

本主題中的程式碼會定義 Student 類別 (Class),並建立該類別的執行個體 (Instance) 清單。 這份清單旨在支援逐步解說:在 Visual Basic 中撰寫查詢主題。 但也適用於任何需要物件清單的應用程式。 這個程式碼會使用物件初始設定式來定義學生清單中的項目。


如果您正在使用逐步解說,可以將這個程式碼用在該處建立之專案的 Module1.vb 檔案中。 只要將 Main 方法中標有 **** 的行,取代為逐步解說中提供的查詢及查詢執行即可。

Module Module1

    Sub Main()
        ' Create a list of students. 
        Dim students = GetStudents()
        ' Display the names in the list.
        ' ****Paste query and query execution code from the walkthrough, 
        ' ****or any code of your own, here in Main.
    End Sub 

    ' Call DisplayList to see the names of the students in the list. 
    ' You can expand this method to see other student properties. 
    Sub DisplayList(ByVal studentCol As IEnumerable(Of Student))
        For Each st As Student In studentCol
            Console.WriteLine("First Name: " & st.First)
            Console.WriteLine(" Last Name: " & st.Last)
    End Sub 

    ' Function GetStudents returns a list of Student objects. 
    Function GetStudents() As IEnumerable(Of Student)
        Return New List(Of Student) From
             New Student("Michael", "Tucker", "Junior", 10),
             New Student("Svetlana", "Omelchenko", "Senior", 2),
             New Student("Michiko", "Osada", "Senior", 7),
             New Student("Sven", "Mortensen", "Freshman", 53),
             New Student("Hugo", "Garcia", "Junior", 16),
             New Student("Cesar", "Garcia", "Freshman", 4),
             New Student("Fadi", "Fakhouri", "Senior", 72),
             New Student("Hanying", "Feng", "Senior", 11),
             New Student("Debra", "Garcia", "Junior", 41),
             New Student("Lance", "Tucker", "Junior", 60),
             New Student("Terry", "Adams", "Senior", 6)
    End Function 

    ' Each student has a first name, a last name, a class year, and  
    ' a rank that indicates academic ranking in the student body. 
    Public Class Student
        Public Property First As String 
        Public Property Last As String 
        Public Property Year As String 
        Public Property Rank As Integer 

        Public Sub New()

        End Sub 

        Public Sub New(ByVal firstName As String,
                       ByVal lastName As String,
                       ByVal studentYear As String,
                       ByVal studentRank As Integer)
            First = firstName
            Last = lastName
            Year = studentYear
            Rank = studentRank
        End Sub 
    End Class 
End Module



逐步解說:在 Visual Basic 中撰寫查詢


物件初始設定式:具名和匿名類型 (Visual Basic)

Visual Basic 中的 LINQ 簡介


影片 HOW TO:在 Visual Basic 中撰寫查詢

使用 Visual Basic 撰寫 LINQ 入門

Visual Basic 中的 LINQ

查詢 (Visual Basic)