the smallest total due.
Using AWEntities As New AdventureWorksEntities
Dim orders As ObjectQuery(Of SalesOrderHeader) = AWEntities.SalesOrderHeader
Dim smallestTotalDue As Decimal = _
orders.Min(Function(totDue) totDue.TotalDue)
Console.WriteLine("The smallest TotalDue is {0}.", _
End Using
using (AdventureWorksEntities AWEntities = new AdventureWorksEntities())
ObjectQuery<SalesOrderHeader> orders = AWEntities.SalesOrderHeader;
Decimal smallestTotalDue = orders.Min(totalDue => totalDue.TotalDue);
Console.WriteLine("The smallest TotalDue is {0}.",
The following example uses the Min method to get the smallest total due for each contact ID.
Using AWEntities As New AdventureWorksEntities
Dim orders As ObjectQuery(Of SalesOrderHeader) = AWEntities.SalesOrderHeader
Dim query = _
From ord In orders _
Let contID = ord.Contact.ContactID _
Group ord By contID Into g = Group _
Select New With _
{ _
.Category = contID, _
.smallestTotalDue = _
g.Min(Function(o) o.TotalDue) _
For Each ord In query
Console.WriteLine("ContactID = {0} " & vbTab & _
" Minimum TotalDue = {1}", ord.Category, ord.smallestTotalDue)
End Using
using (AdventureWorksEntities AWEntities = new AdventureWorksEntities())
ObjectQuery<SalesOrderHeader> orders = AWEntities.SalesOrderHeader;
var query =
from order in orders
group order by order.Contact.ContactID into g
select new
Category = g.Key,
smallestTotalDue =
g.Min(order => order.TotalDue)
foreach (var order in query)
Console.WriteLine("ContactID = {0} \t Minimum TotalDue = {1}",
order.Category, order.smallestTotalDue);
The following example uses the Min method to get the orders with the smallest total due for each contact.
Using AWEntities As New AdventureWorksEntities
Dim orders As ObjectQuery(Of SalesOrderHeader) = AWEntities.SalesOrderHeader
Dim query = _
From ord In orders _
Let contID = ord.Contact.ContactID _
Group ord By contID Into g = Group _
Let minTotalDue = g.Min(Function(o) o.TotalDue) _
Select New With _
{ _
.Category = contID, _
.smallestTotalDue = _
g.Where(Function(o) o.TotalDue = minTotalDue) _
For Each orderGroup In query
Console.WriteLine("ContactID: {0}", orderGroup.Category)
For Each ord In orderGroup.smallestTotalDue
Console.WriteLine("Mininum TotalDue {0} for SalesOrderID {1}: ", _
ord.TotalDue, ord.SalesOrderID)
End Using
using (AdventureWorksEntities AWEntities = new AdventureWorksEntities())
ObjectQuery<SalesOrderHeader> orders = AWEntities.SalesOrderHeader;
var query =
from order in orders
group order by order.Contact.ContactID into g
let minTotalDue = g.Min(order => order.TotalDue)
select new
Category = g.Key,
smallestTotalDue =
g.Where(order => order.TotalDue == minTotalDue)
foreach (var orderGroup in query)
Console.WriteLine("ContactID: {0}", orderGroup.Category);
foreach (var order in orderGroup.smallestTotalDue)
Console.WriteLine("Mininum TotalDue {0} for SalesOrderID {1}: ",
The following example uses the Sum method to get the total number of order quantities in the SalesOrderDetail table.
Using AWEntities As New AdventureWorksEntities
Dim orders As ObjectQuery(Of SalesOrderDetail) = AWEntities.SalesOrderDetail
Dim totalOrderQty As Double = orders.Sum(Function(o) o.OrderQty)
Console.WriteLine("There are a total of {0} OrderQty.", _
End Using
using (AdventureWorksEntities AWEntities = new AdventureWorksEntities())
ObjectQuery<SalesOrderDetail> orders = AWEntities.SalesOrderDetail;
double totalOrderQty = orders.Sum(o => o.OrderQty);
Console.WriteLine("There are a total of {0} OrderQty.",
The following example uses the Sum method to get the total due for each contact ID.
Using AWEntities As New AdventureWorksEntities
Dim orders As ObjectQuery(Of SalesOrderHeader) = AWEntities.SalesOrderHeader
Dim query = _
From ord In orders _
Let contID = ord.Contact.ContactID _
Group ord By contID Into g = Group _
Select New With _
{ _
.Category = contID, _
.TotalDue = g.Sum(Function(o) o.TotalDue) _
For Each ord In query
Console.WriteLine("ContactID = {0} " & vbTab & _
" TotalDue sum = {1}", ord.Category, ord.TotalDue)
End Using
using (AdventureWorksEntities AWEntities = new AdventureWorksEntities())
ObjectQuery<SalesOrderHeader> orders = AWEntities.SalesOrderHeader;
var query =
from order in orders
group order by order.Contact.ContactID into g
select new
Category = g.Key,
TotalDue = g.Sum(order => order.TotalDue)
foreach (var order in query)
Console.WriteLine("ContactID = {0} \t TotalDue sum = {1}",
order.Category, order.TotalDue);