


The MAPINAMEID structure is used to describe the name of a named property.


For more information on MAPI named properties, see this Microsoft Web site.


struct {
   LPGUID lpguid;
   ULONG ulKind;
   Union {
     LONG  lID;
     LPWSTR lpwstrName;
   } Kind;


  • lpguid
    Pointer to a GUID structure that specifies which Property Set the named property belongs to. The only valid value is PS_MAPI., and cannot be NULL.
  • ulKind
    Specifies which format to use for the property name: either numeric (Property Tag) or string (property tag constants as defined in the Mapitags.h header file). Its value specifies the type of object contained in the Kind union. Valid values are as follows:

    • MNID_ID
      The Kind member contains the property name formatted as a numeric Property Tag. Value = 0.
      The Kind member contains the property name formatted as a Unicode character string. Value = 1.
  • Kind
    Contains the name of the named property, as either an integer value in lID, or a Unicode character string in lpwstrName.


Named properties are those MAPI properties within PS_MAPI property set, with Property IDs in the range 0x8000 - 0xFFFE.

The complete set of Property Tags are defined in the Mapitags.h header file.

Named properties enable clients to define custom properties in a larger name space than is available in the MAPI-defined property identifier range.

Property names cannot be used to obtain property values directly; they must first be mapped to property identifiers through the IMAPIProp::GetIDsFromNames method. For particular objects such as message objects, MAPI reserves a range of property identifiers for custom properties. For these objects, clients need not use named properties, and can save the associated overhead.


Header mapidefs.h
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 3.0 and later
Windows Mobile Pocket PC 2002 and later, Smartphone 2002 and later

See Also


MAPI Structures

Other Resources
